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Images - Pakistan Air Force in the Mirror of History.


SHERDILS 1972 - The aerobatic team of T-37s practice over PAF Academy, Risalpur. The team, called "Sherdils" (the Lionhearted), is flown by instructor pilots from the Air Academy and has delighted countless Pakistanis by performing at all Risalpur Graduation Parades, the Pakistan Day Parades and at different bases each year on the Pakistan Air Force Day.
The prestigious & accredited Pakistan Air Forces Academy Asghar Khan, named after legendary Air Marshal Asghar Khan, was formerly established on 15 September, 1947 as RPAF Flying Training School. Wing Commander Asghar Khan, who went on to become first Pakistani Commander-in-Chief PAF and serve the nation with his visionary leadership and great professional acumen was its first Officer Commanding.


Roots of PAFAA originate back in 1910 with establishment of a cantonment at Risalpur. Later during WW-I, the Royal Flying Corps was set up at Risalpur, which evolved into RPAF Flying Training School, and first GD (P) course graduated from FTS on 02 January, 1948.

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, during his visit to Risalpur, elevated FTS to the status of College of Flying Training (CFT) on 13 April 1948. The College was further upgraded to PAF Academy in January 1967 by Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan, the then President of Pakistan. In 1986, College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE) was shifted from Karachi to PAF Academy. In 2008, Air Defence Training School was also shifted from Sakesar to become part of CFT.


Today, PAF Academy is reckoned as one of the premier training institutions of the country. Its components, including College of Flying Training, College of Aeronautical Engineering, Military Training Wing, Admin Wing and Support Wing have been collectively entrusted with the onerous responsibility of training, nurturing and grooming the entire future of officers’ corps of the PAF. These components are also training the cadets from Pak Army, Pak Navy and allied countries. Over the years, officers' training for all branches of PAF has been unified at the Academy, bringing greater harmony and standardization in military and professional training of PAF officers.


Over the decades the PAFAA has kept its glorious traditions and upheld the Quiad’s vision “Pakistan must build up her Air Force as quickly as possible. It must be an efficient Air Force, Second to None."
19th March 1956
Pakistan Air Force Base Malir, Karachi, West Pakistan.
SEATO joint defence alliance nations including Pakistan, United States, France, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, perform military and airforce war exercises.


An impressive display of latest aircraft, fighter jets and helicopters was arranged on this day for general public. The famous huge Globemaster transport plane of US Airforce can be seen on ground, as a dozen helicopters in the sky move in a single formation.

The Aerodrome, Parachinar, Kurram Valley, North-West Frontier, 1922 (c).
Flying with 11 Squadron Supermarine Attackers over Karachi. PAF’s first jet aircraft and its first jet Squadron. From the early 50s.

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