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Imran Farooq murder: Two men sought by UK authorities


Aug 15, 2009
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Imran Farooq was murdered outside his home four years ago

UK prosecutors have asked Pakistan to trace two suspects believed to have been involved in the 2010 murder of Imran Farooq, a senior leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

He was stabbed outside his home in Edgware, London, close to the Pakistani political party's international HQ.

Documents obtained by BBC Newsnight name the suspects as Mohsin Ali Syed and Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran.

They are believed to be in Pakistani custody but not under formal arrest.

The investigation into Mr Farooq's murder has seen more than 4,000 people interviewed, but so far the only person arrested in the case has been Iftikhar Hussain, the nephew of MQM's London-based leader Altaf Hussain.

The British authorities are currently running three investigations into the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

Firstly they are assessing whether Altaf Hussain's speeches amount to incitement to violence. One of the difficulties is that any translations of Altaf Hussain's speeches could be challenged by defence lawyers.

There is also a substantial UK investigation into possible money laundering. Two men were arrested in December and have been bailed.

In December 2012, UK police seized £250,000 in mixed currencies at MQM party headquarters. In June 2013 they seized another £230,000 from Altaf Hussain's home.

People close to the party say that if cash is moved in from Pakistan to the UK in batches of less than £7,000, then no regulations are broken. They say businessmen in Karachi have written affidavits stating that they freely donated the money.

Thirdly, the UK tax authorities are investigating unpaid tax. People close to the MQM say the party does expect to face a large tax bill, which it will pay.

Iftikhar Hussain was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder, but is now on police bail. It is an arrest the party says was based on wrong information.

MQM senator Farogh Naseem has described Iftikhar Hussain as "not a person who is really with himself mentally". He said Iftikhar Hussain had suffered at the hands of the Pakistani authorities.

In November 2011 - 14 months after the murder - Metropolitan Police chief Bernard Hogan-Howe said his force was liaising with Pakistani authorities over two arrests believed to have been made in Karachi.

Since then, however, the force has refused to confirm or deny that it is seeking Pakistani assistance.

The Pakistani government has denied anyone has been arrested and officials have failed to respond to questions about the request from the UK's Crown Prosecution Service.

The documents, obtained by Newsnight from official sources in Pakistan, suggest Mohsin Ali Syed and Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran secured UK visas on the basis of being granted admission to the London Academy of Management Sciences (LAMS), in east London.

The documents name two other men. One is Karachi-based businessman Muazzam Ali Khan, of Comnet Enterprises, who is believed to have endorsed the suspects' UK visa applications and was in regular contact with Iftikhar Hussain throughout 2010.

In 2011, police released an e-fit image of a suspect in the murder case
The other is Atif Siddique, an educational consultant in Karachi, who is believed to have processed them.

Atif Siddique said he was not the agent of LAMS and did not know the two suspects.

Mr Ali Khan has not responded to e-mails and phone calls offering him the chance to respond.

A director of the college, Asif Siddique - Atif Siddique's brother - has confirmed the two students were meant to study there. One of them registered, but failed to attend.

LAMS is designated as a "highly trusted" partner of the UK Border Agency, which means it is supposed to report the non-attendance of students within 10 days of the 10th missed student encounter with staff. Asif Siddique said the college had reported one of the student's non-attendance to the UK authorities in May 2012.

'Under surveillance'
The Home Office has refused to say whether or not it believes LAMS broke the rules for reporting non-attendance, but has said it is not currently investigating the college.

Mohsin Ali Syed, in his late 20s, arrived in the UK in February 2010. He moved between a number of London addresses, including bedsits in Tooting, in south London, and Whitchurch Lane, in Edgware.

Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran arrived in the UK in early September 2010. Phone records indicate the two moved around together and it is believed they kept Mr Farooq under surveillance.


Altaf Hussain has widespread support in Karachi but is based in Edgware
The murder weapons were left at the scene of the crime and the documents seen by Newsnight state that the British authorities are seeking DNA samples as evidence that could be used in a British court.

Records show that both men left the UK on 16 September 2010, a few hours after the murder had happened, and flew to Sri Lanka, and then on to Karachi on the 19 September.

According to immigration officials in Pakistan, security officials picked them up on the tarmac before they left Karachi airport. Pakistani security sources deny that the men were picked up as a result of a British tip-off.

Whereabouts unknown
Documents lodged with Sindh High Court refer to another man, Khalid Shamim, who is believed to have helped the two suspects return to Pakistan. His wife has started legal proceedings in the court in an attempt to trace his whereabouts.

The MQM, Karachi's dominant political party, describes itself as a modern, secular and middle class party. Senior party figures say it offers the best chance of opposing the rise of the Taliban in Pakistan's largest city.

It insists it is a peaceful party, but its opponents complain that the UK allows it to use London as a safe haven from which it can organise its violent control of Karachi.

The party says it wants to co-operate with the murder inquiry, but insists it has nothing to do with the case and accuses UK police of harassment.

Last month, Altaf Hussain complained police were making his life "hell".

Watch Owen Bennett-Jones's investigation in full on Newsnight on Wednesday 29 January at 22:30 on BBC Two, and then afterwards on the BBC iPlayer.
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the reality is that there are no names, no definite data of the killers, no witnesses, no murder weapons, you can see kamran shahid program on this issue

we all want killers arrested but lemme guess it not even political matter since PPP in not in the govt
No names ? lol police arrested nephew of ur gang leader who happened to be in contacts with person who fixed visa.

Now its very simple help UK police by handing over 2 boys who were captured from Karachi airport. That would clean ur name right ?

First you were denying 500 000£ found in MQM office and Altaf home. Seems to MQM cant tell were money comes from but we all know were that money comes from

I personaly think UK police played smart and now game is in hands of Pakistan. Reports says ISI snacted 2 boys from airport which means MQM support for Musharaf ? hmmm

the reality is that there are no names, no definite data of the killers, no witnesses, no murder weapons, you can see kamran shahid program on this issue

we all want killers arrested but lemme guess it not even political matter since PPP in not in the govt
No names ? lol police arrested nephew of ur gang leader who happened to be in contacts with person who fixed visa.

Now its very simple help UK police by handing over 2 boys who were captured from Karachi airport. That would clean ur name right ?

First you were denying 500 000£ found in MQM office and Altaf home. Seems to MQM cant tell were money comes from but we all know were that money comes from

I personaly think UK police played smart and now game is in hands of Pakistan. Reports says ISI snacted 2 boys from airport which means MQM support for Musharaf ? hmmm

lol you can think what ever you want to make yourself feel good, secondly owen bannet jones is not a good source, he makes concocted stories, the real source is met police, ask them whats happening

here is a better source, neutral pakistani one with live interviews from concerned people if you are so much interested in the case with upto date info

owen bannet always try to show pakistan in the bad light, you must be celebrating of him making bad propaganda about pakistan

Front Line - 9th November 2013 [ Imran Farooq Murder Case Special From Scotland Yard ]
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chor ki daari mee tinka.... thats u and ur gang leader.

First denied about 500 000 £ which is confirmed now. Police arrested nephew of Altaf and now MQM calling him NOT NORMAL as we say MENTAL.

lol you can think what ever you want to make yourself feel good, secondly owen bannet jones is not a good source, he makes concocted stories, the real source is met police, ask them whats happening

here is a better source, neutral pakistani one with live interviews from concerned people if you are so much interested in the case with upto date info

owen bannet always try to show pakistan in the bad light, you must be celebrating of him making bad propaganda about pakistan

Front Line - 9th November 2013 [ Imran Farooq Murder Case Special From Scotland Yard ]
Altaf Hussain is the master mind behind all this.
UK prosecutors have asked Pakistan to trace two suspects believed to have been involved in the 2010 murder of Imran Farooq, a senior leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).
The Pakistani government has denied anyone has been arrested and officials have failed to respond to questions about the request from the UK's Crown Prosecution Service.
Ancient news ... Red part says many things .............

The documents, obtained by Newsnight from official sources in Pakistan, suggest Mohsin Ali Syed and Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran secured UK visas on the basis of being granted admission to the London Academy of Management Sciences (LAMS), in east London.
This is not the investigation of MET police ... This is news nights's own story "The documents, obtained by Newsnight from official sources in Pakistan" ...........

So News Night got these name from some Pakistani source ... The "Official Source" but unnamed ............

Original official sources has denied to 2 arrested men and news night has mentioned it above .........

It is strange why did news night got the pics of 2 arrested men instead making fake stories and couldn't match with sketch issued by MET police ... STRANGE !!!!!!!!!!

I personaly think UK police played smart and now game is in hands of Pakistan. Reports says ISI snacted 2 boys from airport which means MQM support for Musharaf ? hmmm

1) FIA arrested two men but Rehman Malik is using to blackmail to MQM to support PPP govt ... Allegation in 2012
2) PMLN got support from MQM on the name of to arrested men ... Allegation in 2013
3) ISI snacted 2 boys from airport which means MQM support for Musharraf ... Allegation in 2014

All allegations put by PTI supporters ... How strange ... Isn't it ?????????
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Dr Imran Farooq murder: UK authorities in search of two Karachi men

LONDON: British media has made sensational revelations about assassination of Dr Imran Farooq, a senior leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

According to the British media, the UK authorities were in search of two suspects involved the murder of Dr Imran Farooq. They hail from Karachi.

The British media reports say, police believe Dr Imran Farooq was killed by Mohsin Ali Syed and Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran. They entered UK on student visas.

Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran arrived in the UK in early September 2010 and joined Mohsin Ali Syed.

Both suspects were granted admission in London Academy of Management Sciences in East London.

Imran Farooq was stabbed outside his home in Edgware, London on September 16, 2010.

Dr Imran Farooq murder: UK authorities in search of two Karachi men - thenews.com.pk
Ancient news ... Red part says many things .............

This is not the investigation of MET police ... This is news nights's own story "The documents, obtained by Newsnight from official sources in Pakistan" ...........

So News Night got these name from some Pakistani source ... The "Official Source" but unnamed ............

Original official sources has denied to 2 arrested men and news night has mentioned it above .........

It is strange why did news night got the pics of 2 arrested men instead making fake stories and couldn't match with sketch issued by MET police ... STRANGE !!!!!!!!!!

1) FIA arrested two men but Rehman Malik is using to blackmail to MQM to support PPP govt ... Allegation in 2012
2) PMLN got support from MQM on the name of to arrested men ... Allegation in 2013
3) ISI snacted 2 boys from airport which means MQM support for Musharraf ... Allegation in 2014

All allegations put by PTI supporters ... How strange ... Isn't it ?????????

the so called report makes a a big gaffe by mentioning iftekhar who is altaf hussain's cousin as nephew

plus half of MQM's farooq naseem interview was omitted by owen jonnes
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Suspected killers of Dr Imran Farooq are Mohsin Ali Syed and Kashif Khan Kamran

They applied for student Visas for UK London academy of management sciences

A Karachi businessman Moazim Ali Khan sponsored both killers to go to UK

Businessman Moazim Ali Khan was in contact with Altaf's Nephew Iftikhar Hussian till 2010

Now MQM caims Iftikhar Hussain is mentally unstable and Kalid Shamin involved in bringing both killers to karachi is "missing"

After killing Imran Farooq,Mohsin Ali Syed and Kashif Khan Kamran left UK for Siri lanka and from there went to Pakistan

Imran Farooq Murder Case

30 Jan 2014

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Suspected killers of Dr Imran Farooq are Mohsin Ali Syed and Kashif Khan Kamran

They applied for student Visas for UK London academy of management sciences

A Karachi businessman Moazim Ali Khan sponsored both killers to go to UK

Businessman Moazim Ali Khan was in contact with Altaf's Nephew Iftikhar Hussian till 2010

Now MQM caims Iftikhar Hussain is mentally unstable and Kalid Shamin involved in bringing both killers to karachi is "missing"

After killing Imran Farooq,Mohsin Ali Syed and Kashif Khan Kamran left UK for Siri lanka and from there went to Pakistan

Imran Farooq Murder Case

30 Jan 2014

lol iftekhar is not altaf's nephew lol

he is altaf's cousin

@Leader @Jazzbot @chauvunist @RangerPK @Jzaib @Zarvan

@mafiya @Peaceful Civilian @ice_man @Side-Winder @jaibi @ajpirzada

@Spring Onion @F.O.X @forcetrip

see post # 1 report on MQM by BBC

Second documentary

Name of suspected Imran Farooq killers revealed for the first time

Altafs nephew arrested

Altafs' one sibling's laptop examined by uk authorities

recently made

not nephew but cousin dear

and not sibling but daughter
Altaf Hussain is British Resident and He must face the Courts now : Mujeeb Shaami

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