Don't mix up accidental deaths with politically/racially motivated murders. MQM is responsible for 90% of all politically and raciallymotivated murders. Don't ask to provide a link for that percentage.
Yes! Most of them. When you send out you terrorists to kill others, be ready for the others to retaliate. Retaliatory killings are also directly attributable to MQM's actions and thus Yes,they are responsible.
As I said earlier, don't mix up two different things.
You are being racist here. Guns have always been part of Pushtun culture, even if they had them, it did not cause any lawlessness and dindiscriminate killings that we saw after MQM's rise. Now looking at millions of illegal weapons in my urde speaking community, which was traditionally avert from such things, now this is called spread of illegal weapons by MQM.
First off, I am an urdu speaking myself, born, raised, educated, employed, married, and most probably will be burried in Karachi too. Popint out where did Imention any minority, I talked about MQM,which claims to be a political party and thus any reference to MQM should not automatically be interpretted as a reference to Muhajir/Urdu speaking community.
Why I am so anti MQM, cause I have seen much and I have a conscience which refuses to accept injustice, crime, murder in the name of ethinicity.