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Images: the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

You are a liar. The CPC are biggest thieves in this world, and they are fleeing to my village and white man land.

CPC lied that KMT corrupt but Chiang Kai Shek and Chen family who CPC targeted are cleaner than virgin.

Chiang Kai Shek transit from a school principal in 1924 to leader of a old corrupt China in 1937. He was a hero. What did you expect when such responsibility was thrusted to a school principal 13 years before. Chiang learned well and made few mistake.

He has few army and most are warlord who did not heed him. Name me ONE central command big shot general who surrender you clown?

Most central command general fought to death.

Those who surrender are CPC stooge Feng Yuxiang's North West Warlord clique, such as Han Fuqu, Shi Yousan

You are an idiot and a liar.


You get funnier and funnier.

Chiang cleaner than virgin?

You are the liar. I have made reasonable posts but you are one sided and full of hyperbole. KMT officers didnt steal right? Business under the KMT didnt hoard food and drive prices up right? KMT didnt treat the peasants as dirt right?
According to you Chiang and family were Virgins.

Why dont you mention the civil war from 1945 to 1949? With the mountains of weaponry comming in from America and mountains of cash as well to stop the red tide, why did the KMT lose?
Planes, artillery, tanks, bullets in plenty up against a bunch of peasants with a motley of second hand rifles.

You know why the KMT lose?
Because the KMT are elitists to treat their own soldiers like shit. No amount of money can save them, they are a black hole that cannot be filled.

But thats ok to you because Chiang was a virgin and his wife was hot.

You are a liar. The CPC are biggest thieves in this world, and they are fleeing to my village and white man land.

CPC lied that KMT corrupt but Chiang Kai Shek and Chen family who CPC targeted are cleaner than virgin.

Chiang Kai Shek transit from a school principal in 1924 to leader of a old corrupt China in 1937. He was a hero. What did you expect when such responsibility was thrusted to a school principal 13 years before. Chiang learned well and made few mistake.

He has few army and most are warlord who did not heed him. Name me ONE central command big shot general who surrender you clown?

Most central command general fought to death.

Those who surrender are CPC stooge Feng Yuxiang's North West Warlord clique, such as Han Fuqu, Shi Yousan

You are an idiot and a liar.


Chiang Grandson Demos above. He is a self made man.

Compare with Bo Guagua or Mao grandson? Idiot

Self made?

After KMT looted the mainland, how much money did Chiang and family pocket?

Stolen from the very Chinese people so that his family could live rich.

Self made fcuking around drawing art for playstation? Doesnt have to work like everyone else on the mainland because he had a lot of wealth to begin with.

KMT style.
You are a liar. The CPC are biggest thieves in this world, and they are fleeing to my village and white man land.

CPC lied that KMT corrupt but Chiang Kai Shek and Chen family who CPC targeted are cleaner than virgin.

Chiang Kai Shek transit from a school principal in 1924 to leader of a old corrupt China in 1937. He was a hero. What did you expect when such responsibility was thrusted to a school principal 13 years before. Chiang learned well and made few mistake.

He has few army and most are warlord who did not heed him. Name me ONE central command big shot general who surrender you clown?

Most central command general fought to death.

Those who surrender are CPC stooge Feng Yuxiang's North West Warlord clique, such as Han Fuqu, Shi Yousan

You are an idiot and a liar.


Chiang Grandson Demos above. He is a self made man.

Compare with Bo Guagua or Mao grandson? Idiot

How about starting a new thread to talk about these? I am glad to discuss with you there. All you talking has 0 relatios with the topic. Please, my buddy.
Chiang's grandson I think.

Draws art for playstation 2 game covers if I recall correctly. A true proletariat according to Lux.

Who is his father? Can't be Chiang Ching Kuo.

Interesting, i thought he would have gone into the political field.

Chiang's grandson I think.

Draws art for playstation 2 game covers if I recall correctly. A true proletariat according to Lux.

Could he be a son of Chiang Wei-kuo? He looks as handsome as Chiang Wei-Kuo...

Japan was defeated by Soviet. Because Soviet win , Chinese communists can control China and KMT have to migrate to Taiwan. Anyway, Japan can always defeat China alone. Recently, China want to challenge Japan again. This time, the world will not side with China as in 1945. let's see what will happen.
Starting from July 7 til Sept 4, 2015, CCTV runs a series of special documentary programme commemorating 70th anniversary of the end the Sino Japanese War 2

This is the poster of the show:


The series covers 60 episodes. Each lasts for about 4 minutes

The first one started broadcasting on July 7, 2015, TV-link below:

Same day 70 years ago, imperial Japanese made an excuse to start the invasion through "Lugouqiu Incident" (盧溝橋事變)

Lugouqiao Incident

The first regiment of the Japanese troops stationed in Fengtai started military drills day and night from late June 1937. On July 6, lined-up Japanese forces in Fengtai tried to force their way to the Lugouqiao (Marco Polo Bridge), but were rejected by the Chinese troops garrisoned at the bridge. The Japanese forces retreated after gun-holding confrontation of 10 hours. On the evening of July 7, 1937, Japanese troops launched a "practice with live ammunition" several hundred meters away from the sentry of Chinese forces at the Lugouqiao. At about 11 PM, gunshots were suddenly heard from eastern Wanping County. Later, several Japanese troops were seen outside the county, claiming that one of their soldiers was missing and requesting to enter the county to look for him.

With the unreasonable request rejected, Renya Mutaguchi, commanding officer of the Japanese regiment, ordered to "fight back." At 5 AM on July 8, reinforced Japanese troops assaulted the Wanping County, and the Chinese 219th Regiment of the 37th Division of the 29th Army launched tenacious resistance. The Lugouqiao Incident was the prelude of the struggle of all the Chinese people against the Japanese aggression.

Marco Polo Bridge Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The TV linking to each episode as follows: (presentation all in Chinese. English version may be presented lateron )

July 7, 2015:
[中国新闻]不能忘却的纪念:卢沟桥事变 (Lugouqiu Incident)

July 8
(Bombing of Chungking)

July 9
(Battle in "Burma")

July 10
(Defence of the Monolith)

July 11
(An Imperial Japanese' battlefield account)

July 12
(My father - a Nanqiao Mechanic)

July 13

(Changjiao massacre)

More to come soon ---

I am not able to keep up with all the episodes but for members who are interested to know if "Flying Tigers" contributions to our Victory were recognised, yes, there is a chapter devoted to the US pilot's alliance with China against the invaders:
One thing I admire about our previous generation is they fought with nothing. The country is in ruin by civil war and invasion. There is chaotic everywhere just after a revolution, warlord, and then invasion. We still come out alive and are now the biggest and baddest boy on the block.

"biggest and baddest boy on the block"? coming from your insecurity? I don't think so.
Cool videos thanks sharing Chinese. :)

You're right, Yoshi-senpai, the videos are quite entertaining and educational. I'll have to keep on watching more of these educational videos so we can learn the error of our former Imperialist ways. :)

Ki ni ite itadakeru to ii no desu ga...
can you take your time to leave the debate about "ccp and kmt's respective contribution in fighting against the imperial japanese" alone and open your own thread about it?

Great thread TaiShang!
I am gathering more info and photos in support of the topic.
Will come back as soon as I have some!

Thanks, my friend.

Looking forward to your postings.

@Nihonjin1051 , thank you, my friend, for getting entertained and educated simultaneously.

Villager builds memorial museum for Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army
| 2015-07-29



People visit a memorial museum for the resistant forces fighting in enemy-occupied regions during China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, in Tonghua, northeast China's Jilin Province, July 29, 2015. Liu Fu, a 54-year-old local villager in Tonghua, is a grandchild of an officer of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army led by General Yang Jingyu. Liu built the memorial museum at his own expense to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which lasted from 1937 to 1945. More than 16,000 people have visited the museum since it was opened to the public three months ago. (Xinhua/Wang Haofei)


People visit a memorial museum for the resistant forces fighting in enemy-occupied regions during China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, in Tonghua, northeast China's Jilin Province, July 29, 2015. Liu Fu, a 54-year-old local villager in Tonghua, is a grandchild of an officer of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army led by General Yang Jingyu. Liu built the memorial museum at his own expense to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which lasted from 1937 to 1945. More than 16,000 people have visited the museum since it was opened to the public three months ago. (Xinhua/Wang Haofei)


A visitor walks past exhibits at a memorial museum for the resistant forces fighting in enemy-occupied regions during China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, in Tonghua, northeast China's Jilin Province, July 29, 2015. Liu Fu, a 54-year-old local villager in Tonghua, is a grandchild of an officer of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army led by General Yang Jingyu. Liu built the memorial museum at his own expense to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which lasted from 1937 to 1945. More than 16,000 people have visited the museum since it was opened to the public three months ago. (Xinhua/Wang Haofei)


Liu Fu, the museum founder, arranges his exhibits at a memorial museum for the resistant forces fighting in enemy-occupied regions during China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, in Tonghua, northeast China's Jilin Province, July 29, 2015. Liu Fu, a 54-year-old local villager in Tonghua, is a grandchild of an officer of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army led by General Yang Jingyu. Liu built the memorial museum at his own expense to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which lasted from 1937 to 1945. More than 16,000 people have visited the museum since it was opened to the public three months ago. (Xinhua/Wang Haofei)


People visit a memorial museum for the resistant forces fighting in enemy-occupied regions during China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, in Tonghua, northeast China's Jilin Province, July 29, 2015. Liu Fu, a 54-year-old local villager in Tonghua, is a grandchild of an officer of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army led by General Yang Jingyu. Liu built the memorial museum at his own expense to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which lasted from 1937 to 1945. More than 16,000 people have visited the museum since it was opened to the public three months ago. (Xinhua/Wang Haofei)


People visit a memorial museum for the resistant forces fighting in enemy-occupied regions during China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, in Tonghua, northeast China's Jilin Province, July 29, 2015. Liu Fu, a 54-year-old local villager in Tonghua, is a grandchild of an officer of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army led by General Yang Jingyu. Liu built the memorial museum at his own expense to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, which lasted from 1937 to 1945. More than 16,000 people have visited the museum since it was opened to the public three months ago. (Xinhua/Wang Haofei)
Young Chinese visit Nanjing Massacre memorial
2015-7-29 20:56:47

A party of 1,200 young Chinese visited a memorial to the Nanjing Massacre in the eastern Chinese city on Wednesday, as China prepares to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

The young people, from Jiangsu Province as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, paid tribute at the Memorial Hall for Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.

One of the group gave a reading calling for commemoration of the Chinese who died during WWII and for the nation to cherish peace.

"It is useful for Chinese youths to review history on the 70th anniversary," said a student from the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

"The visit helped us understand how China suffered when it was weak and how significant its rejuvenation has been since then," the student added.

"Young people should learn from history and treasure the present to build a better future," said Lu Jun, a teacher from a middle school in Nanjing.

On Dec. 13, 1937, Japanese troops began six weeks of destruction, pillage, rape and slaughter in Nanjing. More than 300,000 Chinese, including civilians and unarmed soldiers, were murdered.

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