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IIT Kharagpur develops technology to help cut through fog


Nov 1, 2010
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NEW DELHI: An algorithm developed by IIT Kharagpur promises to cut delays and cancellations of flights and trains by clearing hazy visuals caused by rain, fog or smog in real time.

The Railways and Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) have already initiated talks for acquiring this technology from the Institute, which has named it ‘Real Time Fog Removal from Videos & Real-Time Rain Removal from Videos’.

“We are in touch with DRDO and they are interested in using this technology during rocket launches and missile test fires done by Integrated Test Range (ITR),” said Sudipta Mukhopadhyay of the department of electronics and electrical communication under whose leadership the algorithm has been developed.

“During such events, scientists need to track the trajectory through cameras mounted in ground stations, but the video often gets degraded due to weather conditions.” The technology has already received international patent and the Institute is also in talks with the railways for deploying it, he said.

So how does it work? The fog algorithm estimates the distance of objects from the camera in the form of a depth map. The depth map is further refined using anisotropic diffusion to smooth depth map and identify clear boundaries of the object. Based on the refined depth, the image is restored to give clean images.

“This operation is performed on every frame of the video to generate a defogged video stream in real time,” Mukhopadhyay said.

Great job.
India's IITs are the best talent packed learning centers.
Great job.
India's IITs are the best talent packed learning centers.

Since you have disowned India you should not take pride in India's achievement s. Recently you are not writing much about Modi, why?
Since you have disowned India you should not take pride in India's achievement s. Recently you are not writing much about Modi, why?

I do not belong to UK, UK does not belong to me, But I like its Big Ben and always admire whenever I see it during my London visit.

What is wrong with this?

As for Modi, he will be criticized for what he does to India and Indians (jeopardizing their interests)

No mercy on mad people. They should be taught a lesson, before they teach us their sinful acts.
I do not belong to UK, UK does not belong to me, But I like its Big Ben and always admire whenever I see it during my London visit.

What is wrong with this?

As for Modi, he will be criticized for what he does to India and Indians (jeopardizing their interests)

No mercy on mad people. They should be taught a lesson, before they teach us their sinful acts.

Everybody has there own opinion and should be respected but on the condition that his opinion does not hurt or have mal afide intentions...and you sure have such intentions. You are interested in nothing but downfall of India.

India was not perfect nor will it be perfect in near future. But we are optimist that we are progressing towards it.
And this will never be implemented.

Because they don't have brains where to implement.
Everybody has there own opinion and should be respected but on the condition that his opinion does not hurt or have mal afide intentions...and you sure have such intentions. You are interested in nothing but downfall of India.

India was not perfect nor will it be perfect in near future. But we are optimist that we are progressing towards it.

Change those who are not perfect, why is that so difficult?
Start with a simple task to begin with.

Your PM is not a honest man. Why Indians are silent on his dishonest character and not bring forth rallies across India?

Why is he following abusive Twitter IDs like a teenager and giving bad name to PMO and being laughed upon overseas with such moronic conduct?

You think a Canadian or a Japanese PM can do that and go scot-free by its media and its people?

Change those who are not perfect, why is that so difficult?
Start with a simple task to begin with.

Your PM is not a honest man. Why Indians are silent on his dishonest character and not bring forth rallies across India?

Why is he following abusive Twitter IDs like a teenager and giving bad name to PMO and being laughed upon overseas with such moronic conduct?

You think a Canadian or a Japanese PM can do that and go scot-free by its media and its people?

View attachment 406959

Because Indians (majority like him/his work) thats why.

If you have problem with that you can conduct some rallies against him (if allowed in UK). Ranting in PDF ain't gonna make Modi any less significant than he is in World geopolitics.

One more thing Modi alone does not run India. There are countless bureaucracies busy working behind him, who runs the nation and will continue to run even after he is gone.
Because Indians (majority like him/his work) thats why.

If you have problem with that you can conduct some rallies against him .

I have disowned India after what I saw of this democratic dictator, dishonest Modi.

Also, I no longer live in India, I changed my abode or domicile of residence.
I sold all my properties leaving my ancestral house.

I can only express my grief over such a thick skinned and shameful PM.
One who inducted criminally tainted Indians as ministers in his cabinet.
And this is despite having an option to induct honest Indians as his ministers.


Since you are Indian, and living in India, go to Jantar mantar, be pro active, and try to impeach Modi.
Is it not right for you to condemn your PM?

If the Indian PM is indulging in shameful acts as enlisted above, shameless he is. Simply simple!
Why are you tolerating such a shameful person as your PM?

Are you not ashamed?

I was, and I left the country with all my belongings.
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