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Imran has literally taken PPP by SURPRISE - and no one noticed.

Having served in Sindh I have personally seen a lot of pro-army sentiment rise esp in the past decade where despite having Federal power there wasn't much done by the PPP for Sindh. As the military has made its policy clear of not interfering then the only option sindh has is to gravitate otherwise as it was clear in Kci. The PPP lost considerably over its last stint of power. This would definitely hurt them coming for power. Even their groomed senior politicians have been worried over the direction the party has taken. Perhaps when there is a new forward block they can try to come back with good actions on ground. Otherwise it seems like this move would definitely hurt them. Many business oriented class of Kci has already thought of shifting to Gwadar once its fully functioning. In any case things would change.
nice dreams sir :D:D army ppp ka kuch nhi bigar sakti
I think government will impose governor rule in karachi . federal government can use its power to impose governors rule in whole or some part of a province.
I think you folks are misreading what's actually going on. PTI's fight with PPP, or rather the federal government's fight with the main province they cannot control directly and politically is all about provincial funds and 18th division of revenues. Punjab has signed on since they are effectively run by IK himself, KPK is theirs so no fight there etc. But Sindh has resisted and this has been going on for a long time now.

Karachi and its situation is bad and PPP is rightly facing flak, but the federal and Sindh government tussle is largely irrelevant and based on finances, Karachi just another political tool being used in the game right now. I don't see any productive or constructive calls coming from the federal government regarding Karachi. IMO karachi needs decentralised and devovled governance. Federal is trying to repeal the 18th which in fact would only damage Karachi at best as it ensures more centralisation and not less, the rest is just bluster and outrage being directed at PPP because of the preceding fight about finances and the 18th.

The federal government have their own scores and books to settle. Ideologically PTI's current love of presidential style and ordinance driven rule, 18th repeal and more centralization is the last thing Karachi needs. Karachi needs to be free of Sindh level governance and have it local, it does not need to be used as a tool by those who want to centralise power for other reasons. If you're a Karachiite, PTI is not your savior nor is the federal government, you need to fight for your own city and local governance. Be free of PPP, and don't fall victim to being used as a political tool by the federal government, that is all.
Dear Sir. I being a karachiite agree with you in full. Bold part are the hard facts. Thanks for your comments.
If they are able to accomplish half of the stuff they promised, it will be huge embarrassment for PPP and Zardari clan.
They NDMA will do it and release the pressure from army that is being put by karachiites since weeks. They are also playing politics by solving the issue for short period. In long run the problem will continue unless or until karachi will become separate province or local body with power installed.
That is the problem. I'm from Lahore and I face the same issues regarding the next election... Imran has failed to deliver his promises, the economy is in shambles and we have no one to vote for. The other party leaders are corrupt to the core and lets face it PTI ministers are ex ministers from those corrupt parties. By changing parties you don't become uncorrupt.

I see vast potential in Karachi, at one point it was the most developed city of Pakistan however today's state of affairs make it look like there is no hope for the city. Karachi will remain like this until we get someone who is one in a trillion.
I know you might angry of my statement. But destruction of karachi helped lahore to flourished. Lahore is lucky because CM PM military bearucracy owns it. Lahore voted for PMLN in the past and 2018 also and they will vote for them. You are a minority in Lahore. Lahore will be a maryam city and establishment wil support her covertly. Just wait and watch.
Yeah Imran Khan also brought coronavirus to Pakistan. We have no one to vote for. Lets get rid of democracy and elections.
You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say that...

Do you really think he brought the change that we envisioned? I don't. I'm also saying all other parties are corrupt to the core and that he is our ONLY chance. Yet his performance has been questionable. Time to wake up.
I know you might angry of my statement. But destruction of karachi helped lahore to flourished. Lahore is lucky because CM PM military bearucracy owns it. Lahore voted for PMLN in the past and 2018 also and they will vote for them. You are a minority in Lahore. Lahore will be a maryam city and establishment wil support her covertly. Just wait and watch.
Not at all angry. It happens. If one large city leaves a vacuum of growth, then another large city will pick it up.
I'll be very honest, as much as I despise the corruption of PML-N, under their CMship they started several mega projects in Lahore. Karachi should replicate them. Karachi needs major development. Karachi should make an education city, public transport links and other major projects. It hurts me to see Karachi in this state. I want it to prosper.

Lahore is a PML-N strong hold and it will probably remain like that. Personally I thought the establishment wanted PTI in. Time will tell, I guess. A lot of Lahoris won't listen to a word against Sharif brothers. Reality is they are corrupt as a person can get.
Bro, Lets see where this goes. We need a PERMANENT solution, as I mentioned myself.

Permamnent solution is putting Karachi under direct federal administration, taking away the control from corrupt Sindh govt.

IK's govt is procrastinating on this real issue, neglecting the mandate PTI received from Karachi. This will not end reflect well in next elections for PTI.
this is how PPP solved karachi issues

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