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IMF team met with Imran Khan & PTI's team


PMLN ka ainda IMF ko loan na denya ka faisla lol

IMF . wanted to know from kaaan immi.
When r u planning to fck the country again?
Then Imran askzd bushra .
Now every dead brain cell is waiting for .revelations of dreams.. YOUTHIA..
Yeah like this


Sirf forum per aker shout karney se pmln aur bughz imranio ki performance achi nahi hojani mehnat karna parti hai

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Yeah, some people start jerking-off when they see his face on the telly.

Desperate times, desperate measures, heh!
I guess you would happen to be one of them (who start jerking-off)… 😂😂

Why didn’t our resident noonie news poster post this ?

Is he embarrassed?
I guess he’s just a fool, idiot, dunce, blockhead, numbskull, ignoramus, dunderhead, ninny, nincompoop, booby, sap head,simpleton..

Take your pick…
It would have made sense for Imran Khan to reject the IMF deal as a form of nonviolent protest and to put pressure on the army establishment to stop political peddling and extrajudicial crimes.

This IMF deal, like other similar deals before, only benefit the elite and perpetuate the renter state culture in Pakistan. So there would have been zero impact on common Pakistanis.
Contrary to that tweet, they reached out to PDM as well. They reached out to all 3 parties PTI, PMLN and PPP in order to get them all on board with the deal and make sure nobody tries to derail it.

Imran was always in favour of a deal with ttp.Its said that during his time taliban were allowed to come back to tribal areas.
But Bajwa was dealing with TTP for peace.
These mullah always always showed they can not be trusted
So all the efforts and money spent on Minus PTI , Minus Imran Khan, has gone in the gutter.
Even IMF wanted assurance from "the one who's name cannot be taken" . The Lord voldermot of Pakistani politics
Imran was always in favour of a deal with ttp.Its said that during his time taliban were allowed to come back to tribal areas.

Because Army chief was forcing..

this is the reason they release Ihsan ullah Ihsan
Imran was always in favour of a deal with ttp.Its said that during his time taliban were allowed to come back to tribal areas.


1. TTP was destroyed by Zarb-e-Azb

2. Ehsanullah Ehsan was is custody of the military, in a safe house getting a monthly stipend - and escaped.

3. Whatever “TTP” there is now is figment of the GHQ’s imagination. Wouldn’t be even surprised if they were the ones controlling them.

Funny how the TTP all assembled like auto bots when the military’s reputation is in the gutter.
Because Army chief was forcing..

this is the reason they release Ihsan ullah Ihsan
Imran always had soft corner for taliban.When taliban came to power in afghanistan he said they broke shackles of slavery.He opposed anti taliban operations and said the solution is through dialogue.


1. TTP was destroyed by Zarb-e-Azb
For years imran opposed military operations like zarb e azab and said there is no military solution
Imran always had soft corner for taliban.When taliban came to power in afghanistan he said they broke shackles of slavery.He opposed anti taliban operations and said the solution is through dialogue.

Then why military wants to keep ttp in Afghanistan now a days, instead military operation?

on imran day military wants to keep ttp in Pakistan, but dialogues not succeeded.

why ihsan ullah ihsan released?
@VCheng I remember you used to say IMF was unpolitical and unbiased.

Well what does this show?

> For a year, IMF didn’t give loans in hopes Pakistan would default and we suffered for a whole year.

> Economy gets stabilised. People get used to the new inflation. Life is good

> Oh no what now? IMF now wants to give loans. Oh but it is so close to election time too. Who will benefit from the loans?

So much for being non political
Meeting an opposition leader whose party is being systematically dismantled. Some signal this.
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