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IMF sets very tough conditions for Pak to receive bailout package, shows no flexibility

We need this bailout package, we aren't going to for a joke, are we? It's obvious that there is no billions of $ hidden due to corruption, only incompetency exists; and neither are we going to get billions of $ only from few taxes.

In the end, it's a national crisis, and we cannot avert it without debt, unfortunately. This government has failed to show anything for the economy, to me it seems like the incompetency will go on.

Best decision I believe would be to bring in a new, functional advisors board for finance ministry, and bring the economist Atif back in quiet, something has to be done.

You can bring the greatest economic advisor on the planet to Pakistan. It won't fix corruption or bring back the stolen money.

Tax evaders need to be punished and the culprits of bad economic governance need to be brought to justice. Unless Nawaz Sharif and Zardari aren't brought to justice nothing will change.

Tax evaders will be emboldened and corruption will be justified.

Imran Khan needs to take off his gloves now. Enough of this conciliatory BS. Time to get tough and mean.
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Pre election promises and claims were so high damage was already done and claims were made to fix everything in 100 days, complain is not for damage but for setting high hopes and fake promises

Where did IK claim he will fix everything in 100 days... can you please give me the link? I travelled from Canada to Pak just to vote, all that time and effort wasted. Should instead have voted for the Sharifs atleast they wouldn't have given us any hopes right? :partay:
By the way thank you PMLN and PPP supporters for making Pakistan in current great situation.

Why do you conveniently forget to include the criminal illegitimate regime of Musharraf/Shortcut aziz who are equally responsible for the current dire conditions of Pakistan.
Pre election promises and claims were so high damage was already done and claims were made to fix everything in 100 days, complain is not for damage but for setting high hopes and fake promises

Making election promises is always easier than delivering actual results when in government.
You can bring the greatest economic advisor on the planet to Pakistan. It won't fix corruption or bring back the stolen money.

Tax evaders need to punished and the culprits of bad economic governance need to be brought to justice. Unless Nawaz Sharif and Zardari aren't brought to justice nothing will change.

People talk about great evidences, billions and billions of dollars stashed away in swiss accounts; but in the end, it turns out to be dumb, and the assets revealed are only millions of dollars.

At this point, I think, specially since the both are holding onto for so long, that they're simply incompetent rather than seriously corrupt.

Punishing tax evaders wont save Pakistan from the economic crisis before the whole country defaults!

We need this loan, and most of all, we need advisors who know how to practically make the best use of this long term.
It’s a grand opportunity for IK to reform the finances, taxation etc.!! And, go after the mega corrupt to squeeze the looted wealth out of them...

This is a God sent opportunity. Absolutely annihilate the evildoers for once and for all.

Imran Khan needs to do a clean sweep here. Fvck the measured response. No more diplomacy. Get in there and start slaughtering the corrupt savages. Name them and shame them. Start a judicial witch hunt. Indiscriminately expose and punish these corrupt bastards. Go after their loved ones. Do whatever necessary. Waterboarding should be allowed. Torture? Amen to that.

No more patting on the back of the corrupt bureaucracy. No more leniency for those that evade tax. Compile a hit list and start a massive crusade.

Imran Khan was voted to clean up the system. Not to wear gloves and treat hyenas like little babies.

If Asad Umar or anyone else doesn't comply to this tough approach they need to be shown the exit door.

War has come. We need to prepare for war. These motherfvckers won't understand the language of civility. We need a radical approach here.
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People need to look further than the end of thier noses. Do you really want Pakistan to borrow money to spend on subsidies on electricity? Cash is required now to keep things rolling - not in a few years time when evidence has been proven and cases won. If you borrow from the IMF they enforce unpopular conditions - conditions which force people out of bad habits.

The only worry is that an independent state bank could be open to influence from external elements. The best way to combat that is to fix your financial house and re-nationalise it.
Why do you conveniently forget to include the criminal illegitimate regime of Musharraf/Shortcut aziz who are equally responsible for the current dire conditions of Pakistan.
Musharaf is same because of his decision of NRO we are suffering so he is more responsible for current situation than these two corrupt party.
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Because he is going to leave you in a far worse condition than Nawaz did.
How would Nawaz have done things differently?

The revenue shortfall is only being exacerbated by the cut in imports (which itself is necessary because of the current account deficit). The only long term solution is a rise in revenue collection through a broadening of the tax net, which is not something Sharif or Zardari had much success with either.
They need to start working and stop blaming previous governments. These guys just label their failures on pmln and ppp. Thanks to the establishment we might end up bankrupt.

A Bad Worker Always Blames His Tools.


People can generally be classified into two groups those who have talent and those who don't have it. A really talented person succeeds in his work, he makes use of his abilities properly and achieves good results. He is confident of doing his work. He uses his tools in the right way, even if they are not excellent.
Whereas an untalented person even if given excellent tools, fails to achieve any kind of good results. He tries to find lame excuses for his failure and blames his tools for the bad work he has done. He does not want to admit that he is a bad worker. He deliberately forgets the fact that his talents are limited. Even if good opportunities are provided to the untalented person, he fails to exploit those opportunities and blames the situation and people around him for his failure.
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