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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

Putin did a lot of good things for Russia,but he he also got away with a lot. The Kursk for example. Allowing corruption while curbing part of it. Supporting countries with poor record of human rights,taking out political opponents etc.

I disagree with the Georgia thing,the South Ossetians and the Abkhazians wanted to be with Russia since Georgia declared its independence. And the Georgians took the bait when they attacked South Ossetia.

Anyway,Putin was a good leader,but in the end he failed to make Russia as technologically and industrially advanced as the West. The people's living standard,although raised significantly from the early 2000s era,didn't reach European levels for the majority of the people. The corrupt oligarchs remained,a lot of old bad habits remained,the huge natural resources of the country were not effectively taken advantage of...and the invasion of Ukraine showed that blunder after blunder,politically and militarily,the Russian administration had massive faults.

When you fly aircraft and drones near and over them though,you're the ones proviking and making Taiwan want to buy advanced weapons.
Lol, US has long provoking China way by sending warships, high officials and increasing advanced selling weapons to Taiwan before China did anything around the strait. Dont choose to use selective memory only when comes to China. Besides, the current DDP gov in Taiwan has thrown away the 1992 consenus six years ago when they took power that was signed between Taiwan and the Mainland as the peaceful bedrock of the relation of two sides for decades, and of course, Taiwan couldnt have this agreement broken without their master US permission. Who is provoking who is clear.
Lol, US has long provoking China way by sending warships, high officials and increasing advanced selling weapons to Taiwan before China did anything around the strait. Dont choose to use selective memory only when comes to China. Besides, the current DDP gov in Taiwan has thrown away the 1992 consenus six years ago when they took power that was signed between Taiwan and the Mainland as the peaceful bedrock of the relation of two sides for decades, and of course, Taiwan couldnt have this agreement broken without their master US permission. Who is provoking who is clear.
Sure buddy,sure! Hahahaha
Having warmongering rhetoric and saying "we'll take Taiwan back" is peaceful,but oh no evil imperialist America provokes!

don't worry. I will not humiliate you like a Turk. I only kill people.
renhai,don't be sour
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What did China have to do with Korean and Vietnamese civil wars? :)
What China did in the Korean and Vietnam war are purely for self defense and they were justified. The US was encircling China on Chinese borders one close to Chinese captial and was setting up the stages to attack, invade and occupy China as Marcurther was publicly pronouncing. Any idiot can see what the true intentions of US were. Dont think you Westerners have moral superiority too when you were invading other countries tens thousands of KM away from your home and try to teach the Chinese what is right to behave in its borders, just pure arrogance and bigotry.
Focus in the "context."

Iraq became a battle-hardened and well-equipped country in the 1980s:

I can draw a similar comparison between Iraq and China as in 1990.

Saddam Hussein would be proud with what he had built for his country by 1990 but his pride turned into HUBRIS.

He chose to annex Kuwait by force in 1990 and disregarded calls from multiple countries to withdraw Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Saddam stood his ground and chose to fight a war with USA instead - his biggest mistake. He also thought that Americans cannot fight Iraq in its home turf.

Guess what was the outcome.

You can say that China has learned lessons from Iraq and built a capable war machine. I can see it.

But it looks like you do not have much idea about apparent limitations of the Chinese weapon systems.

I shall give you some pointers:

WE can all hope that the issue of Taiwan can be resolved peacefully. By all means.

But to assume that a battle-hardened superpower cannot fight a war with China near its borders? That it is not preparing itself for various possibilities in the Pacific? Dude...
I think more understanding of history can avoid embarrassment. isn't it? sir.

In 1951, the Chinese army beat the UN army and occupied Seoul.


You want to compare China and Iraq in 1990. I want to introduce how China air-dropped a tactical hydrogen bomb in 1967.

OK. I admit that "Iraq has more war experience than China". But the problem is that in 1982, China didn't even need war experience to make the British kneel down.

You told us that China's weapons have "limitations". But Americans have the opposite opinion

sir. You are not MacArthur. You are not Mrs. Thatcher. You don't need to be so brave.
What China did in the Korean and Vietnam war are purely for self defense and they were justified. The US was encircling China on Chinese borders one close to Chinese captial and was setting up the stages to attack, invade and occupy China as Marcurther was publicly pronouncing. Any idiot can see what the true intentions of US were. Dont think you Westerners have moral superiority too when you were invading other countries tens thousands of KM away from your home and try to teach the Chinese what is right to behave in its borders, just pure arrogance and bigotry.
US and allies were trying to prevent the expansion of communist influence. That's why they were helping and trying to save South Korea and South Vietnam. On the other hand,China wanted to help the communists expand.

That's it.
Sure buddy,sure! Hahahaha
Having warmongering rhetoric and saying "we'll take Taiwan back" is peaceful,but oh no evil imperialist America provokes!

renhai,don't be sour
Greek, you are just blabbing, talking nonsense.
US and allies were trying to prevent the expansion of communist influence. That's why they were helping and trying to save South Korea and South Vietnam. On the other hand,China wanted to help the communists expand.

That's it.
The UN gave US led UN forces to restore SK and China didnt intervene, it was only the US led army came to the Yalu river on Chinese border and attacked and bombed Chinese villages and cities did China enter the war.. US was not given mandate by UN to occupy NK. US was not given the right by UN to invade and occupy NV too, period. US just intervened these countries on its own.
The UN gave US led UN forces to restore SK and China didnt intervene, it was only the US led army came to the Yalu river on Chinese border and attacked and bombed Chinese villages and cities did China enter the war.. US was not given mandate by UN to occupy NK. US was not given the right by UN to invade and occupy NV too, period. US just intervened these countries on its own.
Maybe if the Chinese didn't give shelter to the commie North Koreans it wouldn't have happened?
Maybe if the Chinese didn't give shelter to the commie North Koreans it wouldn't have happened?
You are just making up meaningless things to cover up your nonsense argument, typical Greek these days, anyway you spin it, its Chinese fault eh. The US was not given the mandate by UN to invade and occupy NK in the first place, period.
History has shown you can't fight multiple fronts. With the Russians neutralized, the American focus is squarely on China. The Americans face no other strategic threat from any nation on earth. So while they are downsizing their presence and withdrawing, they are slowly deploying and adjusting their strategy to face your country. The question then becomes, what will you do? If you are paying attention to the Ukranian-Russian Conflict, it's obvious how the U.S. will play its game; death by a thousand cuts.

One thing to understand about American society from someone who practically grew up since the age of two in the U.S. This nation is a sponge; it absorbs all the talents and abilities, formulates the best course of action, and then it'll come and clean you out like Arm & Hammer.

I will guarantee one thing; the U.S. will arm Taiwan to the teeth and flood it with weapons to inflict the most severe punishment possible if you tried to invade the Island. So your one mistake will be to drag your threats too long and lose any advantage you could have. Your second mistake was not helping Russia and coming to its aid to apply the bandage, stop the bleeding, and allow it to take over Ukraine and create an active and hot zone in Europe. Your third mistake is not taking the initiative in Africa and arming them to take on the Western-backed forces to inflict pain on them.

** Most importantly, by helping Russia, you could've battle tested your weapons and learned how they perform and what improvements are needed. The Americans are learning, learning, and learning. **

Growth and power don't just come from economic growth; you need to fight to lay the tracks.

While nationalism is good, as the other poster said, you shouldn't be blinded by it.

As far as I concerned, blind nationalism is the reason why China is lacking on the soft power front.

As a Poly-Sci Major (Yes, it's that time to bring out my college qualification, which most people don't know and think of me because of my Military Background)

People ask how US expanded that quick and yield probably the biggest soft power stick in history, bear in mind, the concept of the unified West does not exist until after WW2. Before that, Western Europe is in constant war usually between Nordics, Germany, France and the Brits, it has been since at least 1400s. The next closest is Roman conquest that unified a large swarth of land.

People don't buy Nationalistic Bullshit, especially that nationality is not yours. The US did one thing very good is to pretend to listen to your concern, and then act on it, it may or may not be solving the issue, or even make the issue worse, but that make people care.

No one like to get help by someone who demand that you know who help them. Chinese people see their own interest first, which make it looks like the "help" they are giving you have an ulterior motive, while there are nothing wrong for the people of their country to put their interest first, but this is not how other people see thing.

I can probably go on and on about this, but I would just conclude this with a TL;DR version. China lack of the subtlety. And until Chinese can take a more pragmatic approach on things, or at least pretend to be. The Chinese can never yield high degree of soft power.
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