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If states want UP migrant workers back they have to seek our permission: Yogi Adityanath

That is pure speculation. There are no actual verifiable numbers available.

What is known is the decimation of Hindu population in pakistan and Bangladesh post 1947. So no, there is a debt that is owed. And if you choose to forget it, I will always be around to remind you.
@xeuss Check this gem.
Census is there.

Go and attack Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Census was in 1941 and 1951 and the population of India grew by 13.31% in the new census.

And this Excluded Kashmir and not to forget we had the multiple years of Famine between these two census.

So its clear in which direction the population migrated.

We will deal with pakistan in time, for now there is CAA.
Then you apparently missed to gem recently.

Sorry I missed the latest exploits of @Joe Shearer . Do share the link if you can.

These people are stalwarts and have done a lot to stem the tide of reactionary historiography. Without them, Indian history would read very different and there would be a lot more Islamophobia and violence.

This hiding of history and whitewashing the mughals has caused the rise of Hindu Nationalism
@Joe Shearer Can you please share some of the Sanghis on this forum, active and otherwise?

Folks like Soumitra, those with some capacity to form proper sentences and convey coherently what they wish to.

@Soumitra the offer is still open.
@Joe Shearer Can you please share some of the Sanghis on this forum, active and otherwise?

Folks like Soumitra, those with some capacity to form proper sentences and convey coherently what they wish to.

@Soumitra the offer is still open.
There were many previously. Currently active ones include @Nilgiri @IndoCarib @Novice09

Hardcore Sanghis include @pothead but I think he is banned currently.

The PDF management has virtually wiped out the Sanghis. See the posts in Indian Political corner thread before 2014 and before 2019 elections and you will see the difference
There were many previously. Currently active ones include @Nilgiri @IndoCarib @Novice09

Hardcore Sanghis include @pothead but I think he is banned currently.

The PDF management has virtually wiped out the Sanghis. See the posts in Indian Political corner thread before 2014 and before 2019 elections and you will see the difference


It was a systematized genocide.

Aided and abetted by local Jaichands.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
There were many previously. Currently active ones include @Nilgiri @IndoCarib @Novice09

Hardcore Sanghis include @pothead but I think he is banned currently.

The PDF management has virtually wiped out the Sanghis. See the posts in Indian Political corner thread before 2014 and before 2019 elections and you will see the difference

You all should take a vote if I'm a proper sanghi. :P ...or maybe I'm just a crypto-sanghi or something....or maybe worse than that who knows. I identify as right wing....but everyone tells me differently on what a Sanghi even is.

Doc probably thinks I am a "sarkari" turncoat now or something.... I wish him well though...and I hope for a better time down the road.

I utterly despise the likes of afrazul....whom you are responding to. He is a sworn enemy and total nefarious agent.

Aided and abetted by local Jaichands.

I had nothing to do with it (in case you are incl me).... in fact they banned me in 2019 plenty of times.... balakot, election and art 370....and cpl more times for other things for good measure. It was a lower ban rate than most years preceding though heh. 2020 I have been banned just once, myabe twice though (and quite foolishly on their part tbh)....my interests here have shifted overall.

Hope we can chat here from time to time....I dont want to play the fake-ignore each other game with you.
Census was in 1941 and 1951 and the population of India grew by 13.31% in the new census.

And this Excluded Kashmir and not to forget we had the multiple years of Famine between these two census.

So its clear in which direction the population migrated.

We will deal with pakistan in time, for now there is CAA.
Haha, Sanghis can fool idiots only. 1941 was unreliable.
Independent India conducted its first census in 1951. However, this was not novel given that census exercises have been conducted every decade starting from 1870s. The last “proper” census conducted in British India was in 1931, as the one in 1941 was badly hampered by war.

Your beloved Swarajyamag.com

If we are being serious then
Based on 1951 census of displaced persons, 7,226,000 Muslims went to Pakistan from India while 7,249,000 Hindus and Sikhs moved to India from Pakistan.
For Kashmir, Jammu's Raja committed genocide
Screenshot (345).png

And you can shove CAA in your *** as you're pu**ies to directly rescue your Hindu brothers across the borders - you even inserted a cut-off date in it, Heck it has not been even implemented.
Haha, Sanghis can fool idiots only. 1941 was unreliable.

YOU were the one who
quoted census as a proof.

Now here you are crying that your own claim was unreliable. :lol:

census is relevant only for its caste and literacy information.

It is as reliable as the 1941

Here is the census.


For Kashmir, Jammu's Raja committed genocide
View attachment 635862
And you can shove CAA in your *** as you're pu**ies to directly rescue your Hindu brothers across the borders - you even inserted a cut-off date in it, Heck it has not been even implemented.

CAA is a reality and the law will kick in for all those who choose to make use of the law to help themselves. That is good enough.

Jammu "city" was never Muslim majority. Jammu "region" was Muslim majority in 1941.

Jammu "city" was 31% Muslim in 1931, 32% in 1941.

Today, it is Hindu majority. This is used to falsely claim there was a Muslim "genocide" in Jammu. But here is the thing. Jammu is Muslim majority even today on counting Pakistan Occupied Jammu

If you include the districts of Jammu occupied by Pakistan like Bhimber, Kotli, Poonch, Haveli, Sudhanoti and Muzaffarabad, Jammu is Muslim majority even today. And if you include the UK migrants, Muslim percentage has actually increased. So where is the "Muslim genocide"?

The massacre of Muslims in Jammu in 1947was in reaction to an unprovoked massacre of an equal if not greater number of Hindus/Sikhs in POJK by kabali raiders aided by Pak Army in 1947.
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YOU were the one who quoted census as a proof.
1951, where it counted displaced persons explicitly.
CAA is a reality and the law will kick in for all those who choose to make use of the law to help themselves. That is good enough.

Jammu "city" was never Muslim majority. Jammu "region" was Muslim majority in 1941. Today, it is Hindu majority. This is used to falsely claim there was a Muslim "genocide" in Jammu. But here is the thing. Jammu is Muslim majority even today on counting Pakistan Occupied Jammu

If you include the districts of Jammu occupied by Pakistan like Bhimber, Kotli, Poonch, Haveli, Sudhanoti and Muzaffarabad, Jammu is Muslim majority even today. And if you include the UK migrants, Muslim percentage has actually increased. So where is the "Muslim genocide"?

The massacre of Muslims in Jammu in 1947was in reaction to an unprovoked massacre of an equal if not greater number of Hindus/Sikhs in POJK by kabali raiders aided by Pak Army in 1947.
I don't waste my time on dumb Sanghis, I have made my points already.
1951, where it counted displaced persons explicitly.

I don't waste my time on dumb Sanghis, I have made my points already.


In just ONE STATE Assam, The Relief and Rehabilitation Department had estimated about five lakh displaced persons had entered Assam. Only 2,74,000 were counted in the 1951 Census.

In fact this displacement of people was the PRIMARY reason why NRC was suggested in 1951.

All states were mandated to compile an NRC in 1951. However, ONLY Assam choose to use this legal-political framework for NRC.

In fact many states like Assam had the Immigrants (Expulsion From Assam) Act, 1950 which is why many immigrants Chose to LIE and claimed they were not migrants. Due to the immigration act Immigrant Act, the Census reports implicitly distinguished between Hindu “refugees” and Muslim “immigrants”.

So any such "data" of immigrants" is FAKE.

The reality is that the Indian population expanded by 13.36 % and that tells the real story of the one sided migration of Hindus into India.

Don't worry, I have time for Indian jihadis too.
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