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'I'm really scared': Miss World Canada says father threatened in China


Jul 22, 2014
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Miss World Canada says dad threatened in China over her political views | CTV News
Josh Elliott, CTVNews.ca
Published Monday, May 25, 2015 12:20PM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:37PM EDT
The newly-crowned winner of the Miss World Canada beauty pageant says her father has been threatened in China because of her stance against human rights abuses.

Anastasia Lin, 25, won the Miss World Canada beauty pageant in Vancouver on May 16. She says she received a text message from her father three days later, urging her to stop talking about human rights abuses in China.

"You must stop all the political and human rights work you are doing, otherwise I will stop all support to you," he told her. Lin says she tried to call her father after receiving the text, but he refused to speak to her out of fear his phone might be tapped.


Miss World Canada 2015 winner Anastasia Lin is shown in this photo from her Facebook page.

"Whatever you have sent to me, anything political, has been censored," he told her via text. "Do you know the secret security force has come to me?"

Lin says she won the Miss World Canada pageant in part because of her passion for human rights activism, and her efforts to spread awareness about abuses in China. She says her work seems to have upset the Chinese government, and her father is feeling pressure because of it.

"I'm really scared," Lin told CTVNews.ca by phone on Monday. "I'm afraid my dad is not telling me everything."

Lin was born in China's Hunan province and lived there for 13 years before moving to Canada with her mother. She went to high school in Vancouver, then attended the University of Toronto to get a degree in theatre. Her father stayed behind in China to run the family business, she said.

"We have a lot of family members there. I'm very concerned," she said.

Lin said she wants to see the Canadian government intervene, so that the secret security forces back off.

Lin has taken roles in several films that promote awareness about human rights abuses in China.

In particular, Lin has focused on the persecution of the minority spiritual group Falun Gong. Her role in the upcoming film "Red Lotus" tells the story of a woman who is imprisoned in China for being a practitioner of Falun Gong.

She said the political climate in China makes it almost impossible to be critical of the government. "No one really dares to speak out," she said. "They can hint it, but the security forces would have definitely threatened my father to keep it quiet."

Lin said she wants people to know her father has been threatened so Chinese security forces won't dare harm him. "Otherwise… no one would speak out and they can do whatever they want," she said.

Lin said several online news reports about her Miss World Canada victory were recently censored in China.

She hopes that if she can bring enough international attention to her father's plight, "they will just leave my family alone and not bother my father too much."

The Department of Foreign Affairs says it is "concerned" about the allegations. "Canada commends Ms. Lin for her efforts to raise awareness regarding these issues," a Foreign Affairs spokesperson said in a statement to CTVNews.ca.

"The promotion and protection of human rights is an integral aspect of our long-standing relationship with China and we routinely raise these issues with them," the spokesperson said. "We will continue taking a principled approach to foreign policy and to promoting Canadian values, including freedom of religion and freedom of expression, around the world."

Despite her fears for her family, Lin said she won't be silenced by the Chinese government.

"I can't stop speaking out," said Lin. "I wanted to be a voice for the voiceless, (and) if I don't speak out then no one is going to speak out.
i know some chinese members here would harp on she won becuase she is the lap dog to promote western values.
but the chinese government makes itself to be victim & gives westerners a chance to demonise the communists.
i am not sure how people view Falong Gong
In China most people stay away from it.

It start from something like sports. But shortly get involved into political issue against CCP.
So it is banned by CCP...

i know some chinese members here would harp on she won becuase she is the lap dog to promote western values.
but the chinese government makes itself to be victim & gives westerners a chance to demonise the communists.
She's probably actually being blackmailed with pictures of certain behaviors involving old Western execs, to make a statement slandering her homeland.
Miss World Canada says dad threatened in China over her political views | CTV News
Josh Elliott, CTVNews.ca
Published Monday, May 25, 2015 12:20PM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:37PM EDT
The newly-crowned winner of the Miss World Canada beauty pageant says her father has been threatened in China because of her stance against human rights abuses.

Anastasia Lin, 25, won the Miss World Canada beauty pageant in Vancouver on May 16. She says she received a text message from her father three days later, urging her to stop talking about human rights abuses in China.

"You must stop all the political and human rights work you are doing, otherwise I will stop all support to you," he told her. Lin says she tried to call her father after receiving the text, but he refused to speak to her out of fear his phone might be tapped.


Miss World Canada 2015 winner Anastasia Lin is shown in this photo from her Facebook page.

"Whatever you have sent to me, anything political, has been censored," he told her via text. "Do you know the secret security force has come to me?"

Lin says she won the Miss World Canada pageant in part because of her passion for human rights activism, and her efforts to spread awareness about abuses in China. She says her work seems to have upset the Chinese government, and her father is feeling pressure because of it.

"I'm really scared," Lin told CTVNews.ca by phone on Monday. "I'm afraid my dad is not telling me everything."

Lin was born in China's Hunan province and lived there for 13 years before moving to Canada with her mother. She went to high school in Vancouver, then attended the University of Toronto to get a degree in theatre. Her father stayed behind in China to run the family business, she said.

"We have a lot of family members there. I'm very concerned," she said.

Lin said she wants to see the Canadian government intervene, so that the secret security forces back off.

Lin has taken roles in several films that promote awareness about human rights abuses in China.

In particular, Lin has focused on the persecution of the minority spiritual group Falun Gong. Her role in the upcoming film "Red Lotus" tells the story of a woman who is imprisoned in China for being a practitioner of Falun Gong.

She said the political climate in China makes it almost impossible to be critical of the government. "No one really dares to speak out," she said. "They can hint it, but the security forces would have definitely threatened my father to keep it quiet."

Lin said she wants people to know her father has been threatened so Chinese security forces won't dare harm him. "Otherwise… no one would speak out and they can do whatever they want," she said.

Lin said several online news reports about her Miss World Canada victory were recently censored in China.

She hopes that if she can bring enough international attention to her father's plight, "they will just leave my family alone and not bother my father too much."

The Department of Foreign Affairs says it is "concerned" about the allegations. "Canada commends Ms. Lin for her efforts to raise awareness regarding these issues," a Foreign Affairs spokesperson said in a statement to CTVNews.ca.

"The promotion and protection of human rights is an integral aspect of our long-standing relationship with China and we routinely raise these issues with them," the spokesperson said. "We will continue taking a principled approach to foreign policy and to promoting Canadian values, including freedom of religion and freedom of expression, around the world."

Despite her fears for her family, Lin said she won't be silenced by the Chinese government.

"I can't stop speaking out," said Lin. "I wanted to be a voice for the voiceless, (and) if I don't speak out then no one is going to speak out.

I don't want to defend anything anymore, but just answer some question, maybe they are stupid questions.

So the security forces scares her father and relatives, instead of backing down, she "speaks out." China has been known to go ahead with imprisonment regardless of what the Western establishment says, this is hardly a smart move.

Second, the Chinese internal security has a lot of experience, what did they expect her to do? Even if she backs down now it would look like she's being threatened anyways, which makes this dumb move either way. Especially since from the looks of it, she didn't get any instructions on how to construct a story.

Chinese agents by now should know Westerners are willing to believe anything negative about China, why rock the boat when....

Third, Miss World, what the hell is that, her "human rights" movie is so insignificant, 10 google search later, still no result. BTW I'm in Canada. I would have never heard of her, almost everyone would have never heard of her, even now most people still don't know her, why do this? Or how did the Chinese agents know about her?

Fourth, she even admits partly that she got it because she's "outspoken" against China. Incentive.

Fifth, even if China did want to stop her, there's a hundred ways to do it far easier and cleaner, why go through the stupidest way possible. Again refer to Westerners would believe anything negative on China, so making it seem implausible is out, since nobody other than a few would think so.

China isn't innocent, but so far it has proven, it isn't stupid. This would be a stupid move. Who's more likely to be stupid? Her? Or the entire Chinese security establishment.
I don't want to defend anything anymore, but just answer some question, maybe they are stupid questions.

So the security forces scares her father and relatives, instead of backing down, she "speaks out." China has been known to go ahead with imprisonment regardless of what the Western establishment says, this is hardly a smart move.

Second, the Chinese internal security has a lot of experience, what did they expect her to do? Even if she backs down now it would look like she's being threatened anyways, which makes this dumb move either way. Especially since from the looks of it, she didn't get any instructions on how to construct a story.

Chinese agents by now should know Westerners are willing to believe anything negative about China, why rock the boat when....

Third, Miss World, what the hell is that, her "human rights" movie is so insignificant, 10 google search later, still no result. BTW I'm in Canada. I would have never heard of her, almost everyone would have never heard of her, even now most people still don't know her, why do this? Or how did the Chinese agents know about her?

Fourth, she even admits partly that she got it because she's "outspoken" against China. Incentive.

Fifth, even if China did want to stop her, there's a hundred ways to do it far easier and cleaner, why go through the stupidest way possible. Again refer to Westerners would believe anything negative on China, so making it seem implausible is out, since nobody other than a few would think so.

China isn't innocent, but so far it has proven, it isn't stupid. This would be a stupid move. Who's more likely to be stupid? Her? Or the entire Chinese security establishment.
the point is did the gov harass her family because she spoke against the gov or the other way around?
i guess the gov harassed her family bcoz they are falungong members.

i agree falungong or any religions should stay away from politic & perform its intended duty only.

i want to know did falungong start out simply for self-improvement but the gov sees red & suppresses it?
What I found funny in this article was that her father said his phone was tapped, so he ostensibly "texted" her.
If the secret services can tap her father's phones then they can also keep a track on the incoming and outgoing messages. Lol
I smell fish!!! :P
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i know some chinese members here would harp on she won becuase she is the lap dog to promote western values.
but the chinese government makes itself to be victim & gives westerners a chance to demonise the communists.

Pfff, if she was in support of cults like Falun Gong, I am not surprise that Chinese people took a dim view of her. Though her story is probably a fabrication, for example, she apparently believe it is the work of "secret security forces". While China does have intelligence service for national security, its domestic division is pretty much the same as FBI and you don't see people calling FBI secret police. Also, why the heck would you need "secret police" or anything secret at all to arrest Falun Gong cultists? They were outlawed in China more than a decade ago and arresting one is the job of local police rather than national security agencies. This is equivalent of a small time crook bragging that she is on the most wanted list of FBI/CIA in a local bar----publicity stint and nothing more.

Please, western government and media also announced that China building hydro dams is a crime against humanity. I said this in another post and I will say it again, if the comment and criticism isn't actually beneficial to China, why should the Chinese listen to them.

I lived in Canada for more than a decade. Canadians are a relaxed bunch and its values certainly do not include supporting cults.
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What I found funny in this article was that her father said his phone was tapped, so he ostensibly "texted" her.
If the secret services can tap her father's phones then they can also keep a track on the incoming and outgoing messages. Lol
I smell fish!!! :P

She probably read it in the novel and doesn't really have a firm understanding of how technology works. The whole "secret police" thing probably came out of a cold war era novel depicting USSR.
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