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Images: the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

Collector Shares 20,000 Images about Japanese Aggressors during WWII

Collector Luo Yong shows off historical pictures featuring the Japanese invasion of China during World War II. Luo has made more than 20,000 images open to the public as China commemorates the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945). Many of the images have rarely been seen in the past. [Photo: China News Service]

Collector Luo Yong shows off historical pictures featuring the Japanese invasion of China during World War II. Luo has made more than 20,000 images open to the public as China commemorates the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945). Many of the images have rarely been seen in the past. [Photo: China News Service]

Collector Luo Yong shows off historical pictures featuring the Japanese invasion of China during World War II. Luo has made more than 20,000 images open to the public as China commemorates the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945). Many of the images have rarely been seen in the past. [Photo: China News Service]
Agree, me as well. I dont agree at times with some of his views/way of saying things. But he indeed is quite honest/frank in his way of saying things. What he said is the truth.

However, chiang wasn't a brilliant military strategist/leader. I think had Mao been in control of China back then he would have done better, though he couldnt have defeated japan as well. Since when the KMT itself took over from the qing, china was already in total chaos and divided with warlords ruling over their own territories, the KMT had to fight hard to bring these warlords under its control and unite the country(sometimes even cooperating with the communists to do so). However when the communist insurgency /civil war began,it undermined the KMT even more. For example imagine Syria's government position today(only that KMTs China was in an even far worse shape) of fighting a civil war with rebels/militants supported by foreign powers and taking on japanese at the same time. Now imagine israel decides to invade Syria today do you thiink Syria stands any chance? It doesnt matter if syria's leaders are competent or not, they will be defeated. Same like KMT against mighty industrial Japan. They stood no chance(though they miraculously managed to hold china from bring fully occupied by japan after over 8 years of war). Mao being in Chiangs position wouldnt have changed the outcome. Theres only so much a peasant country in civil war with itself can do against an industrial snd military powerhouse.

This is another fact: without japan the CCP would have longggg been wiped out by KMT. Mao was right to acknowledge this. :) chinese members here can deny this just like their vietnamese buddies here deny that china support was crucial in saving the VCP from being annhilated by the U.S. These two are so alike. :lol::lol:

The Japanese occupied area are also places where CPC is strongest and the 2 theatre of Chinese Civil War, namely Manchuria and Shandong/Northern Suzhou.

It is wrong to say Chinese people support CPC. Elsewhere like Jiangxi (the old den of CPC), there are negligible CPC presence.

Chinese people do not support CPC in 1945.

In Japanese occupied zone, the people join CPC who operate behind enemy lines, to fight Japan. These good peasants were used by Mao to do bad against the government.

Also, when Japanese surrender, CPC looted all her armoury, narrowing CPC weapon disadvantage against KMT.

In short, CPC strike lottery.

Thats why traitor Mao and Zhou Enlai lick Japan asx by thanking Japan

War of Resistance against Japanese Agression Museum Reopens after Renovation

A large exhibition titled "Great Victories and Historic Contributions" to honor the victory of the War of Chinese People's Resistance against Japanese Aggression, as well as the world's anti-Fascist war, was launched in the Museum of the War of Chinese people's Resistance against Japanese Aggression on July 8th, 2015, in Beijing. [Photo: CRIENGLISH.com]

Chinese army veterans visit the exhibition at the Museum of the War of Chinese people's Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Beijing on July 8, 2015. The vets lay flowers at the museum's memorial site as a sign of respect to the founders of the People's Republic of China. [Photo: CRIENGLISH.com]

Visitors look at a large mural depicting the Marco Polo Bridge Incident at the Museum of the War of Chinese people's Resistance against Japanese Aggression on July 8, 2015. On July 8, 1937, Chinese and Japanese forces clashed southwest of Wanping, a fortress-town in Beijing; the incident is widely considered the start to the second Sino-Japanese war. [Photo: CRIENGLISH.com]

Each veteran visits the exhibition accompanied by one soldier, who helps to explain the exhibition and secure the veterans on July 8th. [Photo: CRIENGLISH.com]

Sections of the "Great Victories and Historic Contributions" exhibition at the Museum of the War of Chinese people's Resistance against Japanese Aggression are seen in this picture, which is taken on July 8, 2015. [Photo: CRIENGLISH.com]
The Japanese occupied area are also places where CPC is strongest and the 2 theatre of Chinese Civil War, namely Manchuria and Shandong/Northern Suzhou.

It is wrong to say Chinese people support CPC. Elsewhere like Jiangxi (the old den of CPC), there are negligible CPC presence.

Chinese people do not support CPC in 1945.

In Japanese occupied zone, the people join CPC who operate behind enemy lines, to fight Japan. These good peasants were used by Mao to do bad against the government.

Also, when Japanese surrender, CPC looted all her armoury, narrowing CPC weapon disadvantage against KMT.

In short, CPC strike lottery.

Thats why traitor Mao and Zhou Enlai lick Japan asx by thanking Japan


To be honest theres only so much a guerilla peasant rebel rag tag army could do against mighty japans imperial forces backed by a huge industrial might. So i will say the CCP was right to avoid direct confrontation with Japan, since it would have weakened its already small rag tag forces and make the KMT to completely eradicate them . So mao was wise to be almost always maneuvering behind ennemy lines and avoid direct confrontation. His strategy paid off. If he had to fight japan like the KMT govermemnt forces did It small/weakened forces would have been annhilated in few weeks/month at best. So he was wise, thats the reason the CCP is in power today. The end always justifies the means. :)
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To be honest theres only do much guerilla peasant rebel rag tag army could do against might japans imperial forces back a huge industrial might. The CCP was right to avid direct confrontation with Japan, since it would have weakened its already small rag tag forces and make the KMT to completely eradicate them . So mao was wise to be almost always mainly maneouver behind ennemy lines and avoid direct confrontation. His strategy paid off. If he had to fight japan like the KMT govermemnt forces did It small/weakened forces would have been annhilated in few weeks/month at best. So he was wise, thats the reason the CCP is in power today. The end always justifies the means. :)

Thats right. CPC not being the government forces, has no responsibility to hold on to the soil. KMT being the ruling party need to guard the land.

Actually CPC not fighting is not a shameful thing. As a week force, she cannot afford to engage Japanese.
To be honest theres only do much guerilla peasant rebel rag tag army could do against might japans imperial forces back a huge industrial might. The CCP was right to avid direct confrontation with Japan, since it would have weakened its already small rag tag forces and make the KMT to completely eradicate them . So mao was wise to be almost always mainly maneouver behind ennemy lines and avoid direct confrontation. His strategy paid off. If he had to fight japan like the KMT govermemnt forces did It small/weakened forces would have been annhilated in few weeks/month at best. So he was wise, thats the reason the CCP is in power today. The end always justifies the means. :)
The KMT cannot be looked on as a monolithic like CCP, it was just a group of warlords, most of them had the more powerful strength than CCP before 1937. "Smart" Chiang Kai Shek was the biggest warlord of all, so he always sent the armies controlled by his competitors inside KMT to the frontlines to eliminate the strength of his competitors, and his own armies were well preserved. In KMT, its own internal conflicts are always fiercer than external threat forever, that can also be seen in nowadays Taiwan. 内斗内行,外斗外行
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I only preach good. No one not even a dog will insult somebody who laid down their life, for greater humanity, but I am seeing the shit sprouting from the mouth of PDF PRC. These people lied and lied, shitting on good martyr of China. PDF PRC is hell bent to destroy China.

No French will shit on Napolean, and no USA will shit on their founding fathers. Some PDF PRC are hell bent to shit on those who died for their countries.

Nothing can compare to these maggots. So Lux need to preach good and point out to them.

I agree with you on this one. No british person ever cares whether its was labour party or consevative or lib democraats etc who was in power when we fought and won the first and second world wars or when we ruled the world as the sole super power. We just pay respect to our btave soldiers and leaders who gave their lives and dedication for our country, FULL STOP. You will never see any of our citizen or even media try to rewrite our history for political reasons so they can denigrate our soldiers and past leaders who led the wars just for their own selfish political benefits and legitimacy. even if any party tried that, the media and piblic backlash it will face will be so huge that that party might dissolve/dissapear from our mainstream political establishment . However in china ita different , since its not only a one party state, but the CCP also has control of the media and can regulate it the way it wants. Also the chinese perceive the state differently from we westerners oe other democratic countries.

To most chinese the government itself is kind of like the country/state. So its hard for a citizen to criticise its government actions(especially in foriegn public forum) since its like bashing his own country and others might label him anti china itself. Contrary to we weterners who don't associate the governing party with the state/country so its easier for us and our media to be more rational in their views. so in this regad i dont blame the chinese either.
I can't wait to see us putting on a show in September to commemorate our people defending the motherland. The slogan in the theme should be "defend the motherland to the last blood".

The Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Beijing, Mainland China

@mike2000 is back , you know jack, troll.

Huh...what? What's your point? Why the anger/bitterness? Did i ever insult you/indulge in personal attacks? Lol Calm down my man.:bunny:

I can't wait to see us putting on a show in September to commemorate our people defending the motherland. The slogan in the theme should be "defend the motherland to the last blood".

Are you going to commomerate it in the U.S or you going back to china?:)
Are you going to commemorate it in the U.S or you going back to china?:)
Work duty will prevent me from leaving the US for at least a few years. Of course, unless there is a war, then I'm home.

I'm going to buy a huge pig at the pig farm here in the United State of America and feed the people as a way to commemorate. I be sure to turn the TV on to watch the show display by our military servicemen and women.

You get funnier and funnier.

Chiang cleaner than virgin?

You are the liar. I have made reasonable posts but you are one sided and full of hyperbole. KMT officers didnt steal right? Business under the KMT didnt hoard food and drive prices up right? KMT didnt treat the peasants as dirt right?
According to you Chiang and family were Virgins.

Why dont you mention the civil war from 1945 to 1949? With the mountains of weaponry comming in from America and mountains of cash as well to stop the red tide, why did the KMT lose?
Planes, artillery, tanks, bullets in plenty up against a bunch of peasants with a motley of second hand rifles.

You know why the KMT lose?
Because the KMT are elitists to treat their own soldiers like shit. No amount of money can save them, they are a black hole that cannot be filled.

But thats ok to you because Chiang was a virgin and his wife was hot.

Once again slightly off-topic but I've got a conversation in the video game L.A. Noire, set in Los Angeles in 1947 which is relevant to KMT's past deeds:

Galloway: You read that those goddamn Chinese want to sell the relief food that we're sending them?

Phelps: Yeah, yeah. I read about that.

Galloway: Those people are starving. They can't do that.

Phelps: They want to sell the food to fund the civil war against the communists.

Galloway: Really? I guess that's okay then.

Phelps: Armies can't find without food. You can spend all your money on weapons but you still have to have the will to fight. Unfortunately, the Reds will win in China.

Galloway: Watch your mouth. Do you know what you're saying?

Phelps: The people of this country overthrew a king. Do you think the Chinese will balk at an Emperor if they are starving?

I guess Truman felt the same way as Phelps and gradually lost faith in monsieur Jiang in the course of the war.
The Japanese occupied area are also places where CPC is strongest and the 2 theatre of Chinese Civil War, namely Manchuria and Shandong/Northern Suzhou.

It is wrong to say Chinese people support CPC. Elsewhere like Jiangxi (the old den of CPC), there are negligible CPC presence.

Chinese people do not support CPC in 1945.

In Japanese occupied zone, the people join CPC who operate behind enemy lines, to fight Japan. These good peasants were used by Mao to do bad against the government.

Also, when Japanese surrender, CPC looted all her armoury, narrowing CPC weapon disadvantage against KMT.

In short, CPC strike lottery.

Thats why traitor Mao and Zhou Enlai lick Japan asx by thanking Japan

Who tell you?Chiang kai-shek first give up on Japan's claims for compensation in 1950.You don't understand Chinese history.So close your mouth。
Once again slightly off-topic but I've got a conversation in the video game L.A. Noire, set in Los Angeles in 1947 which is relevant to KMT's past deeds:

Galloway: You read that those goddamn Chinese want to sell the relief food that we're sending them?

Phelps: Yeah, yeah. I read about that.

Galloway: Those people are starving. They can't do that.

Phelps: They want to sell the food to fund the civil war against the communists.

Galloway: Really? I guess that's okay then.

Phelps: Armies can't find without food. You can spend all your money on weapons but you still have to have the will to fight. Unfortunately, the Reds will win in China.

Galloway: Watch your mouth. Do you know what you're saying?

Phelps: The people of this country overthrew a king. Do you think the Chinese will balk at an Emperor if they are starving?

I guess Truman felt the same way as Phelps and gradually lost faith in monsieur Jiang in the course of the war.

Hey, I remembered that conversation as well from when I played the game a few years back.
Im surprised to see someone one else recalling it!

La Noire was a great game, despite some of the complaints. The car driving was crap (for me anyways) and I always got the partnering detective to do the driving. Im too lazy.

Characters were well done, especially Phelps and his buddies from the war - especially that medic who shot Phelps (cant recall his name) and the mentally deranged cowboy.

Remember that serial killer case? Freaky as hell.

Cant say that I look forward to the developers next project. The fcukers are calling it 'Whore of the orient'.
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