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I’m A Pakistani Hindu And This Is What I Think About My Country

@Zibago now you know why India and Pakistan became two countries ...? Because idiots are majority on either side of the border bro ... !!!! What a waste of talent and resources .. what could have been achieved united .. and where are we today ...!!! Disgusting .... its true in India and its true in Pakistan ... the sick mentality of bastards trying to make people feel unwanted!!!
There was never a such thing as a 'United India'

I saw a Sikh Pakistani family in an expensive car today when i was going to hospital and that gave me so much happiness and pride that I never felt inferior while traveling in an auto.

The crux is at least I have seen Sikhs in Kpk/Peshawar going for better jobs as compared to Christians and Hindus. I do not know when they will muster courage to start massive protest and stand up
The treatment/respect has little do with religion but actually has a lot to do with caste/clan instead.

Christian and Hindu castes in Pakistan are primarily dalit castes and thus gain much less respect in general. They swipe streets and clean gutters, and unfortunately it has become hereditary for them.

Sikhs have very in common with other Punjabis and belong to well respected clans, that is why they are treated much better.

Another thing they have is clan protection. Muslim Jatts will not hesitate to protect Sikh Jatts in a 'sectarian attack'.

The same cannot be said for Christians/Hindus because they dont really have Muslim counterparts nor do they even respect their own selves and their clan enough to defend it.
Please get over this love affair. :D The two nations exist for a reason. We were the same. Not now. Not anymore. :)

That is your perception ..... I merely look at Pakistan as an estranged conglomerate of provinces ..... Please get over your acceptance of losing every time .... You have a burgeoning population again whose some members have started calling themselves mini Pakistan and some of them have openly called for making a second Pakistan ,... and if I was to listen to you ... I Should get over this love affair too and accept another break? What a dumb logic .....

There is an effing reason why the acceptance of Pakistan is to be questioned ..... Is India based on secular ideals or not? If yes ... then creation of Pakistan is itself not in consonance with our thoughts. Till how long would you accept repeated division of nation on stupidities?

The average Muslim pre independence was not in favor of separate home land till the movement gained momentum after 1930 .... The thoughts were of a miniscule number of individuals.... who went on to commandeer the 'aspirations'

So maybe you get over your incorrect assessment of your own understanding and grasp of issues which have far reaching consequences.

There was never a such thing as a 'United India'

Which history book have you been reading?? So as per your logic, there never was an United States of America, neither was there ever an United China nor ever was there an United Kingdom nor was Germany ever United hence the locus standii of these nations does not exist???? ......nor was there a Pakistan United ever .. Heck there was not even anything called as Pakistan ...

Rise of nation states have been a progressive phenomenon, there was no country which was United at its inception.

If you read ancient roman scripts (Marcus Justin's) it was India, if you read Greek and Macedonian records it was India ... Columbus was looking for India .... Vasco da Gama India

Now when Xuanzang of Hiuen Tsang travelled .. He recorded India .....

What was India?

Only a conglomerate of people of similar origin of civilization

So when you put up a rejoinder, make sure you know your facts. At no time has it been said that the east India company was traveling to trade with the Sikhs or Marathas or Mughals or Rajputs of marwar or anywhere else. The United India was existing under the British for more than three quarters of a century (1857-1947) as a single administrative entity and as loose confederation prior to that under Mughals and the tughlak dynasty in preceding centuries . So your contention is baseless
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@Zibago now you know why India and Pakistan became two countries ...? Because idiots are majority on either side of the border bro ... !!!! What a waste of talent and resources .. what could have been achieved united .. and where are we today ...!!! Disgusting .... its true in India and its true in Pakistan ... the sick mentality of bastards trying to make people feel unwanted!!!

Do not mix so many things freind...It is a God's blessing as well as visionary like Mr Jinha who could see the potential trouble of United India....If we would have listened to our Gandhiji and being united, then trust me India would have been turned into another Afganistan....

Rather i would say, the partition was not complete as neither all Hindus got migrated to India not all Muslims go to Pakistan...
Do not mix so many things freind...It is a God's blessing as well as visionary like Mr Jinha who could see the potential trouble of United India....If we would have listened to our Gandhiji and being united, then trust me India would have been turned into another Afganistan....

Rather i would say, the partition was not complete as neither all Hindus got migrated to India not all Muslims go to Pakistan...

A post through the narrow prism of religion? Or merely a failure to transcend the pettiness and limitation of the human mind to decipher the various holy texts and accept the righteousness as being emphasized by them?

It could very well have been that opposite could also have happened

Anyways ... am out of this thread
I’m A Pakistani Hindu And This Is What I Think About My Country

Nothing in the world is black or white, and much of reality is about knowing what shade of grey you are dealing with (of the 50 or 255, depending on whether you’re a cougar or a geek). So here’s to seeing both sides of the coin:

There are around 2 million Hindus living in Pakistan. Most of us (over 90%) live in Sindh and are, by extension, Sindhis. There are Hindu temples all over the country with at-least 2 in every major city. In my hometown alone, Sukkur, I know a minimum of 6. We are not isolated and spread out, and are, in fact, organized. There is a panchaet in every major city in Sindh that deals with festivals, maintenance of temples and other community issues and even dharamshalas.

First the good:

I am a Hindu with many Muslim Friends

On a trip to the mountains of Sibi, Balochistan with few of my friends. That’s me with the T-shirt. I was the only Hindu on the trip and I realized it only now.
Source: Author
I have a friend named Yasin. Well, he’s a Pathan from Balochistan who speaks Sindhi (natively) and lives in the Punjab: essentially all of Pakistan combined into one guy. Whenever we’re out for dinner on a local dhaba, he never orders any form of meat even for himself because I am a vegetarian. Even if I insist that he eat his favorite karahi.

A Hindu friend’s mom, on the other hand, used to keep separate utensils for the kaam wali bai because of her being from a neech caste (typical).

I have plenty of Muslim friends and all of them are like him. Not once in their company have I felt I’m any different, it’s only when someone mentions something about Hindus or India that I go “Oh yeah, I’m one of those too!” And I’m not alone, many of my Hindu friends have it the same way more or less. Whether that’s because we travel in well-educated circles is up to a debate but the point I’m trying to make is (a) saying Pakistan is a terrorist country is stereotyping at a gargantuan magnitude, and (b) many of the educated masses in Pakistan are quite hospitable, open-minded and have an amazing sense of humor.

I believe Hindus have cultural freedom in Pakistan

While this might sound a little odd and unbelievable, but I’m of the opinion that the Hindus in Pakistan are culturally free, as long as they keep it to themselves. We can wear whatever we want, celebrate our festivals in any way we can and pray however we like. That is to say you won’t hear some mullah issuing fatwas to Hindu women who don’t start wearing burqas, or the locals complaining of noise from the fireworks on Deewali or the government issuing a ban on idol worship altogether.

Not everyone is out there to get you and frankly most of them have plenty of their own problems to be troubled with. They leave us to ourselves as long as it doesn’t benefit them in some way, whether it’s something material or their egos. Not to mention if the people in question belong to the above “good, educated” category, they actually show curiosity and join you in your celebrations.

There are thousands of people looking to bring Pakistanis of all religion together

The problem with Pakistani media? Letting the world know of all the tragedies is crucial but it’s equally important to spread the positive side of things. I mean who cares if some random guys don’t eat chicken karahii because of a vegetarian friend, when you have sensational stories that sell? But I digress.

There are many communities, NGOs and even private citizens dedicated to intra-cultural promotion and awareness in the country. They gather Hindus, Christians, Muslims and everyone in between out for visits to religious places around the country. They engage everyone in cross-cultural dialogue. They take everyone out to celebrate Shivratri together. They provide support to underrepresented people in any way they can. I had the privilege to accompany one of them (Faces Pakistan) on a couple of visits myself and I was astounded with the work they were doing.

But there’s also the bad:

People ALWAYS question my loyalties toward India just because I’m a Hindu

Pakistan’s a country where the majority has to prove they are peaceful and the minorities have to prove they are patriotic. You can only go so long before you’re bombarded with questions like “Aap India se aaye ho?” and the classic: “Who do you support in an India vs Pakistan match?” (Seriously?). The problem is, many people here think Hindus living here moved from India. This doesn’t imply any hostility, mind you, simply a lack of awareness. This lack of awareness is a lot more common outside Sindh.

Hercharn Singh, the first Sikh Officer to be commissioned in the Pakistan Army.
But it does give you the air that you are alien, when in fact it we’re the local Hindus that stayed back during partition. Sometimes, when someone asks me “Are you from India?” I feel like firing back “Are you?” Instead I just roll my eyes.

We aren’t given the same opportunities to serve our country as our Muslim fellow Pakistanis

You remember the joke which goes like “larka hua to engineer, larki hui to doctor“? Well, that’s the reality here. A doctor, an engineer or business, that’s the extent of our dreams. I am ashamed of the fact that there are a lot of Muslim actors and cricketers in India (and pretty good ones at that too) but a dearth of Hindu ones in Pakistan. So, good luck if you want to be one of those… or become a policeman… or serve in the army… or work in the intelligence agency… or… God this might take all day.
The first every person when born has no religion.......Secondly we should first have to be Good person then a good Muslim or Hindu whatever.........No problem brother still respect......
the majority of hindus in pakistan are from sindh and sindh has been deliberately kept backward by their great leaders( some of them have even attained shahadat:D) i have visited interior parts of sindh upto chor and believe me there is no difference in sindh and ethiopia. poverty at her best. the wadairas keep the locals uneducated in order to keep them enslaved. its not like only hindus and other minorities inside sindh are backward the muslims from sindh also fall in the same category. the education standards in sindh are no match for punjab or even KPK. at national level graduates from most of the sindh colleges and universities don't stand at par with those from punjab or KPK
You have a burgeoning population again whose some members have started calling themselves mini Pakistan and some of them have openly called for making a second Pakistan ,... and if I was to listen to you ... I Should get over this love affair too and accept another break? What a dumb logic .....
You are on the right track. As Iqbal said, Pakistan koi mulk nahi, ek soch hain. :)

We need to accept the fact that we are strong and we can take care of ourselves. Those calling for mini Pakistan can be ... let's say be given 'sonderbehandlung'.

That is what I am talking about. You misunderstood my point.

The average Muslim pre independence was not in favor of separate home land till the movement gained momentum after 1930 .... The thoughts were of a miniscule number of individuals.... who went on to commandeer the 'aspirations'
It did become strong enough to bend the will of the entire nation. Let's not underestimate the Mohammedan unity in this case of secession. Not only in India but also in Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, Myanmar, Russia, Kosovo etc etc. The reason there was little call for a separate homeland for Muslims was largely because of the non existence of well educated leadership - in fact Sir Syed had been indicating exclusion right from the nineteenth century. Iqbal's own life is a great lesson as well - from a nationalist to an Islamist. And without any Hindu act of violence to avenge either.

There is an effing reason why the acceptance of Pakistan is to be questioned ..... Is India based on secular ideals or not? If yes ... then creation of Pakistan is itself not in consonance with our thoughts. Till how long would you accept repeated division of nation on stupidities?
That is step 2.

First we should focus on getting our own home in order. Get the mini Pakistans removed from the map - both by making sure the self ghettoisation does not happen AND also from the mind by compulsory enrollment in government primary schools. Madrassa education must be a supplementary mode of education, and no alternative to secular educational institutions.

What do you think?
There are more burqa clad women in Delhi than in Islamabad.

Next time learn Islam before you spew your hatred and insults on Islam and Muslim women in general, but since your pre-determined biased hatred is already established I'll still post my previously written discussion on the concept of hijab.

BTW your post is reported for portraying Muslims as fanatical even though your own people kill Minorities for consuming beef and rampant gang rape culture and also for demeaning Muslim women as burqa clad.

"According to the Holy Quran and Hadith there are basically six criteria for observing hijab:

1. Extent:The first criterion is the extent of the body that should be covered. This is different for men and women. The extent of covering obligatory on the male is to cover the body at least from the navel to the knees. For women, the extent of covering obligatory is to cover the complete body except the face and the hands upto the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body.

All the remaining five criteria are the same for men and women.

2. The clothes worn should be loose and should not reveal the figure.
3. The clothes worn should not be transparent such that one can see through them.
4. The clothes worn should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite gender.
5. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the opposite gender.
6. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the unbelievers i.e. they should not wear clothes that are specifically identities or symbols of the unbelievers’ religions.

And the reason why the awrah of men (exposing of the chest and hair etc) compared to women has been lowered is because in Islam the complete financial burden falls to men, women are not required to work but they can if they want to (as long as the work both men and women do is Halal), so because the complete financial burden falls to men and some are most likely involved in heavy labor or construction work or some go to war etc a leniancy has been given to them.

I would also like to point out that in Islam both men and women are equal but they are not one and the same, women are emotionally, physically and physiologically different from men and that’s a fact. In certain situation men exceed women and in other women exceed men. Lets have a different perspective, suppose there are students A and B who have given an exam and scored equal marks of 80 out of 100, so in retrospect both student A and B are equal, overall they are yes but that does not mean both the students scored equal marks in all of the questions perhaps in the first question student A scored more where as student B scored more in the later question likewise as Allah SWT Who Is the Creator of both men and women has given advantage to men where women exceed and has given advantage to women where men exceed."
99% of Pakistani Muslims are low caste Hindu converts with some Arab and Pashtun rape blood. A lot of them have faked caste however.

EPIC FAIL. Another indian fatasy and physical insecurity outburst. The low caste hindus of india and in fact ALL hindus of india are all physically very identical or the same as one another. Fact is high or low class indian hindus have 0% physical resemblence to Pakistanis. In most cases they don't even like they belong to the same species as Pakistanis. The 2 races that physically closest resemble Pakistanis are SOUTHERN Turks and SOUTH/CENTRAL Iranians/Persians. Saying Pakistanis are descended from low caste hindus (when the physical evidence suggests otherwise) is as retarded and ridiculous as saying the President of Lebanon and Saddam Hussein had low caste hindu grandparents.

Another sad and pathetic attempt by an indian on PDF to connect Pakistanis to the indian race. That is evidence of severe insecurity.

Pakistan talents are moving to settle india permanently

Hardly a talent in Pakistan. Doesn't make a difference to us whatsoever.
Okay...The day when Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs will stop coming in India will be the day, I'll consider Pakistan a safe country for minorities.
And out of 2 million Hindus, how many are in Army or at any major position?
Sikhs in India are 2% and also Christians and Muslims and i can name many famous personalities who belong to these religions but can anyone say same about Pakistan?

The day I see minorities in India not getting massacred in massive riots like the Gujarat killings and the man responsible for allowing that genocide later not becoming PM of India and for not opening the bellies of those minorities who consumed beef and the day I see the rampant gang rape of women culture of India no longer in existence in the rape capital country of the world and the Indian men not opening the vagina's of those women later by rods is the day I will consider India as a safe country for minorities and women in general.
You are on the right track. As Iqbal said, Pakistan koi mulk nahi, ek soch hain. :)

We need to accept the fact that we are strong and we can take care of ourselves. Those calling for mini Pakistan can be ... let's say be given 'sonderbehandlung'.

That is what I am talking about. You misunderstood my point.

It did become strong enough to bend the will of the entire nation. Let's not underestimate the Mohammedan unity in this case of secession. Not only in India but also in Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, Myanmar, Russia, Kosovo etc etc. The reason there was little call for a separate homeland for Muslims was largely because of the non existence of well educated leadership - in fact Sir Syed had been indicating exclusion right from the nineteenth century. Iqbal's own life is a great lesson as well - from a nationalist to an Islamist. And without any Hindu act of violence to avenge either.

That is step 2.

First we should focus on getting our own home in order. Get the mini Pakistans removed from the map - both by making sure the self ghettoisation does not happen AND also from the mind by compulsory enrollment in government primary schools. Madrassa education must be a supplementary mode of education, and no alternative to secular educational institutions.

What do you think?

Pakistan was created so a unique and beautiful race of people could preserve their race, unique culture and way of life. Nothing more, nothing less. An indian can never understand this. What the indian Muslims do in india is of no concern or matter to us.
There are many in Pakistan who want to convert us or just kill us.

The frequencies of these incidents increase exponentially as you move towards the more rural areas of the country. That is not to say that those in the cities have it safe, just that they have it a lot better than their rural counterparts. So the minorities try to play it extra safe and keep their heads low. And keep their heads low they do. It starts off small, like not going out after 10, instructing your child to not mingle with Muslims or avoiding any sort of confrontation (even where it’s required) and then it grows to not sending your daughters outside the area for a better education/opportunities, or marrying them early. That’s the reason for the dwindling populace: the Hindus in villages or smaller cities move to Larkana or Sukkur, those in Larkana/Sukkur move to Hyderabad/Karachi, and those in Hyderabad/Karachi move to India or developed nations altogether, that is assuming they’ve survived the abductions, rape, lynching, blasphemy accusations, targeted shooting, blasts and murder.
I do not want to converse the ignorance (and there is lot) gof both countries, but one thing is true, that the minorities in India does not go thru what has been underline.

Interior Sindh is worst for Muslims as well. Only feudal rule and enjoy there.

As far as Minorities in India well please do not compare you have huge problems and discrimination even against own Low Cast Hindus in India. That is another debate so please do not bring in India here
This is not an individual case, there are many cases in which talented pakistani's seek opportunity in india and like to settle india permanently.In india if you are a super speciality doctor or an IIT graduate, you can get salary much more than what even average europeans or americans getting in their own country.

Think I'll give it a miss thank you very much. Being surrounded by all indians is the most horrific and disgusting experience any non-indian can ever have. All the money in the world would not be worth it. With all due respect would like to be surrounded by and work with good looking people/races. Makes me feel good and nice. You people just make me feel physically sick. Never knew why that was.

My dear i don't want to get ban by posting all evidence where your country stand, even the world knows how the minorities in pakistan are getting treated and its population from 1947 until today is a hard evidence for that..

When you keep a minority to be a PM or president of pakistan then come and talk....

You can post whatever you like, but does not change the reality and that's why world does not believe or care whatever you scream against india nor our PM.
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