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Important message to all my American friends on election day

Trump is a bigot, liar and hypocrite. Putin, has real world experience and has a vision.
Trump is a bigot, liar and hypocrite. Putin, has real world experience and has a vision.

Correct. And yet the OP video has at least some scary truths about Hillary and the whole US establishment in cahoots with the war-mongers. But who is to say Trump will not play the ball with the same establishment which he's trying to malign these days?!

Trump has no principles. None whatsoever.

I just voted Jill Stein. I'd have voted Hillary if Stein was not on the ballot-even Hillary is far better than Trump. At least she will be grounded in reality.
I just voted Jill Stein. I'd have voted Hillary if Stein was not on the ballot-even Hillary is far better than Trump. At least she will be grounded in reality.

That's one vote wasted. :P

Hillary will be another 4 years of Obama, which is not bad at all.
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