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If You Think China’s Air Is Bad, Try Chinese water

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Roughly half of rural residents lack access to drinking water that meets international standards.
And half the Indian population doesn't have toilets! So the score is deuce.

Ok, so now can we all STFU??:big_boss: This thread is turning out to be a useless slanging match and a flame fest. :fie:

I'm outta here!
Indian always talk but never look at their action. LMAO
:D, Whe reading the first part of the title, I thought it is positive thread, but the later part tell me no.

India have the cleanest ganges river, you know, so, they are "right" this time, can mock China!
China's air and water are indeed in horrible state. There is no denial of that. The scale of pollution and its long lasting impact will affect the health of generations.

There is no need to compare China to India just because the poster is Indian. China is much more advanced than India and therefore should be held to a higher standard. I trust that life and health are of greater importance in China than in India, and our poster's attitude should reflect that.
China's air and water are indeed in horrible state. There is no denial of that. The scale of pollution and its long lasting impact will affect the health of generations.

There is no need to compare China to India just because the poster is Indian. China is much more advanced than India and therefore should be held to a higher standard. I trust that life and health are of greater importance in China than in India, and our poster's attitude should reflect that.

It really depends on regions. In my hometown, I drink tapped water since we have literally no industry. I guess the worst areas are probably in Central China, where heavy polluted industry is migrating from east and local governments value tax money and economy more than environment.

But anyway, Huangpu River and Suzhou River in Shanghai are so much much cleaner now than 1980s, so is West Lake in Hangzhou. I wonder whether NYT ever reported those in 1980s and what was the explanation.. 

Oh nice, so Indian men bathing in river are comparable to dead pigs that pig farmers dumped in rivers?
Oh nice, so Indian men bathing in river are comparable to dead pigs that pig farmers dumped in rivers?

That's the state of supply water for Shanghai.
No one drink that ganges water where people take dip while the dead pig water is potable as per Chinese govt and hence supplied
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I am sure that if we contract our filth to the enterprising Chinese brothers, they'll certainly find some use for it. Win-win situation for both sides?
So thats it, when they see they are wrong they just forget and talk about something else ?

Indians...the only good thing about them is their life expectancy lol : D
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At least I am talking about collaboration - hardly matters to me if it is filth.
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