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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

Haven't see them develop much for the past 30 years, they used to be one of the richest regions in Soviet Union but before this war they'd already become one of the poorest.
As you pointed out, they were part of the Soviet Union, but even then they were influenced by the Russians with corruption to the point they overthrew the previous government who fled to Russia and since then Russia had to take Crimea and Donbas in the shadows before finally decided to invade the whole country cause Putin can't wait that long at his age.
As you pointed out, they were part of the Soviet Union, but even then they were influenced by the Russians with corruption to the point they overthrew the previous government who fled to Russia and since then Russia had to take Crimea and Donbas in the shadows before finally decided to invade the whole country cause Putin can't wait that long at his age.
My point is I m not that optimistic as you are about they capability to develop and rebuild.
Blame it on Russian corruption. Kind of like what you see in Russia today. Past 30 years since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Other former Soviet republics developed much better than Ukraine, Kazakhstan is a good example, keeping good relations with both Russia and the west, concentrating on building up their own country, staying out of geopolitics.
Other former Soviet republics developed much better than Ukraine, Kazakhstan is a good example, keeping good relations with both Russia and the west, concentrating on building up their own country, staying out of geopolitics.
LOL! How do you expect to keep good relations with both Russia and West when Russia invade it when possible losing influence and corruption that is holding down Ukraine? Even Kazakhstan you mentioned is questioning their relationship with Russia.

Analysis: Shocked by Ukraine war, Russian neighbour Kazakhstan looks west​

ALMATY, Nov 17 (Reuters) - There is little doubt that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will extend his rule over Kazakhstan by seven years in presidential elections on Sunday. What is less clear is how the former diplomat can reduce his resource-rich country's dependence on Russia without alienating it.

Tokayev – who opinion polls predict will comfortably win reelection at the weekend - has pushed back publicly against territorial claims made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, souring relations between the former Soviet republic and Moscow.

Russia and Kazakhstan share the world's longest continuous land border, prompting concern among some Kazakhs about the security of a country with the second-biggest ethnic Russian population among ex-Soviet republics after Ukraine.

At a forum in St. Petersburg in June where Tokayev shared the stage with Putin, he said his government did not recognize Russian-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine and that Kazakhstan upheld the inviolability of internationally recognised borders.

His blunt remarks took observers by surprise and prompted angry threats from some pro-war commentators in Russian media.

And last month, when Tokayev hosted a summit of Central Asia presidents, he held face-to-face meetings with other leaders but no bilateral talks with Putin, amid a cooling in relations.

The 69-year-old Tokayev took office in 2019 after Kazakhstan's previous president resigned amid protests. After surviving unrest in January triggered by fuel price rises, Tokayev unveiled reforms - including constitutional amendments and a hike in the minimum wage - and called snap elections.
LOL! How do you expect to keep good relations with both Russia and West when Russia invade it when possible losing influence and corruption that is holding down Ukraine? Even Kazakhstan you mentioned is questioning their relationship with Russia.

Analysis: Shocked by Ukraine war, Russian neighbour Kazakhstan looks west​

ALMATY, Nov 17 (Reuters) - There is little doubt that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will extend his rule over Kazakhstan by seven years in presidential elections on Sunday. What is less clear is how the former diplomat can reduce his resource-rich country's dependence on Russia without alienating it.

Tokayev – who opinion polls predict will comfortably win reelection at the weekend - has pushed back publicly against territorial claims made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, souring relations between the former Soviet republic and Moscow.

Russia and Kazakhstan share the world's longest continuous land border, prompting concern among some Kazakhs about the security of a country with the second-biggest ethnic Russian population among ex-Soviet republics after Ukraine.

At a forum in St. Petersburg in June where Tokayev shared the stage with Putin, he said his government did not recognize Russian-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine and that Kazakhstan upheld the inviolability of internationally recognised borders.

His blunt remarks took observers by surprise and prompted angry threats from some pro-war commentators in Russian media.

And last month, when Tokayev hosted a summit of Central Asia presidents, he held face-to-face meetings with other leaders but no bilateral talks with Putin, amid a cooling in relations.

The 69-year-old Tokayev took office in 2019 after Kazakhstan's previous president resigned amid protests. After surviving unrest in January triggered by fuel price rises, Tokayev unveiled reforms - including constitutional amendments and a hike in the minimum wage - and called snap elections.

Tokayev wants neutrality that doesn't mean negative or even against Russia. if he recognizes the recent taken regions then Kazakhstan could risk sanction over minor things. The Russians know behind the scenes that the Kazakhs will look out for their economy.

Trade is going strong between Russia-Kazakhstan.. The Kazakhs know bordering a large bear like Russia means you have to have good relations and keep the neutrality with the west. In this situation both sides won't mind it including Russia that benefits most by using Kazakhstan as gate way
LOL! How do you expect to keep good relations with both Russia and West when Russia invade it when possible losing influence and corruption that is holding down Ukraine? Even Kazakhstan you mentioned is questioning their relationship with Russia.

Analysis: Shocked by Ukraine war, Russian neighbour Kazakhstan looks west​

ALMATY, Nov 17 (Reuters) - There is little doubt that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will extend his rule over Kazakhstan by seven years in presidential elections on Sunday. What is less clear is how the former diplomat can reduce his resource-rich country's dependence on Russia without alienating it.

Tokayev – who opinion polls predict will comfortably win reelection at the weekend - has pushed back publicly against territorial claims made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, souring relations between the former Soviet republic and Moscow.

Russia and Kazakhstan share the world's longest continuous land border, prompting concern among some Kazakhs about the security of a country with the second-biggest ethnic Russian population among ex-Soviet republics after Ukraine.

At a forum in St. Petersburg in June where Tokayev shared the stage with Putin, he said his government did not recognize Russian-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine and that Kazakhstan upheld the inviolability of internationally recognised borders.

His blunt remarks took observers by surprise and prompted angry threats from some pro-war commentators in Russian media.

And last month, when Tokayev hosted a summit of Central Asia presidents, he held face-to-face meetings with other leaders but no bilateral talks with Putin, amid a cooling in relations.

The 69-year-old Tokayev took office in 2019 after Kazakhstan's previous president resigned amid protests. After surviving unrest in January triggered by fuel price rises, Tokayev unveiled reforms - including constitutional amendments and a hike in the minimum wage - and called snap elections.
LoL, Reuters? they can only dream about Kazakhstan becomes pro west and anti Russia.
Taiwanese should not allow themselves to be used as cannon fodder for the political gain and benefit of the American empire.

They should understand that the Chinese will always be closer to them than anyone else in every possible way, especially than the Americans.

The war is over, and CCP has shown it's ability to govern effectively over the decades and China has seen amazing growth. You should welcome such leadership as it is difficult to find.

Put the past behind you and accept a peaceful reunification with the mainland. It is in your benefit and the most peaceful solution - reject being taken advantage of by the neo-colonial empire!

I pray that the Taiwanese are not as stupid as the Ukranians have been---.
China should invade Taiwan and merge it into china. This region will be prosperous without any kind of US influence.
LoL, Reuters? they can only dream about Kazakhstan becomes pro west and anti Russia.
Don't need to dream it when the President himself is doing it.

Tokayev wants neutrality that doesn't mean negative or even against Russia. if he recognizes the recent taken regions then Kazakhstan could risk sanction over minor things. The Russians know behind the scenes that the Kazakhs will look out for their economy.

Trade is going strong between Russia-Kazakhstan.. The Kazakhs know bordering a large bear like Russia means you have to have good relations and keep the neutrality with the west. In this situation both sides won't mind it including Russia that benefits most by using Kazakhstan as gate way
You do realize there are countries like the Baltics for example that borders Russia and haven't been invaded when they are part of NATO and EU? And they had trading going on with Russia as well. And Ukraine has yet to be part of EU or NATO.
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