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Imran Khan calls meeting of Police Committee

Means any shareef shehri could also contest election f...................
Nops, not everyone
I no one particular sharif who cannot even contest Counselor elections :D :P
سب سے پہلے پولیس کے ہاتھ اور زبان کو کنٹرول کیا جائے۔ جب بھی پولیس ہاتھ چلاتی ہے کسی غریب پر تشدد ہوتا ہے جب بھی منہ کھولتی ہے مغلضات کا طوفان ابلتا ہے ۔
The kind of facilities they are given it can't be done
The kind of facilities they are given it can't be done
تو بھائی چھوڑ دیں نوکری دفع ہو جائیں اگر انکو اتنی تکلیف ہے ۔ اگر ملک غریب ہو تو پولیس کا حق بن گیا بدمعاشی چوری کرپشن مارپیٹ گالیوں کا ۔ حضرت آپ بھی جب سے تھانے گئے ہیں عجیب منطق پیش کر رہےہیں ۔ جن ملکوں کی پولیس غریب ہے وہاں پر یہی ضابطے ہیں کیا ؟

Once the rank is changed from a "policeman" to a "police Officer"---things will start to look better---.

I was talking to a Highway Police Officer a few months ago here in california---.

I asked him about his boot camp training when he was taken in as a cadet---. He stated it was the toughest---just like the US marines.

The current 10th grade policemen should be merged into rangers---and a new cadre of recruits should be taken in who had atleast 12th grade or 14th grade of education.

Everyone should start at the bottom---. No more public service commission or direct officer appointment.

In the UK an ordinary constable can become cheif constable by climbing the promotional ladder.
تو بھائی چھوڑ دیں نوکری دفع ہو جائیں اگر انکو اتنی تکلیف ہے ۔ اگر ملک غریب ہو تو پولیس کا حق بن گیا بدمعاشی چوری کرپشن مارپیٹ گالیوں کا ۔ حضرت آپ بھی جب سے تھانے گئے ہیں عجیب منطق پیش کر رہےہیں ۔ جن ملکوں کی پولیس غریب ہے وہاں پر یہی ضابطے ہیں کیا ؟
No human can work in that conditions and perform. Yes I have been to Thana and sorry I have seen How fuc#ed up situation is and I have seen How big disaster it's and that is why I am saying to you without providing facilities you can't improve the situation. Any normal human after wearing full gear travelling in that no AC Dala sitting in no AC office where there is not even UPS if light goes fan can still run. Weapons are ancient 14 hours duty time not even a single holiday in a week. Sorry after these no human can remain stable
In the UK an ordinary constable can become cheif constable by climbing the promotional ladder.
My brother is a police officer in South Yorkshire Constabulary. He is a law graduate from University of Sheffield - which belongs to the Russel group. Yet he has to go on the 'frontline' like rest of his comrades. Although these days many of them are also graduates. This is good for police morale and also means the senior ranks are aware from experiance what it is like on the ground.
Does anybody have payscale of Pakistan constable/police officers?
Does anybody have payscale of Pakistan constable/police officers?
Rank BPS Scale
Constable 05
Head Constable 07
Asst. Sub Inspector 09
Sub Inspector 14
------------------Tactical Rank-----------------------------------------
Station House Off/Inspector 16
Asst. Super of Police/ Dept Super 17
------------------Strategic Rank---------------------------------------
Superintendent of Police 18
Senior Super Police/Asst. Insp Gen 19 (Administrative Rank)
Deputy Insp Gen/DPO/RPO/CPO 20
Additional Insp General/CCPO 21
Inspector General 22 (Ex Forces Grade 21: Min Major Rank)

Please be advised this list does not include any local discretionary TADA/Housing Allowances or increments.
No human can work in that conditions and perform. Yes I have been to Thana and sorry I have seen How fuc#ed up situation is and I have seen How big disaster it's and that is why I am saying to you without providing facilities you can't improve the situation. Any normal human after wearing full gear travelling in that no AC Dala sitting in no AC office where there is not even UPS if light goes fan can still run. Weapons are ancient 14 hours duty time not even a single holiday in a week. Sorry after these no human can remain stable
no one force them to join this force sir . our situation is this take it or leave it . but with these excuses you can not say they have right of looting abusing killing insulting people . police force is not must. they can resign and next day go home . with your logic any department whom have no AC no UPS should start looting us ? in fact 80% Pakistanis have no AC no UPS .
I think Zarvan is working in Punjab police dept

no one force them to join this force sir . our situation is this take it or leave it . but with these excuses you can not say they have right of looting abusing killing insulting people . police force is not must. they can resign and next day go home . with your logic any department whom have no AC no UPS should start looting us ? in fact 80% Pakistanis have no AC no UPS .
who is the new National Security Advisor?
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