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Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause


Jan 10, 2007
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Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause

By Nasir Iqbal and Syed Irfan Raza

ISLAMABAD, March 24: Deposed Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry on Monday hinted that he and his colleagues would cautiously pursue their cause.

He was addressing a cheerful crowd who had gathered outside his residence to celebrate the first significant change in Islamabad after the newly-elected Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani ordered the administration to free all detained judges.

Accompanied by Supreme Court Bar Association’s President Aitzaz Ahsan, Tariq Mehmood and Athar Minallah, his six-year-old son Balaj and two daughers, Justice Iftikhar appeared in the balcony of his house for the first time in more than four months to tell the crowd that he still needed their support.

“I would need your support in future to reach our destination together with utmost care without creating any hindrance in the way,” Justice Iftikhar told the crowd who showered rose petals when he waved back, acknowledging their support.

“I thanked the people of Pakistan for their continuing … struggle on behalf of all judges of the Supreme Court as well as the high courts who were detained illegally and unconstitutionally on Nov 3, 2007 (when President Pervez Musharraf proclaimed emergency),” Justice Iftikhar said.

The heavy police contingent deployed at the entrance of Judges Colony and outside the house of Justice Iftikhar did not stop anyone from proceeding towards the residence of the deposed chief justice.

Instead of being tear-gassed or baton-charged, the police appeared to welcome the move and helped people cross the barbed wire barricading the area.

Other deposed judges of Supreme Court who had been confined in the same area included Justices Sardar Raza Mohammad Khan, Mian Shakirullah Jan, Nasirul Mulk and Javed Iqbal.

Workers of the Pakistan People’s Party, Pakistan Muslim Leauge-N, Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI), Jamaat-i-Islami, lawyers and some representatives of the civil society and journalists arrived there at about 6pm and scaled the walls of the residence of deposed chief justice and gathered in the lawn. Teams of TV channels also reached there, covering the event live.

Balaj, the younger son of the deposed chief justice, appeared first in the balcony and waved at the people.

A large number of people were also seen distributing sweets and dancing to the beat of drums while chanting slogans against President Pervez Musharraf.

“By the looks of the spontaneous people’s reaction, it looks like people are celebrating some kind of festival,” observed Ms Nahid, a house wife who had also scaled the locked gates of the chief justice’s residence.

However, Aitzaz Ahsan repeatedly requested the people not to raise slogans and maintain dignity of the official residence.

Inside the house, Justice Iftikhar received lawyers, journalists and common people who managed to come inside his drawing room.

Both Barrister Ahsan and Tariq Mehmood also sliced a cake to welcome the orders of newly-elected prime minister of removing hurdles towards the Judge’s Enclave.

Justice Javed Iqbal, who joined as the head of the Press Council soon after being deposed, also congratulated Justice Iftikhar.

“I am here to congratulate Justice Iftikhar,” he told Dawn and justified his acceptance of the new job by saying that he had done it during the transition phase and he would resume his office as the senior most judge of the Supreme Court after the retirement of Justice Rana Bhagwandas and restoration of all deposed judges.

“I was restrained to perform my judicial functions … but since all lacunae had been removed, I would perform my constitutional duties.”

Asma Jahangir said she was opposed to the detention of the judges. “We expect that the judges would not align themselves with the executive by invoking infamous doctrine of necessity.”

In Lahore, soon after Mr Gilani’s speech, lawyers, political workers, mediapersons and people from all walks of life gathered in front of Justice Khalilur Rehman Ramday’s residence and chanted slogans against President Musharraf.

Justice Ramday came out of his residence and expressed optimism that the judges would go back to work very soon.

The crowd showered flowers on Justice Ramday and called for restoration of all deposed judges.

Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause -DAWN - Top Stories; March 25, 2008
brothers and sisters, we are now entering a new era. An era of corruption, let us appreciate democracy and congratulate the lawyers and politicians.
brothers and sisters, we are now entering a new era. An era of corruption, let us appreciate democracy and congratulate the lawyers and politicians.

Lets wait and see though like you I'm not holding my breath anytime soon.
Nawaz and ex-ISI Hameed Gul chalked out this plan to mobilize a new movement i.e Lawyers movement. Why? Because the Public failed to come out on streets in favor of the Politicial parties, even after months of agitation calls. Nawaz FINANCED the whole movement and ex-ISI Hameed Gul organised it, with few stupid SOLD-OUT civil services like that of Asma Jehangir. Idiots like Imran khan would follow as they have no minds of their own.

The understanding was that Nawaz will finance everything and ex-CJP (who will ultimately become the new hero) will slowly relieve Nawaz of his haunting cases, including the Hijacking case (in which 180 passengers were aboard), Hadibia Mills case, Raiwind estate case, Helicopter case, and the murder & extortion cases of Shahbaz Sharif. Then they could stand in by-elections.

For all this to happen, the ex-CJP had to take up few cases against the Government (e.g Steel Mills, Hajj Quota, KHI traffic, Missing person, Sabzi daal, basant, etc) that would project him as the saviour of poor and a man against oppression. The bribed Media had to give extensive coverage to him and highlight his so-called pro-poor stance.

This way, when the ex-CJP would STRIKE-OFF cases against Nawaz..... no one would dare to challenge and question, the so-called new saviour. Nawaz would run scot-free, with all his corruption legalized. No wonder, why Nawaz specifically wants this PCO ex-CJP scum back !

Ahmed Quraishi.com

Aitzaz Ahsan ,a 'Pakistani' politician in the garb of a lawyer has started making mockery of the system. By demanding restoration of Judiciary by an executive order, he has started showing signs of desperation. His Indian friend Ashok Chaturvedi Indian Intelligence Chief is in hot water and Aitzaz has been tasked to show some results as soon as possible so that Ashok can continue as RAW Chief.

After spending over 500 million dollars since March 2007, when lawyer movement started, Democracy could not be derailed in Pakistan. Aitzaz who enjoys aged long relations with Indian Establishment since the time he was founding V Chairman of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. He has retained that relationship and as Interior Minister he had handed over list of Sikhs separatists to Indian government.

In March,2007 when Justice Iftikar Chaudhry was ousted as Chief Justice, he was tasked with an initial tranche of eighty millions which was handed to Asma Jehangir another Human Rights activists in London by RAW officer Sushil Trevidi in London in Indian High Commission.

Aitzaz Ahsan and Asma Jehangir were tasked to create anarchy in Pakistan and derail democratic process and at the same time undermine the respect and honour of Pakistan's armed forces. . At the same time create differences between Musharraf and Bush administration. The amount which was spent for separatist movements in Baluchistan were also guaranteed for Aitzaz Ahsan.

The objectives were partially achieved. Musharrf's move to remove his unform and imposition of emergency foiled the designs and holding of elections further strengthened Musharraf's position. These developments unnerved Indian Intelligence and Ashok Chutervedi came under fire. Aitzaz has to make another desperate attempt otherwise his Indian connection will stop nourishing him. Lets wait and watch, who wins in this intelligence war.
Lawyers betraying Aitzaz by attending PCO courts


Aitzaz Ahsan has once again tried to fool the whole nation by stating that only six lawyers are appearing in Court proceedings before PCO Judges.

He made these remarks in a live discussion between Justice (Rtd) Abdul Qayyum Malik Attorney General of Pakistan and Aitzaz Ahsan in Hamid Mir's program Capital Talk today, Mar. 19, 2008.

I am forwarding here a list of Supreme Court lawyers who appeared before the Supreme Court on March 6, 2008, which includes big names of the lawyers agitation movement. This is a prove that Aitzaz Ahsan is misleading the Pakistani public opinion by saying the lawyers are boycotting the courts.

1. Malik Muhammad Qayyum AGP
2. Mrs Afshan Ghazanfar, AAG
3. Raja Abdur Rehman, Dy. AG
4. Mian Asim Mumtaz, DPG
5. Mr. Qasim Mir Jat, AAG Sindh
6. Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, Sr.ASC
7. Ch. Munir Sadiq, DPG
8. Syed Sharif Hussain Bokhari, Sr.ASC
9. Sh. Zamir Hussain, Sr.ASC
10. Mr. Wasim Sajjad, Sr. ASC
11. Hafiz S.A.Rehman, Sr.ASC
12. Sardar Latif Khan Khosa, ASC
13. Mr. Khalid Anwar, Sr. ASC
14. Sardar M. Ishaq Khan, Sr.ASC
15. Mr. Shoaib Shaheen, ASC
16. Qazi M. Jameel, Sr.ASC
17. Malik Rabnawaz Noon, Sr.ASC
18. Mr. Jehangir A. Jhojhe, ASC
19. Mr. Gulzarin Kiani, ASC
20. Ch. Mushtaq A. Khan Sr.ASC
21. Mr. M. Akram Sheikh, Sr. ASC
22. Raja M.Ibrahim Satti, ASC
23. Mr. Farooq A. Naik, ASC
24. Raja M. Bashir, ASC
25. Mr. Talib H. Rizvi, ASC
26. Mian M. Younus Shah, Sr.ASC
27. Mr. Adil Qadir, ASC
28. Sardar Shoukat Hayat, Addl.AG
29. Sh. Riazul Haq, ASC
30. Mr. S.M.Zafar, Sr. ASC
31. Mr. Ejazul Hassan, ASC
32. Mr. Tariq Azam Ch., ASC
33. Mr. Aftab A. Bajwa, ASC
34. Mr. Ahmar Bilal Sufi, ASC
35. Mr. Farooq H. Kasuri, Legal Advisor
36. Mian Qamaruz Zaman, ASC
37. Mr. Khanwar Iqbal, ASC
38. Mr. Saeed-ur-Rehman, ASC
39. Mr. Zawar Shah, ASC
40. Malik Itaat Hussain Awan, ASC
41. Ch. Aurangzeb Khan, ASC
42. Mr. Irfan Mehmood Sh., ASC
43. Sardar Muhammad Sadiq, ASC
44. Mr. Javed Aziz Sindhu, ASC
45. Mr. Ilyas Siddiqui, ASC
46. Rana Muhammad Sarwar, ASC
47. Syed Zafar Abbas Naqvi, AOR
48. Mr. G.N.Gohar, AOR
49. Mr. M.S.Khattak, AOR
50. Mr. Mehr Khan Malik, AOR
51. Mr. Arshad Ali Ch. AOR

Ahmed Quraishi.com

Aitzaz Ahsan ,a 'Pakistani' politician in the garb of a lawyer has started making mockery of the system. By demanding restoration of Judiciary by an executive order, he has started showing signs of desperation. His Indian friend Ashok Chaturvedi Indian Intelligence Chief is in hot water and Aitzaz has been tasked to show some results as soon as possible so that Ashok can continue as RAW Chief.

After spending over 500 million dollars since March 2007, when lawyer movement started, Democracy could not be derailed in Pakistan. Aitzaz who enjoys aged long relations with Indian Establishment since the time he was founding V Chairman of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. He has retained that relationship and as Interior Minister he had handed over list of Sikhs separatists to Indian government.

In March,2007 when Justice Iftikar Chaudhry was ousted as Chief Justice, he was tasked with an initial tranche of eighty millions which was handed to Asma Jehangir another Human Rights activists in London by RAW officer Sushil Trevidi in London in Indian High Commission.

Aitzaz Ahsan and Asma Jehangir were tasked to create anarchy in Pakistan and derail democratic process and at the same time undermine the respect and honour of Pakistan's armed forces. . At the same time create differences between Musharraf and Bush administration. The amount which was spent for separatist movements in Baluchistan were also guaranteed for Aitzaz Ahsan.

The objectives were partially achieved. Musharrf's move to remove his unform and imposition of emergency foiled the designs and holding of elections further strengthened Musharraf's position. These developments unnerved Indian Intelligence and Ashok Chutervedi came under fire. Aitzaz has to make another desperate attempt otherwise his Indian connection will stop nourishing him. Lets wait and watch, who wins in this intelligence war.

No doubt Aitzaz Hassan is a trouble maker but I have no doubt about his patriotism. Let us not start making allegations about people without having concrete proof. All I can say is that both Aitzaz's father and mother were Muslim League activists during the independence struggle.

I don't agree with his tactics about pressurizing new assembly by giving 30 days. He is ambitious and he has used the lawyers movement for the sake of personal popularity, but to say that he is a raw agent is carrying things too far.

Everyone who doesnot hold the same views as us is not a traitor; we have to accept that they are as much Pakistan loving as anybody else.
With all due respect in my opinion anyone AND I MEAN ANYONE who talks bad about his country in front of tohers is not a patriot END OF DISCUSSION

Everyone has internal family problems and everyone handles it on their own, you don't go around publicizing your family problems to everyone why? because it will hurt stature / izzat of your family, that is a small example apply it on country and than you will understand why i think none of the bloody politicians are worth a freaking penny and are subject to public trial in my humble opinion.
Cautiously, violently or meekly, the cause is lost.

Unless the Constitution is changed, they are up a gum tree,
With all due respect in my opinion anyone AND I MEAN ANYONE who talks bad about his country in front of tohers is not a patriot END OF DISCUSSION

Everyone has internal family problems and everyone handles it on their own, you don't go around publicizing your family problems to everyone why? because it will hurt stature / izzat of your family, that is a small example apply it on country and than you will understand why i think none of the bloody politicians are worth a freaking penny and are subject to public trial in my humble opinion.

Naturally you are entitled to your opinion Hon Baqai. To me however, your views smack of "Mcarthyism". This is the prejudice of the worst kind. You may disagree with the man but cannot put chains on his thoughts.

You remind me of the person who petitioned Lahore high Court to have Najm Siddiqui ( Editor of Friday Times) declared non Pakistani because he was writing against Nawaz Sharif's government.

Good God, are we living in dark ages that any one raising his voice against the person in power is to be hanged for treason.!!! This is worse than Talibanism at its worst.
I agree. Lets give them a chance. I am just waiting for roti to be 3 rupees again as per the PML-N manefesto.

A dream i would say!

Not even in America (which we all refer for everything) the price of eatables have been lessened in decades...

They only Increase!
Naturally you are entitled to your opinion Hon Baqai. To me however, your views smack of "Mcarthyism". This is the prejudice of the worst kind. You may disagree with the man but cannot put chains on his thoughts.

You remind me of the person who petitioned Lahore high Court to have Najm Siddiqui ( Editor of Friday Times) declared non Pakistani because he was writing against Nawaz Sharif's government.

Good God, are we living in dark ages that any one raising his voice against the person in power is to be hanged for treason.!!! This is worse than Talibanism at its worst.

If the entitlement for Opinion or Thoughts give you the right to make your country respectless, suffer, terrorised, anarchified..

You are to be hanged till death ...

I disagree with You NIAZ,

People having motive to destroy Pakistan should NOT HAVE A RIGHT FOR SPEECH, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT OR ELSE!
Freedom of speech is one thing but going around the globe bad mouthing your country is not considered to be freedom of speech to me

if politicians have problem they should sort it out among themselves rather than running with their tails between legs, coming in front of foreign media and making fun of their own system and people, this is pathetic

If you read and re-read the example if have given, i have not said that one can't raise voice against leader of the house, i merely said that one should not going around talk about it in front of outsiders, if you have a internal problem than solve it internally but don't let others take advantage of your weekness and make fun of you or your family.

I think you are misinterpreting my statement i suggest you give it a thought :)
No doubt Aitzaz Hassan is a trouble maker but I have no doubt about his patriotism. Let us not start making allegations about people without having concrete proof. All I can say is that both Aitzaz's father and mother were Muslim League activists during the independence struggle.

  • This is the same Aitzaz who was expelled from Tehreek-e-Istaqlal by his party on December 16, 1985 on the charges of self-promotion and self-projection.

  • This is the same politician who appointed 20 workers of his party asjudges when he was Federal Minister for Law. Those judges were later dismissed by the judiciary as most of those had never appeared before the court, those also included Ahmed Saeed Awan who was a convict in a murder case.

  • why Aitzaz Ahsan had not resigned in protest when PPP chairperson publicly said that she wanted to appoint her party’s Secretary General as Chief Justice of Supreme Court.

  • A report in ‘Sikh Times’ alleging involvement in handing over the lists of Sikh freedom fighters to Indian authorities when Aitzaz Ahsan was Interior Minister of PPP.

  • Daily Nawa-i-Waqt had reported that Aitzaz Ahsan resigned from PPP in 1977 when Bhutto regime was facing a difficult time due to the PNA movement.

The Sikh movement was 'National Interest' strategy for Pakistan. Someone who hands over 'national interest' to India, cannot be considered as someone loyal to country. His past is suspicious!

Benazir also told him that he'll have to decide who to favor i.e PPP or judges?
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