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Images: the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

I dont give a fcuk about whether a person is communist, KMT or even Imperial Qing.

In this forum I have often pointed out the past failings of the communist party but the KMT takes the cake for corruption, ineptitude and blatant cowardice.

It is true that the KMT took the brunt of the Japanese assault but do take into account the inability of the KMT to gain the trust of the average Chinese peasant, who were the vast vast majority of the population. The KMT were hated, their soldiers terrorized the peasantry and acted like brutish louts looting at will.
Compare this with the communists who were sheltered by the peasants for their good behavior and sense of marxist justice.

The communists did fight the Japanese in the 'One hundred regiment offensive' but they are not the soverign army of the Chinese people, did not have the money, food and government of the state to back their war efforts. Peng Dehuai was a good man and its unconscionable that Mao's red guards beat him to near death during the cultural revolution.

Look at the dismal performance of the KMT who had home ground advantage when fighting the Japanese.
Then look at the performance of the PVA who had to fight the entire U.N on foreign territory in the freezing mountains of Korea. The KMT was just a continuation of the the century of humiliation. They cant fight and win.

The communists fought the best of the Western powers, the very powers who smashed the Japanese. The communists won by half and it was only after Korea that the Chinese people stood up and said FCUK YOU to any country who wish to humiliate the Chinese people.

CPC always lied and mix KMT with the warlord. The KMT central army soldiers fought bravely. The only one who is most culpable of giving a foothold to Japan is CPC lackey Zhang Xueliang, who flee like a dog.

Then CPC lied and accuse General Chiang not fighting and everyone know, other than the nut PDF PRC that General Chiang Kai Shek cannot command the Manchurian army.

The British lost entire Malaya when they out number the Japanese 3x.

KMT with proper weapon and training like the New 1st and 6th army are able to match Japan.

And Mao even thank you Japan for invading China.

The Commie fought USA with USSR supply backyard. So what did KMT has and how much logistic can be fly in by the meagre USA transport unit.

Basically KMT fought almost with bare hand against an industrial power, who got a foothold due to CPC stooge Zhang Xueliang.

You are disgusting for denigrating your fathers as coward. You are a clown.
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Really? Do you have proof of this?

Where does the CPC weapon came about? Basically CPC guerilla are ahead in looting the Japanese stockpile during surrender, both in Machuria and in central plain, as they operate behind enemy lines.

If Japan did not surrender, or if KMT is able to defeat Japan by holding on to the grounds, CPC has no chance.

Traitor Mao and Zhou thank you Japan as below.



Where does the CPC weapon came about? Basically CPC guerilla are ahead in looting the Japanese stockpile during surrender, both in Machuria and in central plain, as they operate behind enemy lines.

If Japan did not surrender, or if KMT is able to defeat Japan by holding on to the grounds, CPC has no chance.

Traitor Mao and Zhou thank you Japan as below.




Sign...You have to understan competely what Mao said.

He said, the Japanese invaded China, which objectively unify all Chinese together. In this case, I need to "Thank Japanese".
Sign...You have to understan competely what Mao said.

He said, the Japanese invaded China, which objectly unify all Chinese together. In this case, I need to "Thank Japanese".

There is one more reason. Without Japanese, CPC is finished. In Xian, CPC is waiting for a massacre until stupid Zhang Xueliang hijack General Chiang Kai Shek.

Without Japan surrendering, CPC would never got hold of the weapon stockpile to fight civil war.

In short, CPC ascend to power is because the Sino Japan war bankrupt KMT and acerbate poverty. The bankrupt peasant join CPC.
There is one more reason. Without Japanese, CPC is finished. In Xian, CPC is waiting for a massacre until stupid Zhang Xueliang hijack General Chiang Kai Shek.

Without Japan surrendering, CPC would never got hold of the weapon stockpile to fight civil war.

I know you hate communism. You know, why your overseas Chinese are ofen blamed and bullied by the local. You guys like interior conflict.

Civil war was over, in substance and in heart, over in our world China. Remember it.
I know you hate communism. You know, why your overseas Chinese are ofen blamed and bullied by the local. You guys like interior conflict.

Civil war was over, in substance and in heart, over in our world China. Remember it.

I do not hate anyone. I only like truth.

Truth is KMT did fight and CPC did not, other than a stunt by general Peng, who later got shit for fighting,

You cannot bad mouth you fathers who sacrifice.
Where does the CPC weapon came about? Basically CPC guerilla are ahead in looting the Japanese stockpile during surrender, both in Machuria and in central plain, as they operate behind enemy lines.

If Japan did not surrender, or if KMT is able to defeat Japan by holding on to the grounds, CPC has no chance.

Traitor Mao and Zhou thank you Japan as below.




Interesting. :)

I do not hate anyone. I only like truth.

Truth is KMT did fight and CPC did not, other than a stunt by general Peng, who later got shit for fighting,

You cannot bad mouth you fathers who sacrifice.

Interesting position you have Lux. Good points, tho I don't agree with you on most issues, I do appreciate you for pointing out some things that I never knew about , and am sure many others didn't know.
I do not hate anyone. I only like truth.

Truth is KMT did fight and CPC did not, other than a stunt by general Peng, who later got shit for fighting,

You cannot bad mouth you fathers who sacrifice.

You guys in oeverseas don't care Chinese news, but like to bla bla.

Our president received WWII veteran, no matter he was CCP or KMT. Years ago, our govt greeted all lost expenditionary force fighting in Burma back home, and held National Funeral in Yunan.
CPC always lied and mix KMT with the warlord. The KMT central army soldiers fought bravely. The only one who is most culpable of giving a foothold to Japan is CPC lackey Zhang Xueliang, who flee like a dog.

Then CPC lied and accuse General Chiang not fighting and everyone know, other than the nut PDF PRC that General Chiang Kai Shek cannot command the Manchurian army.

The British lost entire Malaya when they out number the Japanese 3x.

KMT with proper weapon and training like the New 1st and 6th army are able to match Japan.

And Mao even thank you Japan for invading China.

The Commie fought USA with USSR supply backyard. So what did KMT has and how much logistic can be fly in by the meagre USA transport unit.

Basically KMT fought almost with bare hand against an industrial power, who got a foothold due to CPC stooge Zhang Xueliang.

You are disgusting for denigrating your fathers as coward. You are a clown.

You are the clown. You reminiscence of some glorious KMT army that never existed. Chiang had central command but couldnt seem to get his soldiers to do anything, let alone command the defence of China.

Zhang Xueliang did abandon Manchuria but what did you expect? His branch of the KMT was just a bunch of former warlords who changed uniform in KMT hats. You talk about how strong the Japanese are but expect a provincial warlord army to face them?

Chiang the retard then commands Zhang to attack the communists despite the Japanese invasion! No self respecting Chinese would take such a command so Zhang kidnaps Chiang and forces a united front in fighting the invaders.

Century of humiliation is a part of KMT history. What do you expect from clowns who send their soldiers to war with sacks of sand mixed with bags of rice?

Fcuking KMT will steal anything, siphon here and siphon there.

I did not in any way discredit the Chinese soldiers who fought bravely and died. I discredited the corrupt, inept and retarded KMT government. You on the other hand seem to have no grasp of history except to repeat the same litany of communist bad and KMT some tragic hero.

Mao thank Japan? No. Zhou Enlai made the remark but it was taken out of context, especially in tone.

You are a sellout, your hatred of the communists have tainted your reasoning. You seem to worship the KMT and Chiang who was more interested in killing his fellow countrymen.

Chiang ordered to break the dams to slow the enemy. How many hundreds of thousands died?
Chiang ordered his soldiers to fight the communists despite having a full blown invasion on his door step.
Chiang allowed a culture of corruption to fester in the KMT ranks. Steal anything and everything. Sell shoes and rice and give the true patriot soldiers nothing.

Chiang was elitist and saw his fellow poorer countrymen is dirt.

Under the CPC, the PVA was up against an army that WON ww2. The balance of power and mismatch of forces was such that Mcarthur predicted a Chinese massacre and American forces be home by Christmas. I guess he thought the communists are like KMT.

Dont be a clown and sellout the country because you dont like Mao and communists.

Like I mention before. Communists, KMT, Imperial Qing. It doesnt matter to me. Good and bad I will judge and I am not easy with the Fcuk ups of Mao starting in the late 50s.
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KMT New First Army. The performance of New 1st Army indicate that with good training and weapons, Chinese soldiers is as good as Japanese.



Caption Christmas Eve 1945 , the new Kuomintang army officers and soldiers in the Allied liberation of Guangzhou after a get-together.
You guys in oeverseas don't care Chinese news, but like to bla bla.

Our president received WWII veteran, no matter he was CCP or KMT. Years ago, our govt greeted all lost expenditionary force fighting in Burma back home, and held National Funeral in Yunan.

Tell that to Lux the clown.

I dont care about the political background of the soldiers who fought, but to Lux he must discredit anything communist and carries about on his person a 6 kg shrine to Chiang Kai Shek. It makes his back stoop but it brings him much pride.
You are the clown. You reminiscence of some glorious KMT army that never existed. Chiang had central command but couldnt seem to get his soldiers to do anything, let alone command the defence of China.

Zhang Xueliang did abandon Manchuria but what did you expect? His branch of the KMT was just a bunch of former warlords who changed uniform in KMT hats. You talk about how strong the Japanese are but expect a provincial warlord army to face them?

Chiang the retard then commands Zhang to attack the communists despite the Japanese invasion! No self respecting Chinese would take such a command so Zhang kidnaps Chiang and forces a united front in fighting the invaders.

Century of humiliation is a part of KMT history. What do you expect from clowns who send their soldiers to war with sacks of sand mixed with bags of rice?

Fcuking KMT will steal anything, siphon here and siphon there.

I did not in any way discredit the Chinese soldiers who fought bravely and died. I discredited the corrupt, inept and retarded KMT government. You on the other hand seem to have no grasp of history except to repeat the same litany of communist bad and KMT some tragic hero.

Mao thank Japan? No. Zhou Enlai made the remark but it was taken out of context, especially in tone.

You are a sellout, your hatred of the communists have tainted your reasoning. You seem to worship the KMT and Chiang who was more interested in killing his fellow countrymen.

Chiang ordered to break the dams to slow the enemy. How many hundreds of thousands died?
Chiang ordered his soldiers to fight the communists despite having a full blown invasion on his door step.
Chiang allowed a culture of corruption to fester in the KMT ranks. Steal anything and everything. Sell shoes and rice and give the true patriot soldiers nothing.

Chiang was elitist and saw his fellow poorer countrymen is dirt.

Under the CPC, the PVA was up against an army that WON ww2. The balance of power and mismatch of forces was such that Mcarthur predicted a Chinese massacre and American forces be home by Christmas. I guess he thought the communists are like KMT.

Dont be a clown and sellout the country because you dont like Mao and communists.

Like I mention before. Communists, KMT, Imperial Qing. It doesnt matter to me.

You are a liar. The CPC are biggest thieves in this world, and they are fleeing to my village and white man land.

CPC lied that KMT corrupt but Chiang Kai Shek and Chen family who CPC targeted are cleaner than virgin.

Chiang Kai Shek transit from a school principal in 1924 to leader of a old corrupt China in 1937. He was a hero. What did you expect when such responsibility was thrusted to a school principal 13 years before. Chiang learned well and made few mistake.

He has few army and most are warlord who did not heed him. Name me ONE central command big shot general who surrender you clown?

Most central command general fought to death.

Those who surrender are CPC stooge Feng Yuxiang's North West Warlord clique, such as Han Fuqu, Shi Yousan

You are an idiot and a liar.


Chiang Grandson Demos above. He is a self made man.

Compare with Bo Guagua or Mao grandson? Idiot
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