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If You Think China’s Air Is Bad, Try Chinese water

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You are right. I will stop visiting the river that is around a thousand miles from where I live to quench my daily thirst. Better find some other means...
Yeah, with your shitty infrastructure and your tiny life expectancy you'll be dead long before even doing half the journey hahaha :D

And look at that guy talking about infant soups, he can't even see the difference between truth and a hoax, but well, drinking decomposing human corpses juice certainly kills some neurones. Guys that's it, the product that India needs, the one that will make india a superpower in two days, decomposing human corpses juice ! Made by the highly qualified Indian engineers lmao you will export it to every country in the world haha

Just joking my friends, love and peace, indians dont really have a long life so enjoy yours, rape your relatives, shit on the floor, do whatever you indians love to do xD

Srsly I just wanted to respond to that I'm not Greek guy but then you started trolling so...
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Very well, my dear friend. Since you have displayed your bias against India so blatantly, I have no other choice but to ignore your future replies. Good day, you paragon of communist virtuosity.
That's the state of supply water for Shanghai.

the dead pigs were removed and you dont find them in our rivers everyday

look at your rivers - rotting corpses floating along other wastes and yuck! people bath and brush their teeth, wash their clothes in there and cook their meals with .., yuck!

dont your failed state government have the decency to pick them up and properly deal with them?

do these decaying bodies deserve their last respect?

that is not too much to ask for isnt it? and there are so many people unemployed in your failed state! just take a look at that friviolous idling pooping-greek-to-be

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Hindus cremate. That means, logically speaking, there should not be any rotten corpses in the river...
Hindus cremate. That means, logically speaking, there should not be any rotten corpses in the river...

it wont work with your lies as there are so many videos and pix flooding the internet with floating corpses along the failed states rivers

or these carcasses are all from unidentified/ unreported cases of homicides?
Why would I lie about a religious practice? Burning is not that costly, is it? On one hand you have the entire risk and cost of transporting a dead body to a river, and on the other hand you have to sit in a public bus with a vase of ashes - which one do you think is cheap and logical?
Why would I lie about a religious practice? Burning is not that costly, is it? On one hand you have the entire risk and cost of transporting a dead body to a river, and on the other hand you have sitting in a public bus with a vase of ashes - which one do you think is cheap and logical?

the pryres are costly for the abject poor who are scraping for a meal just to fill 1/2 of their belly everyday in failed state india. they cant afford the pryres, especially those along the river, and the cost of the caretakers
the dying people are loving to die in the rivers which are all sacred to them in your religion. thats is why so many corpses!
If I'm talking with people like you, better make it fun ! I kinda like India, what I hate is people who truly think that India is way better than it really is...indeed I hope your country does well, but God, why do you have to be like that ? I'm sure Chinese members here used to like Indians before reading what Indians were writing on this forum...

Anyway, about the thread, yeah there is pollution in China but with the incredible industry and population density they have it's normal, china will develop and it will pollute less and less years after years...every country developed country once had that...
the pryres are costly for the abject poor who are scraping for a meal just to fill 1/2 of their belly everyday in failed state india. they cant afford the pryres, especially those along the river, and the cost of the caretakers
the dying people are loving to die in the rivers which are all sacred to them in your religion. thats is why so many corpses!
And with that response, my dear Chinese member, you have exhibited your natural inclination for reason and truth. I have nothing more to say. 
If I'm talking with people like you, better make it fun ! I kinda like India, what I hate is people who truly think that India is way better than it really is...indeed I hope your country does well, but God, why do you have to be like that ? I'm sure Chinese members here used to like Indians before reading what Indians were writing on this forum...

Anyway, about the thread, yeah there is pollution in China but with the incredible industry and population density they have it's normal, china will develop and it will pollute less and less years after years...every country developed country once had that...

I am just trolling under a little influence ;) I like your posts. You are a funny and interesting person. Enjoy.
That's the state of supply water for Shanghai.

I know you and a few other Indians respond to other posters with emotions rather logic or fact. Where is your proof with your claim? Are you an expert in the field of of water purification?

Trolling is one thing, but you and some other Indians degrade the value of trolling with pure nonsense suitable for an eight year old.
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