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IMF wants assets of Pakistani officers of grade 17 - 22 to be public.

I am just bringing context to this claim that they all settle overseas etc. as has been mentioned ad nauseam on this forum. All people can barely manage is 5 names from an army with 400 general officers and even the names managed indicate nothing of a trend. Actually the inverse is the norm i.e. 99.9% live their post-retirement lives in Pakistan.

It is the exaggeration of the issue which deserves a response to set the record straight.

It all depends on what one defines this "settle overseas" as, really. Do "extended vacations" with children abroad count? What about a "permanent address" for a residence that remains vacant 11 months of the year?
It all depends on what one defines this "settle overseas" as, really. Do "extended vacations" with children abroad count? What about a "permanent address" for a residence that remains vacant 11 months of the year?
How many? Based on a few cases, the entire army is being blanketed.
How many? Based on a few cases, the entire army is being blanketed.

I agree with your position that such blanket stereotyping is unfair and incorrect. Unfortunately, there is a certain category of twitterititties and twitterituttas that have gone berserk in their social media campaign after certain recent events and have let go of all reason in their blind pursuit of their cult-like faith in false messiahs, and that is rubbing off on the dimwititties and dimwituttas everywhere.
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Including their extended family members, kids, in-laws, grandkids, cousins, close relatives, etc.

Don't forget their drivers, guards, peons, gardeners etc. Poor innocent people who they exploit with unauthorized bank accounts worth billions of rupees.
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