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I’m A Pakistani Hindu And This Is What I Think About My Country

Most that I know are either

1. Doctors
2. Engineers
3. Bankers

Or own businesses...... and they are particularly good at business.....

Sindhi hindus prefer bussiness related jobs seriously every welloff hindi i met in Karachi had atleast one banker or merchent in home :D
Then you have to think why these talented people do not want to be part with super race people as per you claim!
Super race are unwelcome in all parts of planet.Even in middle east indians are more welcome than pakistan.
Keep your super race with you, we don't going to buy....

You've got to be kidding me! Taking the time out to respond to deluded morons is not what I expected of you.
Why just Turks buddy? Just say you are Green Goblin from Andromeda Galaxy and not at all related to 'Indian' species...

EPIC FAIL. Another indian fatasy and physical insecurity outburst. The low caste hindus of india and in fact ALL hindus of india are all physically very identical or the same as one another. Fact is high or low class indian hindus have 0% physical resemblence to Pakistanis. In most cases they don't even like they belong to the same species as Pakistanis. The 2 races that physically closest resemble Pakistanis are SOUTHERN Turks and SOUTH/CENTRAL Iranians/Persians. Saying Pakistanis are descended from low caste hindus (when the physical evidence suggests otherwise) is as retarded and ridiculous as saying the President of Lebanon and Saddam Hussein had low caste hindu grandparents.

Another sad and pathetic attempt by an indian on PDF to connect Pakistanis to the indian race. That is evidence of severe insecurity.

Hardly a talent in Pakistan. Doesn't make a difference to us whatsoever.
Why just Turks buddy? Just say you are Green Goblin from Andromeda Galaxy and not at all related to 'Indian' species...

Whatever the "indian" species maybe vis-a-vis non-indian people/races. Physically speaking you guys stand out very different to other peoples.
Reason why Pakistan is formed, is becouse Muslims need to have their country, not becouse Muslims hate hindus and they must be separate.

Your rationale holds true as much as your rationale that Sunni should have a separate homeland and Shias should be banned and are apostate .....!!!

Have some logic ..

Even muslims are not united ... shia sunnis are more fanatically fighting each other than muslims - any one else
This kind of thinking is the reason for conflict

Have you seen Allah or God?


Has anyone?


When your religious scriptures do not give you address to find god and you have not seen god with your eyes .. then how can you justify any action in god's name?

Also, Allah is the one true god, so is the concept of god, and even in hindus the god acquires forms, anyone who says hindus have hundreds of gods is wrong and on the wrong path

Every scripture be it Koran, Bible, Geeta whichever, talks about being righteous and pious, doing the right with respect to fellow human beings irrespective of their gender (something which is rampantly ignored in every religion without exception) and continue being on a course to be a better human every day.

When there is only one true god .... and your path has to be righteous to attain god .. then how can you say a muslim is right and a christian or hindu not or reverse?

It's the stupidity that the thing we call human's limited mental faculties is not able to overcome.

Religion is a private affair limited to privacy of your walls of house and yourself. When you use religion in everything in life then you become a zealot ..as you are blind to things around you.
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@BecouseOfTruth what a waste of bandwidth. You see I didn't even bother to read it because when you call it ignorance, you do so in your own without realizing that when you give me history of Islam, you are indeed speaking to a guy who has read the history of Islam, Middle East and conflicts of Middle East and is effing conversant with the holy books of all religions also.

Now coming back - there is a saying

' as a man learns more, he speaks less'

Don't bother quoting me and wasting my time with stupidities ....

Interior Sindh is worst for Muslims as well. Only feudal rule and enjoy there.

As far as Minorities in India well please do not compare you have huge problems and discrimination even against own Low Cast Hindus in India. That is another debate so please do not bring in India here

Yes, actually right, But they are not fearing for there lives in India EVERY DAY, like the counterpart (Which I must say that minority population has decline over the year from Independence, compare to India's minority population has either remained the same or increased, and that is the true fact).....

India's Minorities do feel out of society, but the opportunities given to them is enormous now, with all social laws and programs.... Just like in American for example, the social programs for the minorities are numerous to help them grow, but it is always a waiting game, and the percentage, no matter what the social program admitted, it has always been low of minorities success. Why is that so?
Time is ripe, Pakistani Hindus should be given the respect they deserve.
Hindu population in Pakistan is growing and Pakistanis are really starting to get a high profile on international pop culture in recent years as this happens hopefully we will see a bigger emergence and better representation of Pakistanis Hindus also.
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