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IMF sets very tough conditions for Pak to receive bailout package, shows no flexibility

OK, sorry, the two hundred billion does not exist. Many apologies!

Now moving on, what would Ganja have done differently to fix the economy? He did nothing to address the upcoming crisis the 5 years he was in power.

Maybe not do a 126 day long dharna causing Pakistan 2% in GDP? How about not promising paradise and shrinking Pakistan's GDP by $35 billion in just his first 8 months? Or, not punch Pakistan's GDP Growth Rate to 2.7% from 5%?

And why move on? Why not simply get lost and let the experienced run the country which had significantly improved in just short 5-years.
I found this for now. Will that do?
Every politician, even in the west will make claims. It's part of electoral politics. Nawaz ha been promising since 1984, almost 35 years to make Pakistan great. Nawaz/ZardariBhutto/Musharaf have ruled Pakistan for the last 30 years. What did they promise over the 30 years. And look at Pakistan.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM Do you know a Chinese member here said "the highest expression of loyalty to the nation is expressed by paying your taxes". By that measure Pakistan is full of disloyal citizens.
Every politician, even in the west will make claims. It's part of electoral politics. Nawaz ha been promising since 1984, almost 35 years to make Pakistan great. Nawaz/ZardariBhutto/Musharaf have ruled Pakistan for the last 30 years. What did they promise over the 30 years. And look at Pakistan.

Blame the traitors in the military for ruining Pakistan and Pakistan's political system. And, partial blame goes to enemy nations.
Blame the traitors in the military for ruining Pakistan and Pakistan's political system. And, partial blame goes to enemy nations.
To be honest the blame is on everybody. A nation is sum of it's people. A genius of it's people will be reflected in the nation. Grab 10 million Swedes and give them a patch of land in Pakistan and come back after 30 years. watch what will have happened. On the contrary move 10 million Pakistani's to Stockholm in a population swop with Karachi. And see what happens to Stockhom.
This is a God sent opportunity. Absolutely annihilate the evildoers for once and for all.

Imran Khan needs to do a clean sweep here. Fvck the measured response. No more diplomacy. Get in there and start slaughtering the corrupt savages. Name them and shame them. Start a judicial witch hunt. Indiscriminately expose and punish these corrupt bastards. Go after their loved ones. Do whatever necessary. Waterboarding should be allowed. Torture? Amen to that.

No more patting on the back of the corrupt bureaucracy. No more leniency for those that evade tax. Compile a hit list and start a massive crusade.

Imran Khan was voted to clean up the system. Not to wear gloves and treat hyenas like little babies.

If Asad Umar or anyone else doesn't comply to this tough approach they need to be shown the exit door.

War has come. We need to prepare for war. These motherfvckers won't understand the language of civility. We need a radical approach here.

Calm down, Hitler.
Maybe not do a 126 day long dharna causing Pakistan 2% in GDP? How about not promising paradise and shrinking Pakistan's GDP by $35 billion in just his first 8 months? Or, not punch Pakistan's GDP Growth Rate to 2.7% from 5%?

And why move on? Why not simply get lost and let the experienced run the country which had significantly improved in just short 5-years.
There has been no improvement.

Balochistan is a hotbed for separatist activity and along with KPK, Southern Punjab, Interior Sindh, are decaying in poverty. Karachi is literally a trash bin. PML-N literally lied about building the Western CPEC route and by doing so, aided India in replicating the process in which they tear Pakistan apart on ethnic lines - just like Fall of Dhaka. Had Qamar Bajwa not pushed for FATA to be merged to KPK, PML-N was deliberately stopping that, even though that was the explosive powder PTM was using to incubate separatism in KPK. Thankfully, they merged FATA and PTM died out instantly.

The only improvement you had was building roads through the Eastern CPEC route, that really weren't necessary, as the region is already linked up with enough road/rail network. Maybe a few power plants to generate more electricity, but are still useless because they forgot to upgrade the British-era power transmission lines.

Thanks to PML-N borrowing loans to artificially prop up rupee which ended up subsidizing imports and taxing your exports, even worsening their competitiveness against other countries, your country has been successfully de-industrialized.

Numbers are garbage, even Musharraf's government boasted better numbers than this. But as we've seen before, unless your country has a vibrant private industry that sustains a strong manufacturing base, that import & investment-led economic growth dries up faster than water drops in a desert.

I'm not fan of PTI's economic policy. I believe Imran Khan should replace all of his economic team. However, to say that PML-N had a glorious and prosperous rule is not correct. All of the governments, PTI, PML-N, PPP, PML-Q have done a poor job in running this country. That's why Pakistan has had to go to the IMF repeatedly.
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To be honest the blame is on everybody. A nation is sum of it's people. A genius of it's people will be reflected in the nation. Grab 10 million Swedes and give them a patch of land in Pakistan and come back after 30 years. watch what will have happened. On the contrary move 10 million Pakistani's to Stockholm in a population swop with Karachi. And see what happens to Stockhom.

True to the root. Change is needed at every level, social change.
Maybe PM IK needs to do a deal the Altaf bhai. Clemency but you move back to Pakistan and take over FBR. No taxes equals bori. Watch how tax rates rise ....
I am sure make him head of FBR and give me free hand,either people's will leave or they would pay taxes in advance.
Where did IK claim he will fix everything in 100 days... can you please give me the link? I travelled from Canada to Pak just to vote, all that time and effort wasted. Should instead have voted for the Sharifs atleast they wouldn't have given us any hopes right? :partay:

bhai please go through speeches and claims on media pre elections, maybe we get a different version of speech than in canada? IK in these 8 months is acting like he was totally caught off guard which sorry to say is not the case, he choose team which is letting him down, if ship goes down Captain is responsible for the acts of the crew sirf achay achay ka credit lainay kai liye nahin huta captain.

Reality check now i am forced to restrict my movement because i am not able to afford the luxary of using my car due to fuel costs, i am unemployed as well, anxiously waiting for the tabdeeli, qasam sai phatti pari hai and than you go around listening to the likes of Faisal Vawda and you feel like puking (on their face)
Your right to a degree but you want civil war in Pakistan? That would wreck the country.
Great post. The reality is to set the economy on the right path is long term project and if done assidously will bear fruit in at least over a decade. Meaning PM IK will never see a booming Pakistani economy. All he can do is set the scene for future success. Amongst others this is what I expect of him -

  • poverty allieviation
  • increase in literacy
  • bringing FATA and other ignored regions upto par. For too long Pakistan is described by Karachi, Lahore. It's time 200 million people began to express their views on the national tapestry.
  • improve Pakistan foreign image which is being slowly done.

Bought another apartment in London?

Just do a Khashoggi with Nawazoo and Zardari. The rest will the get the message.
Calm down, Hitler.

Hitler is too soft. What we need to do with PML-N and PPP is unthinkable.

Blame the traitors in the military for ruining Pakistan and Pakistan's political system. And, partial blame goes to enemy nations.

Do you pay taxes?

To be honest the blame is on everybody. A nation is sum of it's people. A genius of it's people will be reflected in the nation. Grab 10 million Swedes and give them a patch of land in Pakistan and come back after 30 years. watch what will have happened. On the contrary move 10 million Pakistani's to Stockholm in a population swop with Karachi. And see what happens to Stockhom.

Absolutely. This whole nation is responsible for the state it is residing in today. There is no denying that.

The ordinary people are even worse than Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. They vote for such filth and celebrate by firing shots.

It is good. They deserve it fully. You reap what you sow. I only care about the state. For the people I don’t care anymore. Sounds harsh, but it is the truth.

When you side with garbage which destroys the future of your own children you deserve the wrath of God. Wrath is plentiful.
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