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Imran Khan Announces to give Pak Citizenship to Afghan Refugees

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All the deadly attacks we encoutered in Pakistan had its origin from afghanistan. All the aghanis,they don't recognise pakistan as a good state they hate pakistan and have zero harmony with punjabi people. They don't affiliate themselved with Pakistan and even say that "Pakistan aik ehsaan faramosh mulk hai". Whenever they get the chance they leave Pakistan for foreign citizenship or any other oppurtunity if given to them but still malign pakistan. They immigrated to Pakistan not for love of this country but for personal interst as their country was in a state of war. Still they don't consider or recognise Pakistan as a friendly or kind state even the government of afghanistan does not recognise all the good gestures that Pakistan has done to it though we are accomodating these assholes for 40 years and all those reminding us of the meaning of Pakistan should recall all the attrocities due to bomb blast and suicide attacks since we started accomodating afghanis and the children of APS and charsada university.
bhai no need to cross he just drop few boms on kahuta and khushab hamara kam ho jay ga

Either kick them out ( u cant) or adopt them...

Believe me I m no supporter of khan ( if u go through my pre election posts) but he is right here...

But also need to make sure to finish that fencing otherwise whole Afghanistan will b sitting here

Status quo is not acceptable
bhai no need to cross he just drop few boms on kahuta and khushab hamara kam ho jay ga

I have no trust at all on Refugees or Afghans....Once they acquire citizenship, they'll reach to the top and screw us at behest of their original country.

Imran and others really needs to think about it. Afghans have already proved why we should not trust them at all.
@Arsalan @Indus Pakistan @war&peace will you guys still wait for 6 months and then criticize him? Legalize Afghanis really? Whats worst next legalize TTP??


Sad you are making so much noise.
@BHarwana do you know why Imran said that he kept interior ministry to himself for this reason? Can he just give citizenship to them without going through parliament, senate?

I honestly doubt Sindh and Balochistan will take any of this shit from taliban khan.

I am not a patwari bro you are not getting any support in you propaganda from me. He cannot move the bill without parliament that is a reality it has nothing to do with interior ministry. I know PMLN wants to cash every issue so hold your horses this is not that breaking point.
As long as Americans are sitting in Afghanistan, forget about good relations b/w Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Americans are there for a reason.

We did so much to appease Afghans and what did we get? I really hope this decision of Khan must be reviewed again and again. I don't want potential moles of potential enemy under guise of Pakistani citizenship.

And when relations go bad with Afghanistan then we'll hear a naturalized Afghan pilot manage to take control of fighter jet and tried to take plane to Afghanistan....Rashid Minhas, ring any bells?

There are risks to taking them in or throwing them out. Vetting should be done to prevent giving known enemies of Pakistan citizenship, because Pakistan has open borders, and it is better to assimilate them then to let the status quo continue. They live in our cities, and fake IDs are possible to obtain.

Long term; once Afghanistan settles down under some peace agreement, I want Afghan businesses to start in Pakistan, have preferential links to Pakistan. Afghan Businessmen opening factories and processing centers in Peshawar and Quetta, as it is more stable then Kandahar or Kabul. Afghan minerals can be processed there for onward export. We need to leverage our stability to form a lasting regional order. Assimilating what would end up being only 1-2% more in population can pay off dividends when peace comes to Afghanistan.

As far as the current War is concerned, Getting these "Afghan Refugees" to agitate for peace on Pakistan's Terms can also help out.
Can he just give citizenship to them without going through parliament, senate?

I don't think he can....is there anything like executive order in Pakistan btw?
Giving nationality to illegal immigrants would provide them an incentive to migrate more to Pakistan. We are already facing a population explosion and high unemployment rate. We MUST get rid of all illegal immigrants.

There must be a very clear policy on allowing immigration to or giving nationality to foreign nationals. Either they should be highly skilled in the fields that we don't have in Pakistan or they should invest a minimum of 20 million dollars employing a minimum of 20 Pakistanis to get immigration.

Please don't turn Pakistan in to an orphanage of all back-stabbing nationalities.

Bad move Imran Khan. You are not authorised to make such decisions without getting approval from National Assembly.

Exactly...No wonder Afghan spit on our faces.

Khan needs to stop this bullshit.

@FuturePAF ....Just because something happened in past doesn't mean it can/should happen now too.

Situations and complexities are/can be different in each scenario....We have now smart enemies/games.
Exactly...No wonder Afghan spit on our faces.

Khan needs to stop this bullshit.

@FuturePAF ....Just because something happened in past doesn't mean it can/should happen now too.

Situations and complexities are/can be different in each scenario....We have now smart enemies/games.

Bro can you tell me why Imran khan is bringing up this at this point anyway? Is there some upcoming court case or action etc? Or was it in campaign portfolio etc?
I am not a patwari bro you are not getting any support in you propaganda from me. He cannot move the bill without parliament that is a reality it has nothing to do with interior ministry. I know PMLN wants to cash every issue so hold your horses this is not that breaking point.

Think beyond party lines for once.
Don’t get carried away....discuss it like a normal human being. There is no official announcement. Let’s wait until Fawad Chaudhry given an explaination.

These are always two sides of any discussion. What if today Britain announce that we are going to deport all illegal that came to UK since 1980 including their children’s and grandchildren (even if they were born in UK), how many of you will protest?

If and when IK Government decided take this step, I am sure he will take, NA, Senate and opposition opinion before making the final decision. I do agree with other members that there has to be some criteria, not just open to everyone.
Amnesty process should include issuing them residents card which will give us a better understanding of how many total Afghans living in Pakistan. Also same can be done with Bengali, Burmese, Nepali, Uzbek, Tajik and any other Nationalities living in Pakistan.
There are risks to taking them in or throwing them out. Vetting should be done to prevent giving known enemies of Pakistan citizenship, because Pakistan has open borders, and it is better to assimilate them then to let the status quo continue. They live in our cities, and fake IDs are possible to obtain.

Long term; once Afghanistan settles down under some peace agreement, I want Afghan businesses to start in Pakistan, have preferential links to Pakistan. Afghan Businessmen opening factories and processing centers in Peshawar and Quetta, as it is more stable then Kandahar or Kabul. Afghan minerals can be processed there for onward export. We need to leverage our stability to form a lasting regional order. Assimilating what would end up being only 1-2% more in population can pay off dividends when peace comes to Afghanistan.

As far as the current War is concerned, Getting these "Afghan Refugees" to agitate for peace on Pakistan's Terms can also help out.

Dude, All I know is that if Khan takes this decision, it will surely gonna bite us in near future...

We have so many people living in our country who are not loyal at all with our state...GREAT

I just feel and fear grave mistake here by Khan. He needs a little rest.
Dude, All I know is that if Khan takes this decision, it will surely gonna bite us in near future...

We have so many people living in our country who are not loyal at all with our state...GREAT

I just feel and fear grave mistake here by Khan. He needs a little rest.

I think normal Afghan refugees like in the camp in Pakistan are probably more loyal to Pakistan than Corrupt Mafia including Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.
Bro can you tell me why Imran khan is bringing up this at this point anyway? Is there some upcoming court case or action etc? Or was it in campaign portfolio etc?

Hi brother...Actually, None of both.

Actually he linked street crimes of Karachi to illegals and refugees residing in city. He's saying illegal Afghans and Bengalis are doing this because they are poor and undeveloped community given they have no NIC....means no job and other facilities as other Pakistanis have

I think normal Afghan refugees like in the camp in Pakistan are probably more loyal to Pakistan than Corrupt Mafia including Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.

No one likes Zardari and Sharif...And no one likes Afghans as well...

We exactly have no reason to trust Afghans. Can't display such generosity for them as it may bite us in *** big time
Create something called 'Permanent Residence permit' for children of Afghan or Bengali migrants born in Pakistan.

With this permit they can get same benefits as citizens, can go to school, work and live like normal citizens - but cannot hold political office or join the army.

Better than handing out citizenship to millions who feel no loyalty to the state.

Opinions? @PaklovesTurkiye @Indus Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Imran Khan
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