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Imran, Jinnah and Pakistan’s problem.

Well for that, you need to ask the 1.3 Billion ( or the 60% voters who vote ) people of India.

Or we can ask the most of the people in the country that live in the abysmal conditions that they do, at the behest of a select few that form "Shining India".
Or we can ask the most of the people in the country that live in the abysmal conditions that they do, at the behest of a select few that form "Shining India".
Why not ; They too believe in the adage of "Nothing is permanent except change" which means change through the ballot. I pray Pakistan too believes in the ballot than the bullet as has happened for 4 times since its inception.
You have turly proved my point. Not Much difference between people like you and Indians, both will wont miss an apportunity to bash at Islam and associate every this and that topic on Islam with terrorism.

If you dont consider the book of allah above everything else then you should not call yourself Muslim and change your religion to that of Jinnah. The book of allah teaches us to hold every leader accountable of their actions and not to blindly follow and worship them. So what ever jinnah is for is, is not for me.

what the heck ? bashing islam ?

Quote one of my sentence where i bashed Islam , you mad bro?
Why would i bash Islam , yes i bashed OBL and other terrorist , so when did you started thinking that bashing terrorists is bashing islam ?

You bashed the father of nation i just gave you answer , am proud that JINNAH is my leader , and my current political and social inspiration is Imran , before Imran it was ZA bhutto
tell us yours?

You said that none of them serve Islam i simply asked you quetion in your opinion who serves Islam ?
Dear nonmuslim brothers and sisters, please do learn quran if you must discuss islam and basis for creation of paksitan. When I say learn quran I do not mean that you pick up just any translation because that is not the quran and it is of particular concern because it is work of by and large of imperialists and their mullahs. Which means they deliberately misinterpreted the scripture and misrepresented it because they wanted to use it as a tool in order to justify whatever they were doing.

The two nation theory is actually the quranic concept in quranic context. It is made very clear in surah aali imraan=people and society. The idea is that there are two ideas one lives by ie islam or anti islam=peace or war.

Here are some verses from the quran for people to see what the quran is all about just from first three surahs.

A short interpretation of the Quran.


SURAH 1 AL FATIHA=The Divine Proclamation for the mankind

1) Proclaim! In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful,

2) That sovereignty belongs to Allah alone because He is the creator and the sustainer of the kingdoms of the universe,

3) The gracious, the merciful,

4) The provider of the constitution for mankind to live by.

5) Therefore O mankind declare that only to Your constitution we commit and through its help we will seek your sustenance,

6) Therefore show us thereby the firmly founded way to peace and prosperity,

7) The way of those whom you blessed with peace and prosperity, of those whom you did not let suffer indignation because they went not away from Your constitution.

Surah 2 AL BAQARAH= The Conflicts and the Resolutions

Proclaim, in the name of Allah the Gracious the Merciful.


2) This is the constitution no doubt for peace and prosperity of mankind, in which is guidance for people who wish to protect humanity against harm and destruction.

3) People who would commit to working for peace and prosperity in the land for the better future of mankind by means of implementing the divine program in order to open up the opportunities for the benefit of all by using all the ways and means of sustenance We have provided for them.

4) So those who commit to working for peace according to that which is revealed to you and according to that which was revealed before you they are sure about the promised outcome of their actions.

5) Such are the ones who are on clear guidance from their Lord and these are the ones who will attain peace and prosperity due to being free from inflicting harm and destruction upon each other.

6)As for those in the land who commit themselves to inflicting harm and destruction on mankind, it is same for them that you warn them about the destructive results of their thoughts and actions or you warn them not they will not commit to working for peace and prosperity of mankind.

7) Allah finds their arrogance covering up their ability to think about peace and their ability of responding to call of peace as well as their ability to see the need for peace therefore they will end up in great suffering in due course as a result of their own actions.

8) Among the mankind there are people who claim, we are committed to working for peace and prosperity according to constitution of Allah for the good end result for the mankind but in actual fact they are not committed to working for peace and prosperity at all as is obvious from the results of their own actions.

9) They just make attempts at deceiving masses regarding constitution of Allah as well as those who are really committed to working for peace, though in actual fact they deceive none but themselves and their own people but they realise it not.

10) In their minds is destructive ambition to dominate others and Allah finds their this desire increasing rivalry therefore the result of their actions is grievous suffering because they deny to others benefits of working according to the divine constitution.

11) When it is said to them, do not cause wars and destruction in the land they say, surely we are only trying to create peace and prosperity.

12) Nay, they are creators of wars and poverty for sure as is evident from the result of their actions yet they admit it not.

13) When it is said to them, give up harmful and destructive ambitions for exploiting humanity and commit to working for peace and prosperity like other people who are committed to working for peace and prosperity of mankind they say, shall we commit to working for peace and prosperity like the foolish. Of course, it is they who are foolish not realising the benefits of living according to the divine constitution because they do not really want to know about it.

14) However when they meet those who are committed to working for peace they tell them, we too are committed to working for peace but when they are in private with their fellow conspirators against those who are committed to working for peace they tell them, we are indeed with you, we were surely pretending to be with those who are committed to working for peace.

15) Surely in time Allah will expose their deceptions by results of their own actions and let them wander in their confusion like the ones blind or lost in darkness .

16) These are people who have chosen to live in a harmful way instead of living according to divine constitution so their choice is not going to benefit them because they have refused to be guided.

17) The likeness of their ability to choose and Our provision of guidance for them is like that of a person who lights up a fire for them to see but when it lightens up all around it, Allah lets them go by their own sight thereby letting them remain in the darkness because they refuse to see.

18) They act like deaf, dumb and blind due to arrogance that is how they refuse to turn to guidance.

19) Or the likeness of behaviour of some of them to Our guidance is like that of a people to the huge rainstorm from sky with periods of darkness, thunder and lightning. They press their fingers in their ears due to thunderclap for fear of death yet pay no attention to laws of Allah that are in action all around the opposers of His constitution.

20) The lightning almost snatches away their sight of them. As often as it flashes for them they walk due to it but when it darkens for them they stand still. Had Allah meant to make them deaf and blind, He could have taken away their sense of hearing and their sense of sight. Indeed! Allah has set up laws for all things to work accordingly including mankind.

21) So O you the people, live according to the constitution of your lord who has furnished you with ability of good conduct towards each other like those before you so that you could become free of harmful and destructive ways of existence.

22 ) Who brought about for you the earth like a floor and the heaven like a canopy and sent down from the heaven water as rain whereby He brought forth fruits for your sustenance, therefore create not constitutions rival to that of Allah when you are made known what is good for you.

23) Yet if you the opposers are in doubt concerning this peace and prosperity purpose based constitution We have revealed for the mankind through Our messenger then bring a constitution as good as this yourselves if you can. If you on your own cannot then invite all your supporters against Allah to help you do this and see if your doubting it can really prove true.

24) However if you cannot do this and surely you cannot then think about the result of fire of hatred you are creating between mankind which is fuelled by some people through denying access to provisions for others, it is ignited by those who reject and oppose the constitution of Allah.

25) Nonetheless despite opposition deliver the good news for those who would commit to working for peace and act to remove obstacles in the way of peace between mankind that awaits for them the blissful kingdoms throughout which rivers will flow of all that they would need and desire. Every time they will participate in that kingdom, they will receive the full fruits of their hard works therefrom. They will say to each other, this is how people like us received full results of their hard work before us, for they will be given results of their hard work just like them. Moreover they will have therein peace and prosperity loving people as companions who would be free from domineering mindset whereby people end up inflicting harm and destruction upon each other. Such like will be the people who will end up in such like kingdom.

26) Surely Allah does not raise a people to such dignified life to be an example for others the likes of a mass pile of a people that is mentally dead, weak and mean but a nation that is far above that, so that those who commit to working for peace and prosperity know for sure that it is the proper example from their lord, yet as for those who ignore and oppose Our guidance say, what did Allah mean to convey by way of this like example? Thereby He lets many remain stray due to their mindset and thereby he guides many due to their attitude, however He lets stray thereby only such as have adverse mindset towards His constitution and destructive attitude towards mankind.

27) Those who seek and conspire to move mankind away from the constitution of Allah after ratifying it, thereby seek discord in what Allah has commanded unity and they cause fights and wars in the earth. These are the ones who are in loss themselves and are cause of harm for others.

28) How can you reject and oppose dignified life giving constitution of Allah, for you were a mentally dead people living aimless lives and He brought you purposeful life thereby? Moreover He lets you die a natural death then He will bring you back to life again and so you will return to Him to answer for all that you are doing.

Surah 3 AALI IMRAN=People and Society 89

Proclaim in the name of Allah the gracious, the merciful

1)Alif Laam Meem

2) That none is God but He Allah, the Living, the Eternal.

3) He sent for you this constitution for a set purpose, confirming that which went before it, for He sent the Toraah and the Injeel before this as guidance for mankind and now He has sent this as the criterion and a standard for mankind to live by.

4) Surely for such as oppose goals of Allah for the good of mankind there awaits a terrible suffering because Allah has set up a strict law for result of peoples’ actions,

5) Nothing escapes laws of Allah in the earth or in the heaven.

6) He it is Who forms your bodies according to laws of nature in the wombs of your mothers as He programmed the natural processes and phenomena. None is God but He, the Mighty, the Wise.

7) He it is Who has sent for you this constitution which contains goals that are foundational for humanity, they are foundation of this constitution and anything opposite to that is illusionary and false. Despite this fact those who harbour harmful and destructive ambitions in their minds against humanity follow the opposite direction to these goals looking for ways and means to cause fights and wars between people, however none can make evident to people of knowledge their intended targets and motives save Allah. Therefore those well grounded in knowledge say, we commit to working for peace and prosperity of mankind on the basis of this constitution that only this constitution is from our Lord not other opposing things that people attribute to Him. Yet none will take heed save those who have Intelligence and use it to understand things properly

8) saying, our Lord, let not our minds deviate from Your set goals after you have made them evident for us and grant us more knowledge from yourself for our peace and prosperity, for You are the grantor of bounties in abundance.

9) Our Lord, only Your constitution is capable of gathering all people under one rule for a time there is no doubt about it, because following constitution of Allah never fails to deliver.

10) Therefore those who declare war against installation of constitution of Allah, of no benefit at all will be for them their wealth and their children against advice of Allah. For they are the ones who fuel the fire of hatred between mankind so they are bound to fail.

11) Their end result will be the same as that of people of Pharaoh and their predecessors who opposed installation of Our constitution, thus caught up with them declared law of Allah in form of consequences of their harmful deeds. Allah is strict indeed in enforcing his law of requital.

12) Say to those who declare war against the rule of Allah, soon you will be overpowered by your own atrocities against each other and driven together towards hell you would have created for yourselves and that is a terrible state to be in.

13) Indeed there is between you a clear ideological demarcation separating you into two factions arranged against each other in battle. One side is struggling for installing the constitution of Allah and the other fighting against it. To them both it appeared as if they have been opponents battling each other continuously. However Allah aided with His helps only those who works for it. Surely therein is a lesson for those who are insightful about laws of Allah that operate in the universe.

14) People have been furnished with drives for needs and wants as regard communities and values as well as valuing things in form of piles of gold and silver and horses that bring them name and cattle and plantations. These are provisions for them in life of this world but the sense of properly benefiting from them rests on making use of them according to declared will of Allah the creator and sustainer.

15) Say, shall I tell you the better way of getting and using of things than the way you get and use them? For those who work according to constitution of Allah for peace and prosperity of humanity there are going to be states in which will flow things of need and desire like rivers, wherein they will live in company of like minded constructive and hard working people for as long as they will live by His will because they will have achieved approval of Allah. And Allah is fully aware of those who serve His constitution in His kingdom.

16) Those who say, our Lord! We indeed commit to working for peace and prosperity of mankind so remove from us all our self created ills and end our suffering due to the fire of our self created hatred between us.

17) They are steadfast in purpose and true to their words in deed as well as take a stand for what is right with God and is good humanity and they work for the good of others to help remove ills from the society, and they waste no time but start working for removal of ills from society straight away.

18) That is how Allah makes evident that there is no God but He and that is how bear witness as an example the people in administration of divine kingdom as well as those well grounded in knowledge standing firmly for justice. Therefore you should know there is no God save Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

19) Surely as far as Allah is concerned the main goal of this constitution is peace and prosperity for mankind. Any people who were ever given the divine books did not go against this goal but out of rebellion against each other amongst themselves after the knowledge had come to them by declaring wars against it. So those who declare wars against revelations of Allah should becomes aware that Allah is strict in holding people to His declared will by law of requital or resulting consequence.

20) Yet if they do not accept this and instead argue with you baselessly say, I have committed myself fully to working for peace and prosperity of mankind as a goal set by Allah and so have those that support me. Then say to those who have been given the divine book but they did not read it to understand it properly, will you also commit yourselves to working for peace and prosperity of mankind along with us? If they commit to working for peace and prosperity of mankind then they too have followed the right course of action, but if they turn back then your responsibility is only to proclaim declared will of Allah. And Allah is watching all that mankind do and face the consequences of their actions.

21) So tell them about the law of grievous consequential suffering for those who declare wars on Allah’s revelations by fighting against the Prophets without any justification and even kill those among mankind who campaign for peace based on social justice.

22) Such are the ones whose deeds are void of any good for mankind in this world and in the hereafter because they are not supported by constitution of Allah.

23) Have you not seen the behaviour of those who were given the divine book? When they are invited even to their own book of Allah for settlement of disputes between them, a group of them then turns back thus they decline unity for peace and prosperity even among themselves.

24) This is because they claim the fire of sectarian hatred between us will only last for a limited number of days. Thus deceive them their make beliefs taught to them by their priests in the name of God about the divine law of consequences.

25) Regardless what they say or do you keep drawing peoples’ attention to the time in coming of which there is no doubt that how they will benefit when We will gather them under Our constitution whereby each person will be rewarded fully for what one would have earned and there will not be done any injustice to anyone whatsoever?

26) Say, O Allah! Sovereign of the Kingdom of the universe, You give authority in the kingdom to whoever works towards it and you take away the authority in the kingdom from whoever fails to work to hold on to it, You bestow dignity upon whoever works for it and let fall into disgrace whoever fails to work to hold on to it. In Your rule of law rests whatever is good for the mankind. Surely You have set laws to govern operations of all things.

27) That is how You rotate the zone of the earth under darkness for the night to bring it under the sunlight for the day and that is how You turn the zone of the earth under sunlight for the day to bring it under the darkness for the night by laws of nature, thus by same laws of nature You bring forth living nations from the dead and likewise You let lively nations decline into the dead as a consequence of their lack of consistency in the effort for progress and prosperity and likewise You provide sustenance in abundance for anyone as You declare in your revealed will.

28) Let not those who claim to be committed to working for peace and prosperity of mankind therefore form alliances with those who are warmongers instead of those who claim to be committed to working for peace and prosperity of mankind, therefore any people who do that will have no right to protection by rule according to constitution of Allah, however you can enter in peace treaty with them if they so desire as a measure to prevent open hostilities. Nonetheless Allah Himself warns you to remain alert because in the constitution of Allah rests your security.

29) Say, regardless you conceal what is in your minds or reveal it, Allah will make it evident in due course. For He makes evident whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth through its working. Allah has set laws for all things to work accordingly.



Why Islam V Imperialism, Mulluhism and Secularism etc

It should be obvious from my posts as to why Islam opposes imperialism, mullaism and secularism. Implementation of quran as islamic constitution was the reason for creation of pakistan to show the world a working modal of islam just like the prophet of islam created the state of madinah in order to convince the world only islam was the way forward for humanity, socially, politically, culturally and most importantly economy wise. This was not an over night inception but through actions and reactions within muslims as well as between muslims and nonmuslims. It does take time for things to sink in as to what is going on all around and whether it is good or bad for a people and how to react to it. Only people like sir syed and iqbal had that little bit extra insight where others failed. However it is unfortunate that ground that was gained by sir syed and iqbal like great muslim thinkers was not held by the community they entrusted it to. It is because even though muslims succeeded in gaining a separate identity they did not turn it into a reality that iqbal and jinnah expressed their desire for.

Most people of pakistan have no idea what two nation theory was all about and remain confused about it. This is how hindus were easily manipulated by rivals of muslims to instigate troubles. The whole idea was so easy to explain and understand. The separation of pakistan from india was like separation between brothers but it was turned into a terrible agony due to manipulation of people with harmful and destructive agendas of some self serving power hungry people.

All that these insightful muslim leaders wanted was islamic constitution in place in a piece of land in order to better the lot of people in the land. These people did not want imperialist islam, they did not want mullah's islam and they certainly did not want capitalism based economic system. This is why british were showing animosity to muslims but not to hindus because hindus leaders like gandhi and nehru would implement british system even after independence of india. This meant monopoly of british over india would stay in place even after british leave india. This also explains why paksitan was never accepted as an independent state ever. It explains why british divided states which were supposed to be part of pakistan because they were majority muslim state eg punjab. kashmir was handed to india likewise through conspiracies.

It was not nonmuslims' animosity with muslim people other than their economic interest but mainly ideology of islam because if islam got foot-hold in a place then that would spell end of all the ideologies in the world as explained very clearly in the quran. This also explains why nonmuslim powerful and wealthy state administrations and people behind them support mullahs and madrassas in muslim and nonmuslim countries because it is mullahs who misinterpret and misrepresent islam to their masses to suit the rich and wealthy people who are in governments or behind them all over the world. The so called secular democracy means absolutely nothing when only rich and powerful people can become leaders of a community to exploit their own weak and poor people as well as the others. Exactly what kings and mullahs did after the prophet and what is ruling elite and their mullahs are doing to pakistan and other muslims countries through out the world. This is why once one understands two nation theory all pieces of jigsaw fall in to place.

The very idea that muslims cannot live with nnonmuslims is utterly stupid and is used as a propaganda tool. Islam is not at all about separating people on any basis whatsoever save man cannot be master or slave of another man regardless a muslim or a nonmuslim. It is because there are pharaohs in this world or wolves in sheep clothing that islam wants all people to unite and fight against them to take away their control over land and resources, means of production and distribution. The earth belongs to none but God and all people are his children and have equal right to all there is in this world. This is what is explained right in the beginning of the quran. People are free to manipulate all there is so long as they do it together with full cooperation for the good of humanity as a whole. A muslims cannot stop a nonmuslim brother or sister from his heavenly granted right and he is not allowed to let anyone take away his own right either. You do no harm to anyone but at the same time you are not allowed to let others harm you either. Willingly people can die for each other but force is not allowed for harming each other. This is how islam means peace.

The whole idea was to take a piece of land and try governing it by the ideas stated in the quran for the purpose of peace. Nothing to do with separation of people at all. Muslims did not take any piece of land from india which did not already belong to them ie they were already living in that land which they wanted to use for this experiment and others did not like it and created problems for muslims. Thus these ignorant people not only ruined muslims but also other human beings. Today the whole world is in turmoil and does not know which way to turn. Had these stupid short sighted people allowed those far sighted muslims complete their pilot project today the whole world would have been in peace seeing that project successful. All people want a good peaceful life save a few with destructive and harmful mindset so once muslims would have shown the way all would have followed suit.

Jinnah did not use islam to gather muslims but secularism and dangers it posed. I would like you to think about consequences for playing islamic card. This card would have divided muslim ummah in india even more thanks to mullahs and their backer imperial powers so it would have created yet more dangerous situation for muslims. The very reason that muslims did not divide yet more on basis of islam tells us very clearly that Pakistan was to be such a muslim state that was not to be based on western concept of secularism and democracy. Why not? Because secularism would have been a harmful and dangerous theefore an immoral base to begin with. It is not corruption in the system but system is set on the foundation of corruption. Wait till we all realise it yet more let things get yet worse.

One has to realise that western secularism is for western democracy and western democracy is for capitalism and free market and that is for negative competition which can only and only produce one end result ie total destruction of weak and poor people and nations ie a huge divide between those who have and those who have not leading to countless unrests amnd wars. Moreover capitalism and free market only suits those who have capital and not those who only have to offer their labour.

If you have your foundation wrong whatever you build on it will not be right. India has wrong foundation ie secular democracy based upon capitalism and free market, which is based on negative competition. This is evil system to the very core. It leaves no dignity for a human being. People are forced to behave like dogs.

On the contrary two nation theory is build on solid foundation but muslims so far have not been able to understand it never mind being able to build upon it. Two nation theory was a multi-facet project that has yet to be phased in or realised in Pakistan. However when it is then Pakistan will be a great nation if we get a breathing space from our enemies.

Let me give you something to think about.

Let us supposed that person A is an employer and needs a worker. In the system that you promote, he will be looking for a person who could give him most possible work but in return accepts from him least possible wage. After all this is what negative competition is all about.

The worker is in need of job otherwise he will have nothing to live on. Person A advertises his vacancy and there are hundreds of people at his door looking for the very same job. He has the power to decide terms and pay not the workers at his door. It is same for you if you are looking for a loan from the bank where it is the bank that sets terms and interest rate and since you are desperate for loan you are forced to accept any terms and sign at the bottom of the loan agreement.

Where is yours or the worker's dignity in this and how can you or the worker keep even your humanity? Person A cannot employ everyone and therefore if he is a decent human being he will have heavy heart when refusing job to others who may need it more than the guy he hires, otherwise he is just a dog looking for a kill, which takes away his humanity and dignity. On the other side each person looking for job will be trying to put down the next person so that this person gets the job. Is there any dignity in this for the people looking for work? Another twist is that your business competitors are trying to run you out of your business by under cutting you. Employers under cutting employers and workers under cutting workers and employers under cutting workers.

Can you therefore see the downward spiral and where it leads us all one by one? This is the end result of what many of us are supporting knowingly or unknowingly. This kind of competition has nothing to do with humanity or merit, for they are positive trends for going upwards not in pit of hell. It should be very clear to such people who are looking for success in this kind of system how destructive this system is for humanity as a whole. So only an ignorant or a devil will support this system not a human being with brains.

This is why today humanity is in bits because we are breaking up communities, tribes, clans, extended families, core family units and finally individuals are also breaking down nervously. Is this the kind of world we want?

All this very clearly shows that we are our own worst enemies. This is what the quranic system opposes which whole world is fighting against thanks to stupidity of people who are not bothered to understand the divine message nor the needs of humanity itself. What a wonderful world and what a wonderful people!

We pride ourselves telling each other look at how many billionaires we have in our countries. Is it not the time to count the number of billionaires in contrast to the million they have destroyed in the process of trying to become billionaires. This is the difference between a human being with brains and the animal who looks like a human being but has no brain.

Success is to try and be happy yourself and help others to be happy as well. Your happiness is not real if you took off smile from faces of many others and deep inside you will not find peace and you will not be able to face the man in the mirror.

My advice please don't fight islam, learn it and support it because this is the only way to change the world for the better. Don't be critical of people who stand for God and humanity but be critical of anti humanist systems, people and other elements. Otherwise one is born to hate oneself because that is what hating humanity means. If we have humanity then we must work for the good of mankind and not support ideas and things that go against that. After all if I am doing ok, are those people as well upon whom I depend for my own well being and happiness?

We are not animals like other animals but human beings with brains, we should not live by nature but understand nature and control it for the good of humanity. If we lived by nature then there is no difference between us and other animals because animals accept nature and live by it ie they are not able to change their environment much but we are capable of changing natural environment at a much greater scale, so, let us work towards better world and not make it a hell hole. It is time to raise our thinking level.
Imran Jinnah and Zardari all have one thing in common. THEY DO NOT SERVE ISLAM! Their agenda is only secular where Islam is degraded to the same level as other religion which means Islam has no value which makes two nation theory very hypocritical.

Pakistan was never meant to be a theocratic state. It was meant to be a state where Muslims are not overwhelmed by a Hindu majority in a ‘one man one vote’ system. After Pakistan was created the ‘two nation theory’ ceased to be of relevance as proven by the cessation of Bangla Desh 25 years after the independence.

Quaid’s speech reflects the thinking of Pakistan’s Founding Fathers about what kind of country they had in mind when they struggled for independence. Pakistan was not created by the Islamist parties; instead all the Islamist parties sided with the Congress and voted against the partition.

Herein lies the underlying problem of Pakistan. The very reactionary forces that opposed the creation of Pakistan and labelled the Muslim leader as ‘Kafir e Azam’ have since hijacked Pakistan.

This is the root cause of the split among the Pakistan society. It has nothing to do with Islam but to do with usurpation of political power. Islam is being exploited and naïve Pakistani Muslims are being misled. To prove my point that Islam that TTP and people such as Sufi Mohammed of Swat want to impose on Pakistan is not the one that was preached by our holy Prophet (PBUH). Suicide is ‘Haraam’ in Islam and there is no mention of any Hadith or Quranic verse to support it. Whereas in Taliban and Al-Qaida’s Islam it is the normal practice.

As long as this dichotomy is not put right, Pakistan will continue its slide towards anarchy.
finally you have learnt something worth knowing!!!!!

Wow you guys are such a joke.
Just about every Indian would give up a kidney to be able to move to USA, UK, Canada etc.
In fact, where I live in Canada the 3rd largest population is Indians, after whites and Chinese, and both whites and Chinese have been there for 100 year or more, Indians only started arriving 30 years ago.

If an American or a Japanese person on here showed this kind of arrogance I would kind of understand. But a country donkey carts are still a major form of transportation.........

You should not let your Ego say stupid things like this, just makes you look like you are in lala land rather in reality.
what the heck ? bashing islam ?
Quote one of my sentence where i bashed Islam , you mad bro?
Earlier you said "does OBL serve Islam?" which is bashing enough.
Why would i bash Islam , yes i bashed OBL and other terrorist , so when did you started thinking that bashing terrorists is bashing islam ?
You can bash at these clowns all day but next time dont bring them in reference to a religious discussion.
You bashed the father of nation i just gave you answer , am proud that JINNAH is my leader , and my current political and social inspiration is Imran , before Imran it was ZA bhutto
tell us yours?
In which part of Quran or Hadis does it tell you to obey the "father of a nation"? Do i have to remind you Islam highly discourage creation of many states which divides Muslims. So this idea of "father of nation" has no sympathy in islam and thats what all i care.
You said that none of them serve Islam i simply asked you quetion in your opinion who serves Islam ?
I have already had elaborate discussion on this matter in many threads. In short, in the current times of jahiliyya NO leader can emerge and serve islam.
Dear Myth_buster_1, islam is over all one ummah under God=divine constitution=quran. However it is not against having separate groups as communities or states for purposes of management. It onlyu forbids states within states ie in the sense that they clash with each other through independent constitutions.

All living by the quran is fine. It is like ummah is one big huge family and we have villages, cities, provinces etc for management purposes.

Pakistan was not supposed to be an independent state but first brick in the process of more and more muslim states following its example but ending up with same constitution ie quran, It was planted as a seed to grow into a big tree ideologically. This was the vision of iqbal and jinnah.

It is unfortunate that after getting the independence our mullahs instead of taking on things from there just got in to chicken fights and destroyed hope of ummah in doing so. However people are waking up slowly and hopefully not in too distant future things are likely to come round when people realise unity is there need for peace and prosperity exactly what the quran explains if we bother to to realise.

This is why divides created by mullahs and their fatwa baazi has proven very bad for the ummah so people need to follow the quran and sunnah and support each other on that basis. No personality cults is islam and no parallel constitutions just rule of Allah through his book the way prophet did it.

We need to find out though how prophet did it, which is told within the quran because after all the prophet had to do what he was told he could not just go around doing anything he liked against what he was told. This is why spending time on trying to understand the quran is very important instead of people wasting time fighting over petty things.

Founding father is not wrong because quran does tell us stories of founding fathers ie people who turned thing round by laying first bricks of the movement each time it had to be done all over again.

The quran does not eliminate human relationships but only things or ideas that go against God and over all interest of humanity.

Thanks for raising the point and giving me chance for an explaining, regards and all the best.
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