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IMF: Iran economy stabilizing, to soar if deal reached

So you want Iran to break the 'axis of resistance' and become a secular nation?

Thats not what is at play. But definately we all want Iran to become economically integrated into global economy again.

About secular or not secular.
As you may know by now, Im not a fan of any organized religion, particularly not when it gets so much role in government and politics. Im an agnostic fella.
Being secular or religious should be a private matter of the individual, and not be imposed by the state.

Im not saying Iran should be secular (even though I am secular), but I do want that Islam is less imposed on citizens and people should be given more personal freedoms.
I have several cousins from Iran that visit Sweden regularly and whenever I bring up the subject of religion they become really tired. They say "please let us be, we are already up to here with religion in Iran, let us just relax here". Something like that.

I honestly think political Islam is a threat to the spiritual side and I believe political Islam has been bit of a failure.

Anything in excess is not good. Give people the right to choose for themselves and personal freedoms. If they choose Islam cool, but if not then it also should be accomodated.
Everyone should be respected, whether religious or secular.
Thats not what is at play. But definately we all want Iran to become economically integrated into global economy again.

About secular or not secular.
As you may know by now, Im not a fan of any organized religion, particularly not when it gets so much role in government and politics. Im an agnostic fella.
Being secular or religious should be a private matter of the individual, and not be imposed by the state.

Im not saying Iran should be secular (even though I am secular), but I do want that Islam is less imposed on citizens and people should be given more personal freedoms.
I have several cousins from Iran that visit Sweden regularly and whenever I bring up the subject of religion they become really tired. They say "please let us be, we are already up to here with religion in Iran, let us just relax here". Something like that.

I honestly think political Islam is a threat to the spiritual side and I believe political Islam has been bit of a failure.

That's not what I meant, I know for sure Iranians don't want an Islamically influenced society. However, I thought he was implying it should take a huge turn away from that axis. When seculars take power it's likely they would want that? Or do you disagree?
That's not what I meant, I know for sure Iranians don't want an Islamically influenced society. However, I thought he was implying it should take a huge turn away from that axis. When seculars take power it's likely they would want that? Or do you disagree?

I dont think he was implying that, but I leave it up to him to answer. :)
In any case, I dont see Iran becoming a secular state anytime soon.
I dont think he was implying that, but I leave it up to him to answer. :)
In any case, I dont see Iran becoming a secular state anytime soon.

So do you think we will see more sanctions relief by the end of the year?
Thats not what is at play. But definately we all want Iran to become economically integrated into global economy again.

About secular or not secular.
As you may know by now, Im not a fan of any organized religion, particularly not when it gets so much role in government and politics. Im an agnostic fella.
Being secular or religious should be a private matter of the individual, and not be imposed by the state.

Im not saying Iran should be secular (even though I am secular), but I do want that Islam is less imposed on citizens and people should be given more personal freedoms.
I have several cousins from Iran that visit Sweden regularly and whenever I bring up the subject of religion they become really tired. They say "please let us be, we are already up to here with religion in Iran, let us just relax here". Something like that.

I honestly think political Islam is a threat to the spiritual side and I believe political Islam has been bit of a failure.

Anything in excess is not good. Give people the right to choose for themselves and personal freedoms. If they choose Islam cool, but if not then it also should be accomodated.
Everyone should be respected, whether religious or secular.

Aren't the people already have a huge secular portion among them? This is my observation on those Iranians who live abroad at least. Lots of them seriously hate Islam to an unbelievable degree that I haven't even seen among radical white Christians. They don’t even make any effort to distinguish between Islam and the Iranian government.
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Aren't the people already have huge secular portion among them? This is my observation on those Iranians who live abroad at least. Lots of them seriously hate Islam to an unbelievable degree that I haven't even seenamong radical white Christians. They don’t even make any effort to distinguish between Islam and the Iranian government.

I dont know how many of them would be secular. Its hard to measure. I would also be careful of comparing diaspora Iranians with those inside Iran. "Product of the enviroment" and all that.
But definately, from what I have heard from my uncle and cousins etc, is that people want more personal freedoms.

To be fair though, my mother recently returned from Shiraz and Tehran and she thinks it has gotten a lot better.
People can dress more freely and the rules are not imposed as strictly as before.
That was also my experience when I was there last year.
Aren't the people already have huge secular portion among them? This is my observation on those Iranians who live abroad at least. Lots of them seriously hate Islam to an unbelievable degree that I haven't even seen among radical white Christians. They don’t even make any effort to distinguish between Islam and the Iranian government.

Do your people revere Islam any more than theirs do? You know our actions matter more than what we proclaim to revere. So when you have people doubting prophecies and pursing a policy that operates as if God or Islamic prophecy has no impact on the world then that's a problem and that's also disbelief in our religion.
So you want Iran to break the 'axis of resistance' and become a secular nation?
Not secular in sense of western secularism. Also the axis could stay: Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are all secular. Even assad admitted mixing religion with governing does not work.
Not secular in sense of western secularism. Also the axis could stay: Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are all secular. Even assad admitted mixing religion with governing does not work.

Red = States with state religion
Blue = Secular states

I don't think such thing happens . The US has been playing Iran since Ruhani came in power .

Ahmadinejad was not good in politics but he said the truth about dealing with the west at the beginning and didn't bring bubbles of hope for Iranians .

To be honest , I think these Iran - US talks are just a show for mullahs to silent the ones inside that always blamed previous government for not having good political relations with the west / US and they'll continue until its proven that Iran - West / US deal is unreachable .
Have they really brought such conditions on the two allies?
yes, there is a line in the deal which says both sides should agree on everything (that's the fault of our stupid negotiators), so Americans are referring to this simple world to bring everything you could imagine into the final deal.
of course we wont accept any non-nuclear subject in the discussions, so the matter is if Americans would change their words or not.

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