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Implications of Talibanised Pakistan for India


Feb 3, 2009
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Implications of Talibanised Pakistan for India

Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd)
April 28, 2009

India faces double jeopardy. In a democracy, populism dictates priorities and preparedness for war is not one of them. In addition, Indians with their ancient concept of universal humanism, atomised society and internal divisions have lacked unity and the will to confront the aggressor. We see war as conflict between good and evil, with the belief that the good will always triumph, Yato Dharma Tato Jaya. War for us is limited to vanquishing evil and the concept of Total War is never understood.

In an impending Taliban [Images]isation of Pakistan, we face hordes entering our country to carry out mayhem. Once the State of Pakistan is taken over by the Taliban, we face the prospect of use of nuclear weapons against us, either through direct or indirect means of delivery. The US under President Barack Obama [Images] has began a policy of differentiation between threat to them and India. Good Taliban are the ones who do not co-operate with Al Qaeda [Images] and do not threaten the US, what they do to and in India is none of their concern. The Taliban only become bad when they threaten the US. Note that the US president has laid down the objective in ****** is to 'disrupt and destroy Al Qaeda in that region', there is no mention of either the Taliban or the Lashkar-e-Tayiba [Images], as these are regarded as India specific terror groups. To coax the reluctant Pakistani army to co-operate in this venture dollops of economic and military aid -- $1.5 billion per annum -- have been offered.

Behind the scene pressure on India to give up Kashmir to appease Pakistani 'nationalists' and good Taliban is possibly already being applied. India can surely resist the pressure but then the Americans will, as during Cold War, arm Pakistan to the teeth as a pressure tactic to soften Indian resistance. Thus after five years or so we will face a militarily strong and Talibanised Pakistan.

Time is on the side of Talibanised Pakistan

As we face the general elections, the alarming point is that this major looming threat is not on the major agenda of parties or candidates. The obsession is with the prime minister's job, alliances or local issues. A large number of unattached, independent and fractions of parties will lead to the disintegration of the polity. Parliament, instead of being a debating and legislating forum, will be reduced to a 'commodity exchange'. Vote bank politics and absence of law against terrorism have led to the tamasha of 26/11 terrorist Ajmal Kasab's [Images] trial. One thought the aim of criminal justice system was to try and punish criminals. But if one is to go by the luminaries pontificating on numerous television shows, the aim of all this trial business is 'to show to the world how fair the Indian judicial system is'.

Likely scenario

With the kind of forces stacked against the survival of Pakistan, it is likely that in about six months to a year, the whole country will come under the Taliban's de-facto control. The Taliban and the real power behind them, the Pakistan army [Images], would like to maintain a fa�ade of civilian rule till the time they milk the US of maximum military and economic aid. Once US military aid makes the Pakistan army feel confident of taking on the Indian armed forces, the gloves will be off.

In the meanwhile, every effort will be made to send the maximum number of terrorists to India to create insecurity at par with Pakistan to ruin Indian economy and also make India a pariah State like Pakistan.

In this covert strategy, groups like the Indian Mujahideen [Images] and Students Islamic Movement of India will play a major role. Indian pseudo liberals will be funded and helped to mount a major campaign against the security agencies to render them ineffective. The hardliners in Kashmir will demand Sharia rule there. Once India is softened enough, there is every likelihood of a nuclear attack on major urban centres by terrorists.

The Indian response

The Indian strategic paralysis is due to two factors. For a very, very long time it was the conviction and policy that a peaceful, stable and friendly Pakistan is in India's interest. We have to wake up to the reality that is a dream. Under this shadow and exploiting Indian fear of a radical regime in Pakistan, the ruling establishment there has been restraining Indian power.

We have to change this mindset and begin to actively work for the break-up of Pakistan into three small States. Obviously that will create a messy situation and we have to prepare for it. But this is still better than a Talibanised Pakistan, forever needling India with cross-border terror.

The second inhibiting factor is the presence of nuclear weapons in Pakistan. We have to accept the fact that Pakistan is going to be taken over by the Taliban sooner than later.

The Taliban will have no qualms in using nuclear weapons against us.

If we accept the second proposition, then there is no alternative for us but to change our nuclear posture from deterrence to one of combination of 'pre-emption and nuclear defence'. It is costly and difficult and may not work. But do we really have a choice?

In the late 1940s, George Kennan's writings inspired US foreign policy of 'containing' the Soviet Union. In a 1947 article Kennan argued that the Soviet regime was essentially and inherently expansionist and violent and it had to be contained.

Taking a leaf out of America's book, we have to follow a policy of 'containment' against Pakistan and follow the example of Cold War-like preparedness at all times. In the end, the Cold War will only end with the break-up of Pakistan.

Some other measures urgently needed:

Give a clear mandate to one party in the elections.
Begin construction of basements/bunkers in vulnerable cities.
Shun the United States for defence deals and turn to our traditional military supplier or Europe.
Treat defence research as a national endeavour.
Enact law to give power to police/armed forces to disrupt, pre-empt terrorist acts.
Upgrade all infantry commando platoons to NSG level.
Be ready for preventive action!
A British historian in the early 19th century noted with amazement how while an epic struggle was going on at the battlefield of Panipat, just a few miles away, the Indian farmer would be nonchalantly ploughing his field! We must get out of this indifferent mindset and act now. Tomorrow may be too late.

Colonel Dr Anil Athale (retired), is a Chhatrapati Shivaji Fellow of the USI studying internal security and co-ordinator of the Pune-based Inpad.

Implications of Talibanised Pak for India
What a stupid article. No doubt the man is a member of the RSS/BJP.

But if one is to go by the luminaries pontificating on numerous television shows, the aim of all this trial business is 'to show to the world how fair the Indian judicial system is'.

So he's advocating we don't have this tamasha and hang kasab? A free and fair trial is what separates a civilized society from a bunch of barbaric killers.

n this covert strategy, groups like the Indian Mujahideen [Images] and Students Islamic Movement of India will play a major role. Indian pseudo liberals will be funded and helped to mount a major campaign against the security agencies to render them ineffective.

Oh yes, fear us pseudo liberals, we hate our country and will tie up with groups that are totally antithetical to liberalism:disagree:

The Indian strategic paralysis is due to two factors. For a very, very long time it was the conviction and policy that a peaceful, stable and friendly Pakistan is in India's interest

A peaceful prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest. The collapse of Pakistan would mean India is next.

We have to change this mindset and begin to actively work for the break-up of Pakistan into three small States.

Yup, a fascist fool. Interfere to destroy the sovereignty of other nations. The only thing worse that he could say is advocate the use of nuclear weapons...

If we accept the second proposition, then there is no alternative for us but to change our nuclear posture from deterrence to one of combination of 'pre-emption and nuclear defence'. It is costly and difficult and may not work. But do we really have a choice?


Give a clear mandate to one party in the elections.

Let me guess, the BJP??

Enact law to give power to police/armed forces to disrupt, pre-empt terrorist acts.

Sure, allow draconian reactionary laws like POTA that alienate a populace to fight terror instead of proactive measures like banning religious education, enforcing a uniform civil code, improve the standard of minorities in the country.
We suddenly have a lot of articles advocating that the position of "a stable Pakistan is in India's favour" is wrong nowadays!
We have to change this mindset and begin to actively work for the break-up of Pakistan into three small States. Obviously that will create a messy situation and we have to prepare for it. But this is still better than a Talibanised Pakistan, forever needling India with cross-border terror.

As if Pakistan will watch India do that like in a bollywood movie. F16s, Babars, Ghauris are not show pieces.

Even if this were to happen, we will have three nations to deal with, mostly all of them will have nukes. It will be easier for Taliban also to get nukes as it just needs to overpower the weakest of the three nations.

Which is better?

We have to accept the fact that Pakistan is going to be taken over by the Taliban sooner than later.

I don't see this as an impending possibility. Any guy who could be called an defence analyst should have understood that majority of ordinary Pakistanis and PA are not in favour of being taken over by Taliban.

Though India can be anxious or nervous about the current happenings, but I do not see any reason for any action from India's side. PA is too big an enemy for the Taliban to completely defeat.

If we accept the second proposition, then there is no alternative for us but to change our nuclear posture from deterrence to one of combination of 'pre-emption and nuclear defence'. It is costly and difficult and may not work. But do we really have a choice?
We do, and No gray matter is required upstairs to know which is better. There are two options:
1. Nuke Pakistan (pre-emption as suggested) and see what happens.
2. Wait - If (in the unlikely event of) Taliban gets the nukes and uses them on India, then retaliate in Kind.

Note: Option 1 will result in India being nuked for sure, earlier and harder.

Which is better?
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We suddenly have a lot of articles advocating that the position of "a stable Pakistan is in India's favour" is wrong nowadays!

Hasn't this always been the case however now it is more publicly stated.
Hasn't this always been the case however now it is more publicly stated.

No actually. They have always preferred a Pakistan capable of managing itself. That India has chosen to downsize Pakistan is different. It is different from keeping Pakistan boiling. A smaller Pakistan but one that can manage its affairs is in Indian interest.

However it has been in the last 5 years or so that multiple power centers, ISI doing its own thing with the Army doing something else that has occurred that we are see'ing this change in the attitudes.
No actually. They have always preferred a Pakistan capable of managing itself. That India has chosen to downsize Pakistan is different. It is different from keeping Pakistan boiling. A smaller Pakistan but one that can manage its affairs is in Indian interest.

However it has been in the last 5 years or so that multiple power centers, ISI doing its own thing with the Army doing something else that has occurred that we are see'ing this change in the attitudes.

So how exactly do you define the word smaller in relevance to Pakistan if not disintegration. Obviously you are stating the same what the author has been saying about cutting Pakistan just difference of words being choose to express the same.
So how exactly do you define the word smaller in relevance to Pakistan if not disintegration. Obviously you are stating the same what the author has been saying about cutting Pakistan just difference of words being choose to express the same.

I am telling you the prevailing belief and what is now apparently the shift in that belief.

And smaller does not mean disintegration. Did Pakistan disintegrate when East Pakistan seceded. Nope. Pakistan only got smaller.
I am telling you the prevailing belief and what is now apparently the shift in that belief.

And smaller does not mean disintegration. Did Pakistan disintegrate when East Pakistan seceded. Nope. Pakistan only got smaller.

Yes Pakistan was dis integrated from two parts to just one and yes smaller means you disintegrate the country into more parts so that it becomes small enough to be of any threat to the country behind the disintegration.
If Pakistan Disintergrates it will be the reponsiblity of the State instituions that have failed the country.

These are your Army, ISI and your politicians..

I actually think beneath the surface there are many who will be happy in india if their is factional groups in pakistan because it make the state weaker with everybody pulling in different directions.

for those hoping for a Pakistan with a voice in the sub continent this is a nitemare scenario.
It's very important that Pakistan remain a stable
democracy where terrorism is not state policy.

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