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If you have a Chance ....

Tax Reforms
A single education system
Clerics to be appointed by govt. and taken only from govt. approved institutions
I wish I could reform the education sector.

I've often seen teachers teaching their students half heartedly. Teachers 're not paid well and usually those who dont get a better paying job become teachers, this is not right.
A student is just as good as his teacher.
This is just one of the issues in the education sector.
Schooling should be more fun!!

I think you should 've put a poll. :)

dont know how to create a poll :(

I've got a small list, sorry, couldn't narrow our problems down to just one thing. Also, before you read this please note: I'm neither a Republican nor Democrat - I hate both of their platforms equally. These are my views.

Tax reform – we are losing money due to tax loopholes and an obsession with growth. These loopholes need to be closed.

Tax Loopholes That Mainly Benefit The Rich | Bankrate.com

Social security reform – when a percentage of a population is sustained via food assistance, there exists a problem. When that same percentage of a population uses their food assistance allowance to purchase narcotics and alcohol, they are the problem.

Food Stamps Exchanged For Drugs, Weapons, Contraband - Judicial Watch

Wage reform – the rank and file worker has seen their wage growth remain stagnant. Executives have seen theirs skyrocket. This must be reversed to maintain a healthy economy.

Economist's View: U.S. Workers Still Waiting for Wage Growth

Civil Rights in the work place and university reform – University or job acceptance should not be awarded due to a race quota, they should be based on the merit of the individual applying for entry into either situation.

Education reform – less book work, more practicality and conceptual/critical thinking. Memorizing facts didn’t help me at all, I found it boring. What did help me learn was a hands on approach. Also, we need to eliminate wasteful or ineffective teachers.

Foreign policy reform – while I actually like the US foreign policy, which adapts to changing and fluid situations, I do believe we need to reform our stances on certain situations.

Military reform – Up the R&D budget, down the foreign operations budget. We don’t need to police the world.

Foreign assistance reform – I’m really tired of foreign aid programs that don’t offer benefits to the US. We need to reform these badly.


Political reform – Congress is a joke and a roadblock that is more a circus than a policy maker. We have to reform the system to make it more efficient.

The Politics of Roadblocks | USA & Canada Roadblock Listings

Privacy protection reform - I spent my Navy career snooping around where I shouldn't have been (from an adversary's perspective), but I don't think military electronic intercepts translate well into the civilian world. If anything, our willingness to violate the privacy of citizens is going to cause problems, even if we don't actually violate their privacy. Does anyone actually think the NSA can read all the info they gather?

Ad reform - Revenue models based on the selling of ads no one will see is a joke. I use Adblock for just this reason. I just plain hate these types of revenue models. How can you sell advertisements if no one is actually viewing them? Can you make money off of peoples unwillingness to view your ads?

to be honest , i was expecting a detail answer from you any way :lol::tup:

so many people mentioned Education reforms aka Free education for up to 12th standard ... i agree with it ... but i just wanted to add a thing only in case of Pakistan , that in schools we should give kids a proper education about Islam ... that will effect positive in many ways ..

it will help young minds to know about Islam in a right way ...
and all this will help us fight extremism , and when people know about the islam they will not just go out and blow themselves up , just because their mullah said it ...
and obviously my point in giving mandatory religious education must be regulated by govt , and also keep check what they are teaching ... not like madarsa style ..
1. a clear cut Constitution of Pakistan.. where ..
People are free.. equal ..
Govt is responsible and accountable
nation above individual and system above adhoc issue..
dont know how to create a poll :(

When posting a new thread, you'll find the option to create a poll towards the bottom.
I think even now you can go to OP-> edit -> more options and towards the bottom you'll find an option to add a poll to OP.
But I think your thread is doing fine sans a poll. :-) :tup::tup::tup:
Remove religion from country's name , constitution & make it a republic every thing else will fall in line
to all PDF members , obviously we all as individual create a nation ... so if a country want to change than people must step up ..

so i want to ask all members here , that if you guys have a Chance to do just " ONE " reform in any sector of your Country which sector that would be , and what will be the reform ??

and kindly explain your reason and its impact ...

all members are allowed to reply , but kindly refrain from trolling ..

@Slav Defence @RescueRanger @Irfan Baloch @dexter @Devil Soul @Nihonjin1051 @Serpentine @al-Hasani @levina @SpArK @Abu Zolfiqar @Jaanbaz @Chinese-Dragon @Genesis @Areesh @MastanKhan @Mosamania @haman10 @Horus @jaibi @Jungibaaz @Akheilos @DESERT FIGHTER @nair @gambit @American Pakistani @C130 @500 @Neptune @Hakan @atatwolf @BDforever @SvenSvensonov @HRK @Hyperion @senheiser @vostok @Zarvan@Norwegian
Bro I made a thread with something similar only it had a poll.... :ashamed:
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Tax reforms -- !

For Japan, the US or both? I can think of some more pressing problems in the US, such as political reforms that would end the roadblock in Congress and thus pave the way for tax reforms - though tax reforms are high on my list too (a list which wasn't compiled in the order of importance to me). But for Japan, repatriating funds being stashed overseas or lost to tax loopholes can help with their existent, but tepid recovery.

Japanese economy will show powerful upward trend in 2015: PM adviser| Reuters

Japan's economy is recovering, but it needs help.

Also, despite my signature stating I won't respond to people, I make an exception for you as I consider you to be a quality contributor and a friend here. So feel free to tag, comment, solicit my views or quote me. I'll likely respond to you.
Bro I made a thread with something similar only it had a poll.... :ashamed:

good peoples are always ahead of bad peoples :p:

I would also like to have a proper Zakat system in Pakistan , not like right now we have one ... and only politicians and take that money , but a proper check in , from collecting zakat from people to distributing it to the needy people
i am 100% sure if the Zakat system is rightly introduced in any country , there wont be any poor , and the money will regulate , and no one will be super rich ...
For Japan, the US or both? I can think of some more pressing problems in the US, such as political reforms that would end the roadblock in Congress and thus pave the way for tax reforms - though tax reforms are high on my list too (a list which wasn't compiled in the order of importance to me). But for Japan, repatriating funds being stashed overseas or lost to tax loopholes can help with their existent, but tepid recovery.

Japanese economy will show powerful upward trend in 2015: PM adviser| Reuters

Japan's economy is recovering, but it needs help.

Also, despite my signature stating I won't respond to people, I make an exception for you as I consider you to be a quality contributor and a friend here. So feel free to tag, comment, solicit my views or quote me. I'll likely respond to you.

Japan --- Definitely municipal tax reform is needed. They need to cut taxes across -- corporate tax cuts will stimulate more Japanese businesses reshoring back home and this will positively stimulate our industry and own manufacturing -- given -- the Yen already was quantitatively eased.

United States -- Definitely they should reduce taxes here -- well in the state that I live in. State taxes are about 7% here in NJ, then I have to pay federal taxes. I'm loosing close to $1500 on taxes a month! Like seriously? Federal with-holdings, state withholdings, social security blah blah blah! Where the hell is my money going towards? o_O''


Also, despite my signature stating I won't respond to people, I make an exception for you as I consider you to be a quality contributor and a friend here. So feel free to tag, comment, solicit my views or quote me. I'll likely respond to you.

Thanks Svenny, consider you as a friend here as well. Sorry, i've been unable to respond to tags as of late, been going through a personal loss this week (my dog died this weekend) and well -- as you know -- well perhaps you don't -- when it comes to family or personal stuff -- i'm an uber-sensitive, over-emotional nut. :(

Hope you're doing good, buddy. Regards always,,,
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Law & Order. I believe if our Law and order start functioning in a proper fashion then most of the problems will be fixed. The root of evil, corruption and fear of law for all people will make at least 100s of things better in India.
why specifically Tax ? is it bad in Japan ?

Yes, really bad. You have to pay income tax (what I make, I'll be taxed around 23%), then you have to pay prefectural income tax rate, then municipal tax rate. Combined im giving away 33%- 35% of my income to 'taxes'.

Its almost as bad where I'm at now. But at least I make a wee bit more (well, lol, a bit more) that what I would make say if i worked in Japan.
. . .

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