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Ilias Kashmiri Killed

Try to give link from authentic media but not from Indian media. Most of Indian media reports based on BBC news so why not you go to BBC?
Drone strike news has confirmed in S. Waziristan but who is killed exactly still not confirmed.

BBC News - US strike 'kills' key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri

US strike 'kills' key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri

A top Pakistani militant leader has been killed in a US drone strike in South Waziristan, reports say.

Locals say Ilyas Kashmiri was among nine people killed in the overnight strike on the village of Laman.

They said he and his men had only recently arrived in the area. His death has not been confirmed by officials.

Ilyas Kashmiri is head of the Harkatul Jihad al-Islami, an extremist group with close links to al-Qaeda. He is a high-profile figure, wanted by the US

Senior al-Qaeda leader reportedly killed in Pakistan - Times LIVE
Most wanted terrorist leader reportedly killed in U.S. drone strike in Pakistan
US drone targeted top Pakistani Al Qaeda cadre
AFP: Deadly US drone targeted Pakistani Al-Qaeda fighter
It could be the new cooperative intelligence setup between US and Pakistani secret agencies that has produced this fruitful result.
Still not properly confirmed in BBC news.

And yes, drone is the least invasive procedure, commando action is offensive.
If he has died than good.

If he hasn't, then this is another advertisement for the drone strikes.

Whatever happens, all I know is that we are f**ked.
all most wanted terrorits are being killed in pakistan...
even headly points fingers at pakistan...

On topic:- good riddance..all hail drone strikes in pakistan
It could be the new cooperative intelligence setup between US and Pakistani secret agencies that has produced this fruitful result.

If this is a joint operation, The PAK army should have arrested these guys by force with the US intelligence. US is violating your air space and you tell the world that it is a joint operation to hide your incompetence.
If this is a joint operation, The PAK army should have arrested these guys by force with the US intelligence. US is violating your air space and you tell the world that it is a joint operation to hide your incompetence.

Can't arrest them, they would be out in a matter of days even hours.

These terrorists have a very deep seated support network within our establishment.

Take for example the PN Mehran attack, the Al Qaeda affiliated groups were threatening the PN continuously to let their operatives go.

When they didn't get what they wanted, they went ahead and caused great amount of damage with internal help.
Can't arrest them, they would be out in a matter of days even hours.

These terrorists have a very deep seated support network within our establishment.

Take for example the PN Mehran attack, the Al Qaeda affiliated groups were threatening the PN continuously to let their operatives go.

When they didn't get what they wanted, they went ahead and caused great amount of damage with internal help.

Well some pakistanis are up in arms saying drone strikes are hurting our sovereignty and is unilateral, and some are saying their own country is complicit to the point that they give intelligence to support the strike.

Tacit agreement is one thing, giving intel and coordinates is another. Why not do it yourself, with your own planes.
Can't arrest them, they would be out in a matter of days even hours.

These terrorists have a very deep seated support network within our establishment.

Take for example the PN Mehran attack, the Al Qaeda affiliated groups were threatening the PN continuously to let their operatives go.

When they didn't get what they wanted, they went ahead and caused great amount of damage with internal help.

So you are agreeing to the fact that the nation is run by rouge bureaucrats and the people or the country is put behind by its own setup for its sole ambition of dragging INDIA and the rest of the world down.
I'm really sorry for your country.
So you are agreeing to the fact that the nation is run by rouge bureaucrats and the people or the country is put behind by its own setup for its sole ambition of dragging INDIA and the rest of the world down.
I'm really sorry for your country.

I ve read many of his posts he doesnt live in a deluded/conspiracy world...he accepts the reality of whats happening in his country. So i suggest you to edit or remove your post mate cause it seems a little offensive.
Well some pakistanis are up in arms saying drone strikes are hurting our sovereignty and is unilateral, and some are saying their own country is complicit to the point that they give intelligence to support the strike.

Tacit agreement is one thing, giving intel and coordinates is another. Why not do it yourself, with your own planes.

The army and our government have given their tacit approval over these drone strikes, the ISI provides the Americans with intel and coordinates at all times, as for using our own planes, we could and we probably do but its safer for the Americans to take the credit.
So you are agreeing to the fact that the nation is run by rouge bureaucrats and the people or the country is put behind by its own setup for its sole ambition of dragging INDIA and the rest of the world down.
I'm really sorry for your country.

Not all our rogue, there are still elements, retired and serving who sympathize with the terrorists.

If all elements were rogue, I would be sorry for India because what they would do would be unimaginable.

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