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If you have the guts liberate Kashmir from Pakistan take back our land from China Uddhav to modi

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What all this bhangi, dalit,chamar, etc etc words u r using.

In India its prohibited and probably all these words used were many decades back. Dont understand Why PAkistan is still stuck in 1970s? Your versions, talks, etc only resembles India of around 70s n before.

IT seems to me, due to lack of interaction, picture of India India for a Pakistani is that of during Independence.

Wtf are you talking about? You are not even Indian Punjabi.
Wtf are you talking about? You are not even Indian Punjabi.
So? Does it mean I dont understand it? This is India. We have 18 official languages and every Indians knows atleast 3,4 official languages. I myself know 6,7.

Seriously dude. I guyz shud be allowed to come to India to understand ground realities rather than assuming India of some 1970s.
Zaid Hamid respects the sovereignty of Maharatra.
Wtf are you talking about? You are not even Indian Punjabi.

In fact its true. I have also felt the same. I mean when ever i talk to Pakistani they all seem to be like from 1 decade back. Genine fact. Not making it up but really this i have felt many times. Pakistani talk like an indian would talk decade back even when they are abusing us or congratulating us or anything.

I never said that because i thought i am the only one who feels so.
Omg. All the bhangi dalits are now upset.
A lot of their low rung terrorists are unemployed youth. People will move out of terrorism if they start thinking for themselves and when they see opportunity. Additionally, they will realize there is more to gain by working together with India than against.

How will they start thinking for themselves all of a sudden when even those who are employed have not started thinking for themselves yet? You mean all that is holding back Pakistan from becoming an angelic state neighbor of India is the 10% unemployed youth? Once they get employed then Pakistan can be considered to be fully educated in the sense of the term you mean when you say education and all the bias will drop away? You mean to say that it is not their elite and armed forces which are responsible for their anti-Indian stand but their wretched unemployed youths?
Omg. All the bhangi dalits are now upset.
A low class indian is already getting your A$$ whopped on the border and has set tail of your PM on fire running like a dehati aurat around the UN. why would we be upset.
Hi sorry to be a little off topic but my goal is to protect and serve Pakistan as a officer in the Pakistan air force as a GDP. Currently i live and study in the United States. I lived in the USA all my live, i am a pakistani citizen. I am currently in high school, my grades are above average, my grades are 84-95 i take many advance classes. I am part of many sports teams and i am currently a class officer. After i gradaute high school i will be getting my degree from a American College in Aerospace Engineering. After that what will i have to do to become a GDP as a officer in the Pakistan Air Force.
Hi sorry to be a little off topic but my goal is to protect and serve Pakistan as a officer in the Pakistan air force as a GDP. Currently i live and study in the United States. I lived in the USA all my live, i am a pakistani citizen. I am currently in high school, my grades are above average, my grades are 84-95 i take many advance classes. I am part of many sports teams and i am currently a class officer. After i gradaute high school i will be getting my degree from a American College in Aerospace Engineering. After that what will i have to do to become a GDP as a officer in the Pakistan Air Force.
To start with ask the question in the relevant section
Kashmir from pakistan can be liberated. China? I won't want to open that pandora box .China has enough firepower to decimate and devastate india by any means possible. Same is not so for Pakistan.

Well if he wants us to start a nuclear war we would be more than happy to comply

In that case be prepared for destruction of mecca and medina and your beloved saudi arabia. indian nukes are aimed there.Plus Israel will also gatecrash into the party with its nuclear strikes.
Omg. All the bhangi dalits are now upset.

What this obsession of yours with this particular word??Did you,sometime in the past,got @rse fucked by one??

Hi sorry to be a little off topic but my goal is to protect and serve Pakistan as a officer in the Pakistan air force as a GDP. Currently i live and study in the United States. I lived in the USA all my live, i am a pakistani citizen. I am currently in high school, my grades are above average, my grades are 84-95 i take many advance classes. I am part of many sports teams and i am currently a class officer. After i gradaute high school i will be getting my degree from a American College in Aerospace Engineering. After that what will i have to do to become a GDP as a officer in the Pakistan Air Force.

All the best.
That would be a step up for you bhangi dalits.
No beta ji, nothing is a step down from someone like you who carries the blood of a harem whore.
No beta ji, nothing is a step down from someone like you who carries the blood of a harem whore.
Rofl you aulad of a bhaiya. You don't have to go that far back to remember how you diaper heads gave your mothers and sisters to hindus in Golden temple.
In fact its true. I have also felt the same. I mean when ever i talk to Pakistani they all seem to be like from 1 decade back. Genine fact. Not making it up but really this i have felt many times. Pakistani talk like an indian would talk decade back even when they are abusing us or congratulating us or anything.

I never said that because i thought i am the only one who feels so.

Yes yes, India is a SUPA PAWA. Now flush off.
Omg. All the bhangi dalits are now upset.

Much better then "Fattu Kaum" which Got Converted Itself under Sword to Barbaric Islamic Religion. I pity you for your Female Ancestors Raped by Invading Islamic Barbarics and her Male relatives Butchered by Islamic Arabic Blood Thirsty Invaders, And Most pity is you upholding that religion which raped and killed your ancestors, because it not let you accept the truth and if somehow you accepted the truth that religion will simply going to EXTERMINATE YOU.
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