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If you can’t stop rape, enjoy it, says CBI director Ranjit Sinha

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One last time.....WHATEVER you've read is wrong. Or you have completely misunderstood the content. And i know which studies you're talking about ,i've read them too.

Pardon me for taking the opinions of medical experts more seriously than an unknown ID over the internet.

Dont stoop so low. I pity those who trusted you. Choosing you must have been their biggest mistake in life.

There is no trust involved. Its simple sex and you move on. What are you going on and on about?
Pardon me for taking the opinions of medical experts more seriously than an unknown ID over the internet.
Its hilarious.

The second part of your post proves that you are taking the fake internet medical experts seriously.
doppleganger said:
There is no trust involved. Its simple sex and you move on.
And thats completely your perspective.

Its futile debating on this topic with you.The juvenile comments are a proof.
The second part of your post proves that you are taking the fake internet medical experts seriously.

As compared to the antecedents of bonafide experts such as yourself?

And thats completely your perspective.

Obviously. Why should I speak for someone else? Incidentally, its the perspective of my girls too. I stay away from the clingy/needy sort.
As compared to the antecedents of bonafide experts such as yourself?
Whatever i said is from my perceptive and i dont need a medical expert to certify it.Because thats how majority of women feel.
And i can see your wrong notion is leading you nowhere.

doppleganger said:
Obviously. Why should I speak for someone else?
Statement 1
doppleganger said:
Incidentally, its the perspective of my girls too.
Statement 2

And you are contradicting yourself.:coffee:

Signing off from this thread as I dont want to bang my head against a wall.
Whatever i said is from my perceptive and i dont need a medical expert to certify it.Because thats how majority of women feel.

We are not talking about you or the majority of women. Just those who have been raped. You want me to buy into the theory that you somehow being a woman can speak for a woman who has been raped, when there is overwhelming evidence in the scientific circles that women who get raped, a large percentage of them do experience arousal, and many even sexual climax?

Sorry, but u will have to do better than push the "I am a woman, so I should know, and my word is final" line of reasoning here.

And i can see your wrong notion is leading you nowhere.

Its actually your ignorance and refusal to accept scientific fact and overwhelming evidence in literature that's leading us nowhere.

Signing off from this thread as I dont want to bang my head against a wall.

Bye. Don't bang the door too hard on your way out.
Its hilarious.

The second part of your post proves that you are taking the fake internet medical experts seriously.

And thats completely your perspective.

Who told you to indulge into argument with people whose opinion is based on pornography and researches done on western society and don't know the difference between culture of western & eastern societies.
Who told you to indulge into argument with people whose opinion is based on pornography and researches done on western society and don't know the difference between culture of western & eastern societies.

Yeah. A western woman's body responds to rape differently compared to an eastern woman.
Yeah. A western woman's body responds to rape differently compared to an eastern woman.

Dude - Do you know one fundamental difference that majority of rape victims in east are virgin unlike west? sex is not like what you see in **** or read in misguiding researches, even your own wife will not enjoy sex if she is not mentally ready for it and you are talking about rape. Contribute positively to society by enforcing respect for women rather than thinking them as sex toy and suggesting to enjoy rape.
Dude - Do you know one fundamental difference that majority of rape victims in east are virgin unlike west?

Do you have data that backs up that assertion? And how is it even related to what we are discussing man? Seriously.

Do you think women get aroused and reach climax only after they cease to be virgins? If so we have a news flash for millions of virgins around the world who per you are wasting their time.

sex is not like what you see in **** or read in misguiding researches, even your own wife will not enjoy sex if she is not mentally ready for it and you are talking about rape. Contribute positively to society by enforcing respect for women rather than thinking them as sex toy and suggesting to enjoy rape.

Do you realize there is a difference between cognitive "enjoyment" versus involuntary autonomic arousal and orgasm, over which the mind has no control. Do you know that much of the mental trauma a rape victim suffers from after the violent act is the gnawing guilt and secret knowledge that towards the end she knew she was actually aroused and climaxing in spite of herself?

What lofty moralistic perches are you girls and guys lecturing me from man? I am simply stating facts. Not belittling women in any way.
Do you have data that backs up that assertion? And how is it even related to what we are discussing man? Seriously.

What data you need? I don't know about India culture but at-least in Pakistan girls at time of marriage are virgins (i am not talking about exception) unlike west where they are into sex even in early teens. All victims here are in their senses unlike west where majority get raped when they are drunk and in many cases their drinks spiked.

Do you think women get aroused and reach climax only after they cease to be virgins? If so we have a news flash for millions of virgins around the world who per you are wasting their time.

Again - mindset which considers women as sex objects only, for you enjoying is sex is the only purpose of women life.

Do you realize there is a difference between cognitive "enjoyment" versus involuntary autonomic arousal and orgasm, over which the mind has no control. Do you know that much of the mental trauma a rape victim suffers from after the violent act is the gnawing guilt and secret knowledge that towards the end she knew she was actually aroused and climaxing in spite of herself?

What lofty moralistic perches are you girls and guys lecturing me from man? I am simply stating facts. Not belittling women in any way.

Again - opinion based on pornography or misguiding publications.

Anyway - It's up to you, If you think your opinion is good for your society than who am i to say anything, you know your country better than me.
in Pakistan girls at time of marriage are virgins (i am not talking about exception)

Do you have data to back this up? Urban / rural trends? What is such data based on? Questionnaire surveys? Medical tests? Opinion polls?

That said I am confused as to where this line of reasoning is going from your end. Are you suggesting that in the "east" (unlike in the "west") only unmarried women get raped? Or is this just for Pakistan?

All victims here are in their senses unlike west where majority get raped when they are drunk and in many cases their drinks spiked.

Again, there is no correlation man. A girl's body, whether in her senses or not, will react and respond in a certain way. Do you know that sexual arousal (as in increased secretion of vaginal fluids) is the norm even in unconscious females under the influence of such "roofies" (date rape drugs)?

Again - mindset which considers women as sex objects only, for you enjoying is sex is the only purpose of women life.

Again - opinion based on pornography or misguiding publications.

Anyway - It's up to you, If you think your opinion is good for your society than who am i to say anything, you know your country better than me.

My opinion is not good or bad for my society or yours. It is not a prescription or a symptom either. It is simply an opinion. Based on medical fact. Not on perceptions and moralistic societal mumbo jumbo.
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I have read all the comments and I am not going to comment at all in this thread!!
Do you have data to back this up? Urban / rural trends? What is such data based on? Questionnaire surveys? Medical tests? Opinion polls?

I don't need any data to know my culture and society.

Again, there is no correlation man. A girl's body, whether in her senses or not, will react and respond in a certain way. Do you know that sexual arousal (as in increased secretion of vaginal fluids) is the norm even in unconscious females under the influence of such "roofies" (date rape drugs)?

Have you conducted research on all women of earth? Is fluids are bench mark of liking? Alcohol make humans unconscious, everybody's reaction will be same - some people enjoy getting drunk, does that mean if a kid or someone who don't want to drink but forced to get drunk will be enjoying it based on fact that his body reacted same way as alcholic? Have some commonsense

My opinion is not good or bad for my society or yours. It is not a prescription or a symptom either. It is simply an opinion. Based on medical fact. Not on perceptions and moralistic societal mumbo jumbo.

Ok - no need to jump into debate with me because for me civility and morality are more important than mumbo jumbo researches done in western society.
I don't need any data to know my culture and society.

Sure. Your society and culture is such because you know it is such.

Have you conducted research on all women of earth?

No. But more qualified people than you and me have. And I am quoting their findings.

Equally, have you conducted research on all Pakistani women and their virginal status at the time of nuptials?

Is fluids are bench mark of liking?

No. But it is a somatic sign of sexual arousal. Which has nothing to do with liking, enjoying, etc.

Alcohol make humans unconscious, everybody's reaction will be same

But I thought you were arguing just some time ago that women in the east would not react in the same way as those from the west?

Ok - no need to jump into debate with me

Actually buddy, its you who jumped in. I was already in.
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