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Featured Imam e Kaaba Advises Muslims To Have Better Relations With Jews (Israel) in Friday Sermon


Oct 2, 2019
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According to Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the prophet was so good to his Jewish neighbor that the latter converted to Islam.

Has Saudi Arabia begun preparing its people for normalization with Israel?

A sermon delivered on Friday by Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, has been interpreted by some Arabs and Muslims as a prelude to normalization with Israel.

In his sermon, Sudais said that Islam requires Muslims to respect non-Muslims and treat them well.

He pointed out that Prophet Mohammed “performed ablution from a polytheistic water bottle and died while his shield was mortgaged to a Jew.”

According to Sudais, the prophet was so good to his Jewish neighbor that the latter converted to Islam. Sudais also talked about the need to “correct and purify the Islamic faith from false and suspicious beliefs.”

The imam had previously called for peaceful inter-faith dialogue and preached Islam’s opposition to “explosions and terrorism.”

Saudi Arabia has agreed to allow Israeli flights into its airspace. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan recently said the kingdom was open to establishing relations with Israel on condition that a peace agreement is reached between Israel and the Palestinians.

Sudais’s words sparked a wave of protests on social media, where many Arabs and Muslims claimed he was paving the way for Saudi Arabia to follow suit with the United Arab Emirates and establish relations with Israel.

Egyptian Islamic scholar Mohammed al-Sagheer accused the Saudi cleric of hypocrisy. “He is paving the way for normalization and treason,” Sagheer commented.

Islamic cleric Muhammad al-Shinqiti of Mauritania accused Sudais of exploiting the podium of the Grand Mosque in Mecca to promote normalization with Israel.

Abdel Fatah Fayed, Egyptian affairs editor at Al-Jazeera, said the bottom line of the Friday sermon was that “submission, normalization and loyalty to Israel” are permitted. He added: “Al-Sudais does not have the right to tamper with Islam. Nothing can justify treason.”

Algerian Twitter user Mohamed Mestour posted a picture on the social media platform of Sudais with the caption: “I’m a rabbi, not an imam.”

Bro wise up a bit the Jews have tried their utmost to destroy Islam and Muslims from the very start and since then they never stopped and you need to change your specs. They have even tried to destroy the resting place of our beloved Prophet centuries ago. Please don't give us the words of wisdom as you need to resign from your post and your sermon is the same as munafiq's used to give before the Andalusia in Spain was surrendered. Why are they digging tunnels under the Masjid Aqusa, occupying our lands and our first Qibla and also killing our kids if they want friendships.
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I think he means befriending individual Jews and not hating them even though they may or may not be Zionists. This isn't about Israel as a whole in my opinion. It is no different than befriending a Christian.
This is why a lot of thinking people cannot stomach religious dogma over principle.
This proves right those people who maintain that religion is just a mechanism to control and exploit ordinary people.
Don't you think the timing is a bit convenient?
I have had jewish friends this past year and got along very great with them. The timing may he coincidental or could have a connection to Arab Israel ties increasing but I wouldn't assume anything.
We have to answer to Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment, not to Saudi Arabia or to the Immam Kaaba.It is a disaster for the Arabs ... The words of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are inscribed on stone, Insha Allaah.Today, Al-Saud is completely naked in enmity with the Muslim Ummah.How can those who have taken over the government from the Jews and Christians speak for the Muslims?
Also, accept the curse of the Arab rulers from me.Thought Thair Qadri was an excellent Shaikul Hadidth who can easily turn Rand corporation report into Fatwa, but today is day to come. Imam a Kebaab read a handwritten poem by Jews. The fitna reached among us via Imam of the Kaaba.Its fatwa politics a damn business.
Traitors of the Ottoman Caliphate and Illegal Occupation of the Hijaz Land Mafia is rapidly moving towards its logical end.

اناالحق جُز مقامِ کِبریا نیست
سزائے اُوچلیپا ہست یا نیست

انا للّٰہ وانا عليہ راجعون

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Ahh these folks Ahh!!!!

They preferred a homosexual Jewish fellow, Capatain Lawrence from the British Intelligence, over the Ottomans....

It's no "surprise" for us....

By the by, do the folks need to do a "Kaffara" for all the Namaz they attended, including those during the Hajj, under his Imamet?????
I think he means befriending individual Jews and not hating them even though they may or may not be Zionists. This isn't about Israel as a whole in my opinion. It is no different than befriending a Christian.

Question: Were Christians and Jews friends and allies of each other throughout history? - NO!
  • NO!.. Jewish people were mostly discriminated throughout their history by the Christian world. They suffered antisemitism throughout and extermination in Spain, Germany etc... Christians and Jews were never friends and allies of each other throughout history
  • Then mysteriously there was an alliance between the Christian (or now modern western secular) world and new Jewish Zionist established power.
    • That is, now there exist an alliance between the the Western Christian+Jewish world.
  • The Quran forbade the friendship with this alliance... "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
    • Therefore, since there never in history an alliance and friendship between the Jews-Christians throughout history, the Quran (Allah) is warning of a future event where there will an alliance between the two.
    • The Quran and Allah, is forbidding the alliance and friendship between the Zionist-Western-Secularists/Christian world.
Question: Were Christians and Jews friends and allies of each other throughout history? - NO!
  • NO!.. Jewish people were mostly discriminated throughout their history by the Christian world. They suffered antisemitism throughout and extermination in Spain, Germany etc... Christians and Jews were never friends and allies of each other throughout history
  • Then mysteriously there was an alliance between the Christian (or now modern western secular) world and new Jewish Zionist established power.
    • That is, now there exist an alliance between the the Western Christian+Jewish world.
  • The Quran forbade the friendship with this alliance... "Do not befriend or becomes allies of the Jews and Christians, because they are allies of each other"
    • Therefore, since there never in history an alliance and friendship between the Jews-Christians throughout history, the Quran (Allah) is warning of a future event where there will an alliance between the two.
    • The Quran and Allah, is forbidding the alliance and friendship between the Zionist-Western-Secularists/Christian world.
I am free to have friends with who ever I like, in fact the majority of muslims in the west do have non muslim friends. This is not a political thing it is a personal matter.

We have Kibla-e-Awal (in Makkah).

Use of term Kibla-e-Awal for Masjid-e-Aqsa is incorrect.

Kabbah WAS THE FIRST kiblah (Link to my post on that) (1). Not Masjid-e-Aqsa.

Masjid-e-Aqsa was a temporary arrangement. Firstly, because Kababh had idols in it at that time & we didn't want to face towards an idol filled place while offering prayers. Secondly, to test if new converts would follow Prophet's instructions or not, despite their extreme reverence for Kabbah.

Prophet himself wanted to change direction from Aqsa towards Kabbah.

Now, if that is what it takes to bring peace in the land >>> "If" it's proven somehow that 2nd temple building was indeed where Aqsa is now, then I for one would support giving that piece of land back to Jews and let them have their kibla (3rd temple) re-built there. (Link to my post on that) (2).

May be somewhat remotely related to topic: Kibla-e-Awal is the phrase used for Masjid-e-Aqsa aka Bait-al-Makdas. Which is not correct. According to Quran and hadees, Kabba in Makkah was the very first place built for mankind.

sura 3 (Al-i-Imran), ayah 96 of the Qur'an: " Verily the first House (for worship) set apart unto mankind was that at Bakka (Makkah), blessing, and a guidance unto the worlds" (***)

Bait-al-Maqsad was made a kibla only temporarily as a test. Prophet liked Kabbah to be Kiblah.

Quran:2:144:"indeed We see the turning of your [Prophet Mohammed (saw)] face to heaven, so We shall surely turn you to a Qiblah which you shall like; turn then your face towards the Sacred Mosque (True Bait-Al-Muqadas), and wherever you are, turn your face towards it, and those who have been given the Book (i.e. Jews and the Christians) most surely know that it is the truth from their Lord; and Allah is not at all heedless of what they do."

So in reality Kibla-e-Awal is Kabbah, and we are in possession of that. We already have Kibla-e-Awal.

So, if that could mean a peaceful existence for Palestinians, then why not allow Jews to have their own place of worship that they claim and let them build Temple-the-third!

All of earth is a masjid for Muslims so why not stick to Kibla-e-Awal (Kabbah) and let them build their temple.


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(no time to read article.)

I don't hate Israel per se. In fact I wrote before that if 2nd temple was really there where Aqda mosque is now, then I support letting jews build their temple again. Because we have our [Kabbah] Kibla-e-Awal-o-Akhir with us. And making Aqsa as kibla [where we face while praying] was a temporary move and was a test for Prophet. That move was quickly reversed and kibla was restored to original & first kibla; the Kabbah.

Anyways, what I hate is Israel's interference in other countries. Whether directly or indirectly via Al-Dajjal, the left eyed beast whose life is in your small parrot.

It's the "Fasaad fill arrz" (tumult/corruption on earth) caused by/due to israel that I hate. EDIT:Rashid Mehmood's post#20 refers to that "Fasaad Fill Araz"

You know why 911, 7/7, 26/11 etc were staged and why all these "springs" and why israelis are frustrated more than anyone else, on Russians protecting Syria. etc etc.

Nile to Euphrates promise wasn't for you. it was for those who obeyed. You didn't.

Messiah has already come, no one else is coming. So Israel, just lay off.
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I am free to have friends with who ever I like, in fact the majority of muslims in the west do have non muslim friends. This is not a political thing it is a personal matter.

Im not talking about you... lol. Who cares about you?

Im talking about the sellout Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
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