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IMF: China being one of the most unequal countries in the world

Gini Index 2014


We are in middle range
Not as good as we would have expected but not as bad as the OP portrayed


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding
China is one of the biggst country in the world. With so many population and such a big land, everything is different.
You can't expect the people at sea earn same money with the people in very west. If you campare the hole Eurapa with China, you will see things are not much different. There is rich country like German, and also poor like Albania.
It's only take china 30 years to get today. Things are changing fast in China.

If you realy want to understand china, I will sugust use the taji model(my own idea).
At the same time there are:
rich and poor,
good and bad,
modern and primitivism.
You always can see both sides of a thing.
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View attachment 208535 (Both are classroom in village.)
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I would say those poor areas in your pics are really different now, they are the past
"Shoot, they are setting up another bank! Let's throw sh%t on their face!"

Very primitive actions, guess something never changed since they evolved from apes.
Like that will bring countries back to their side.
The original article is biased as it is hypocritical. Let's not ignore the wealth inequality in the United States, as well.

IMF, think before you preach. :disagree:

Wealth inequality in the U.S. is 10 times worse than income inequality - Fortune
I would not assign any sort of political/moral attributes to that article -- yet.

Implicit in these kinds of articles, and often the writers do not make their opinions overt, is that wealth = politics, as in the greater wealth you have, the greater the POTENTIAL political influence you can wield, and if you chose to wield it, whether for 'good' or 'evil', is what often frightens those who have lesser wealth than you. The writers of these articles leave it to the readers to assign these political/moral attributes, which inevitably leads to diverse opinions on what the 'one-percenters' are and can do to 'oppress' the people, etc...etc...etc...And all too often, the 'one-percenters', especially those in emerging capitalist countries, obliged these fears by wielding their political influence in disproportionate amount, aided by corrupt politicos, exploiting weak governmental institutions, and generally be a-holes in flaunting their wealth.

Personally, I look at wealth differently.

Wealth is essentially a fiction, like a novel that seemingly made real by the transmit method of that fiction, not necessarily by the contents within. Some people believe that if it is written, it must be true, whether the recording medium is stone tablets, paper, or electrical bits. Most of us are not THAT gullible, of course. We are intelligent enough to actually consider the contents within and assess if a person is a witch or a normal human being, we then assign the story as a fiction or a fact.

Wealth is a fiction in the sense of how individuals feel about wealth in general and the items that are considered necessary to be 'wealthy' in particular. It is quite axiomatic that the more sophisticated a society, especially in terms of technology, the more complex the estimation of wealth, the greater the variety of items that are considered to be necessary to be 'wealthy', and the greater the desire and drive to accumulate wealth. In other words, when it comes to wealth and its physical manifestations, such as an exotic automobile or a mansion or a 'trophy wife', we are very gullible to this fiction.

Here is the conundrum for all of us...

I do not believe that you are a witch, but why should I believe that you are a 'better' person than me because you have more 'stuff' than I do ? The allegations that you are a witch and that you are 'better' are equal fictions. The conundrum -- and mental trap -- is that you being a witch have no effects on my personal life but 'stuff' do. Things that make our daily lives easier are always desirable so from that perspective, a metal knife is a 'wealthier' instrument than stone knife. Metals are infinitely malleable. Stones are not. Metals' inherent flexibility which led to its greater desirability than stone transcended geography and time. Extrapolate this to any item that make our daily lives easier in so many degrees and it is easy to see why all of us are so gullible when it comes to the fiction of wealth and what it means to be 'wealthy' or more precisely -- wealthier and wealthier over time.

This is why I consider wealth to be a mental trap. It is mental in everything, from intellect to psychological to emotional. It is a trap that we all want to be in precisely because we all want our daily lives to be incrementally easier to bear. This trap is 'real' in the sense that we debate among ourselves about the fiction of wealth. The debates ranges from moral, as in how Jesus and other religious leaders often criticize those who have more than others, to political, as in the diversity of political means to eliminate wealth or at least to make its distribution parity for everyone. Those who have more than others resists any attempt to minimize their wealth, and those who have less than others are tempted to take from others what they desire.

This is why wealth inequality, despite wealth being a fiction, is always an emotional issue first and foremost.
Indians do not understand how happy the farmers will be if the government take over their land. There will be money compensation which a common Indian can not earn for 10 generations.
Please don't spew hot gases from your behind. Here, read this...

Forced eviction in the People's Republic of China refers to the practice of involuntary land requisitions from the citizenry, typically in order to make room for development projects. In many instances, government authorities working in collusion with private developers seize land from villagers, often with little to no compensation.

Forced evictions are particularly common in rural areas, and are a major source of unrest and public protest. By some estimates, up to 65 percent of the 180,000 annual mass incidents in China stem from grievances over forced evictions. Citizens who resist or protest the evictions have reportedly been subjected to harassment, beatings, or detention.

Forced evictions in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ignorance is bliss, but your post made you look silly. You don't even know WTF is going on in your own communist countrty. Jeeez!
Please don't spew hot gases from your behind. Here, read this...

Forced eviction in the People's Republic of China refers to the practice of involuntary land requisitions from the citizenry, typically in order to make room for development projects. In many instances, government authorities working in collusion with private developers seize land from villagers, often with little to no compensation.

Forced evictions are particularly common in rural areas, and are a major source of unrest and public protest. By some estimates, up to 65 percent of the 180,000 annual mass incidents in China stem from grievances over forced evictions. Citizens who resist or protest the evictions have reportedly been subjected to harassment, beatings, or detention.

Forced evictions in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ignorance is bliss, but your post made you look silly. You don't even know WTF is going on in your own communist countrty. Jeeez!
I lived in China, so you know more about people living around me? One of the helpers in my lab got compensation for 5 departments, the total price of which is about 20 million yuan. And her family can earn 12 thousand yuan per months just from leasing 4 of them. How much money can you earn every month?
IMF is utterly humiliated by AIIB. LOL at Indians jumping up and down like monkeys. India does not even include Dalits when calculating wealth inequality because India does not consider Dalits to be human beings.
My father is from the countryside. Some of my uncles and sisters (My dad has 6 sister/brothers) still live in the countryside. They don't do farm work any more, their original land is now part of an industrial park. Every family at least 2 apartments(depending on how many children they have, 1 child 1+1 apartments, n children 1+n apartments). And if they don't migrant to big cities like the provincial capital city Wuhan where I live, local factories must ensure their jobs, at least 1500yuan/month. 1500yuan/month($240) is not a good salary for westerners, but quite good for developing countries considering the very low living expenses in the countryside of China, and MUCH BETTER than farming, and much easier of course.

IMF is utterly humiliated by AIIB. LOL at Indians jumping up and down like monkeys. India does not even include Dalits when calculating wealth inequality because India does not consider Dalits to be human beings.
It's impossible to perform any real census in India.

@Lux de Veritas To deliberately post a thread with such a terrifying title is to ignite trolling, accidentally or deliberately I don't know.
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My father is from the countryside. Some of my uncles and sisters (My dad has 6 sister/brothers) still live in the countryside. They don't do farm work any more, their original land is now part of an industrial park. Every family at least 2 apartments(depending on how many children they have, 1 child 1+1 apartments, n children 1+n apartments). And if they don't migrant to big cities like the provincial capital city Wuhan where I live, local factories must ensure their jobs, at least 1500yuan/month. 1500yuan/month($240) is not a good salary for westerners, but quite good for developing countries considering the very low living expenses in the countryside of China, and MUCH BETTER than farming, and much easier of course.

It's impossible to perform any real census in India.

@Lux de Veritas To deliberately post a thread with such a terrifying title is to ignite trolling, accidentally or deliberately I don't know.

We must not ostrich ourselves and whenever I go PRC, everyone told me there is unbridgeable wealth divide. There is a serious anti rich sentiment among the people 仇富.

Go google the term and you see incredible number of people hating PRC rich and hope Mao come and kill them.

People are now cherishing Mao the murderer.

And how PRC rich become rich? Are they doing the Bill Gate style or are their riches derive from murder, corruption or land confiscation?

Because of such mafia style of the rich and peasant hatred, PRC now has the worst rich flight in the whole world. A vote of no confidence.

So much for cheer leaders..

We must not ostrich ourselves and whenever I go PRC, everyone told me there is unbridgeable wealth divide. There is a serious anti rich sentiment among the people 仇富.

Go google the term and you see incredible number of people hating PRC rich and hope Mao come and kill them.

People are now cherishing Mao the murderer.

And how PRC rich become rich? Are they doing the Bill Gate style or are their riches derive from murder, corruption or land confiscation?

Because of such mafia style of the rich and peasant hatred, PRC now has the worst rich flight in the whole world. A vote of no confidence.

So much for cheer leaders..

She is Li Xiaolin, former PM Li Peng's daughter. Having an ex-girlfriend whose father is part of her electricity empire, I know a lot about her family's abusrdity.
No one will deny the gap between the poor and the rich. And when u read someone's pro-Mao comments, does it mean general Chinese wanna abandon their new life and return to Mao's era? U can find similar comments in Taiwan about their capable president 蒋经国.

Again, no one will deny, but I feel offended by your thread's sensational title.
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