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Important developments Afghanistan


Jan 5, 2012
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There has been a lot of chatter in PDF about this falling or that falling :) but in Afghanistan we are more concerned with the following important developments.

- Afghanistan-Iran railway construction kicks off near Herat

Kajaki Dam Set To Boost Power Supply

Freight Train Arrives From China, Link Set To Boost Trade
Has govt defended Trainkot successfully today ?

There has been a lot of chatter in PDF about this falling or that falling :) but in Afghanistan we are more concerned with the following important developments.

- Afghanistan-Iran railway construction kicks off near Herat

Kajaki Dam Set To Boost Power Supply

Freight Train Arrives From China, Link Set To Boost Trade
There has been a lot of chatter in PDF about this falling or that falling :) but in Afghanistan we are more concerned with the following important developments.

- Afghanistan-Iran railway construction kicks off near Herat

Kajaki Dam Set To Boost Power Supply

Freight Train Arrives From China, Link Set To Boost Trade
Congratulations! Hope to see more such developments in your country...:tup:
There has been a lot of chatter in PDF about this falling or that falling :) but in Afghanistan we are more concerned with the following important developments.

- Afghanistan-Iran railway construction kicks off near Herat

Kajaki Dam Set To Boost Power Supply

Freight Train Arrives From China, Link Set To Boost Trade

Key line...

"Afghanistan is expected to have sea-land access through the strategic Chabahar port in Iran by the end of this year "..

All the best to Afghans ...
Has govt defended Trainkot successfully today ?

Defend? :) all good on the ground, stop believing in fairy tales and disinformation.

Key line...

"Afghanistan is expected to have sea-land access through the strategic Chabahar port in Iran by the end of this year "..

All the best to Afghans ...

Indeed,and we are fast putting in place redundant routes, the train from China is another good indication, Afghanistan will be a hub for regional transits.
There has been a lot of chatter in PDF about this falling or that falling :) but in Afghanistan we are more concerned with the following important developments.

- Afghanistan-Iran railway construction kicks off near Herat

Kajaki Dam Set To Boost Power Supply

Freight Train Arrives From China, Link Set To Boost Trade

Well done Afghanistan!! :enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
Congratulations and Afghanistan Zindabad. Hope to see a liberal and deveopling Afghanistan, with a Pakistan-friendly government of course. :D
I feel sad for your plight Brother A-Team, after all districts, cities and provinces are falling into the hands of the Taliban. Please continue to live in your fairytale world. Each time you badmouth about Pakistan, we shall remind Afghanistan its place:) Your government is living on borrowed time and after 15 years the Taliban are more stronger than ever.
Good news :tup:, but lets hope there is enough security apparatus in place to defend it.

Those Tali-"bandar" will go to any length to destroy infrastructure and hamper development.
I feel sad for your plight Brother A-Team, after all districts, cities and provinces are falling into the hands of the Taliban. Please continue to live in your fairytale world. Each time you badmouth about Pakistan, we shall remind Afghanistan its place:) Your government is living on borrowed time and after 15 years the Taliban are more stronger than ever.

People have been saying this years now :) but look we are getting stronger by the day and young generation are educated and as competitive as anyone the region, so with education and strong ANSF the phenomena of Talis and other proxies stand little chance.

Lets check on this after a decade, I promise you the Afghan state will be standing taller, stronger and will be in the league of civilized countries governed by rule of law and not foreign proxies ;)


PS : It is a recommendation that those funding the proxies should instead channel their energies into educating and betterment of their own civilans and stop dreaming of forcing Afghanistan to bend to their will ;) Makes sense my friend ? :)
People have been saying this years now :) but look we are getting stronger by the day and young generation are educated and as competitive as anyone the region, so with education and strong ANSF the phenomena of Talis and other proxies stand little chance.

Actually, the Afghan government is becoming weaker by the day since 2001 and the young educated class is leaving the country. How much more money needs to be pumped into Afghanistan in order to sustain your government? Another trillion dollars? Pakistan doesn't need to lift a finger, we have released our hounds to remind Afghanistan its place, however, if you have a problem with us, then why not attack us directly?

Lets check on this after a decade, I promise you the Afghan state will be standing taller, stronger and will be in the league of civilized countries governed by rule of law and not foreign proxies ;)

Everyone saw how civilised your country was on September the 9th:) I don't need to check this after a decade because your government wouldn't last five years.

PS : It is a recommendation that those funding the proxies should instead channel their energies into educating and betterment of their own civilans and stop dreaming of forcing Afghanistan to bend to their will ;) Makes sense my friend ? :)

I would like to recommend to the Afghan people that if they don't accept the Durand Line, then we shall make you suffer and when the American's do eventually leave then real chaos will finally begin. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is on track and each project is being completed on time. The Karachi Stock Market had the best performances in Asia and countries such as Turkey, Russia, Iran and a number of other countries are interested in becoming part of the corridor. What does Afghanistan have? AK-47, Hashish;) The beautiful thing about our agency is that we can bend you to our will, and there's nothing you can do to stop us:) Terrorism related incidents have reduced in Pakistan and I remember two years ago you mentioning that Pakistan would suffer for supporting the Taliban. The exact opposite has happened and the stats prove this. Makes sense my dear brother:) Oh, yeah, please take your refugees back:)
It is very important for Pakistan's sake that Afghanistan gets developed like it's neighbor countries.
Actually, the Afghan government is becoming weaker by the day since 2001 and the young educated class is leaving the country. How much more money needs to be pumped into Afghanistan in order to sustain your government? Another trillion dollars? Pakistan doesn't need to lift a finger, we have released our hounds to remind Afghanistan its place, however, if you have a problem with us, then why not attack us directly?

Everyone saw how civilised your country was on September the 9th:) I don't need to check this after a decade because your government wouldn't last five years.

I would like to recommend to the Afghan people that if they don't accept the Durand Line, then we shall make you suffer and when the American's do eventually leave then real chaos will finally begin. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is on track and each project is being completed on time. The Karachi Stock Market had the best performances in Asia and countries such as Turkey, Russia, Iran and a number of other countries are interested in becoming part of the corridor. What does Afghanistan have? AK-47, Hashish;) The beautiful thing about our agency is that we can bend you to our will, and there's nothing you can do to stop us:) Terrorism related incidents have reduced in Pakistan and I remember two years ago you mentioning that Pakistan would suffer for supporting the Taliban. The exact opposite has happened and the stats prove this. Makes sense my dear brother:) Oh, yeah, please take your refugees back:)

Lots of big words my friend but alas the reality seems to be obtuse. By supporting these groups you have made yourself synonymous with a terror supporting factory, you take a name of Pakistan and haqqani and Talis by default are associated, what have you got in return? Episodes like Peshawar massacre and mardan episode? How much have you lost in terms of destroyed infrastructure, radicalized society?

How big is the size of your economy with the that of India, just be objective, while India is fast becoming a regional and global power, you are being marginalized to the extent that I fail to recall in your history.

While you are busy taking pride in giving birth to groups like Talis and others, your rival and others in the neighbourhood including Afghanistan are busy investing in their societies. Be objective for a while my friend ;)

I hope you that stop this madness of thinking of that you can force your will on countries like Afghanistan and others, because what you have in a decades to come will be a country more radicalized, awashed with nuclear weapons but one who is fate is unknown. Here is a quote from General Flynn.

“I’m more concerned about Pakistan collapsing, than I am abt Afghanistan” - Michael Flynn

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