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If Pakistan had money would the western countries sell their weapons to us?

Forget the Europeans for a moment who fervent haters of Pakistan.

Let's focus on the US which has traditionally sold offensive weapons to Pakistan. The Americans didn't even deliver F-16s which we bought with hard cash LOL That is right. We gave them hard cash and instead we got soyabeans.
That was due to Pressler Amendment Sanctions at the time which encompassed both Pakistan and India. These were removed at a later stage.

Pakistan is now eligible to shop in WESTERN MARKETS once again. But Pakistani economic situation does not allow costly purchases for now.
since trump came
everyone wants piece of cake from anywhere. new allies are being formed just on basis of money and trade
That was due to Pressler Amendment Sanctions at the time which encompassed both Pakistan and India. These were removed at a later stage.

Pakistan can shop in WESTERN MARKETS once again.

If that is the case Pakistan would be getting more F-16s. There is absolutely zero chance. Zero.

Like I said, times have changed. Right now the West including the US is appeasing Hindustan for a variety of reasons. You can do the math when the master sells advanced hardware to Pakistan how poodle India would react. It would amount to blasphemy.

Economic situation is very weak.

I don't believe this argument. Honestly. Money is not the issue here. It is deep-seated grudge. Nukes have already been mentioned.

Pakistan is doing marvelously well. Continue to invest in domestic industry. The West can sod off. Western sanctions were and still are a blessing. It enables developing nations to invest in their own abilities and capabilities.
I don't believe this argument. Honestly. Money is not the issue here. It is deep-seated grudge. Nukes have already been mentioned.

Pakistan is doing marvelously well. Continue to invest in domestic industry. The West can sod off. Western sanctions were and still are a blessing. It enables developing nations to invest in their own abilities and capabilities.

Deep-seated grudge for what?
I don't believe this argument. Honestly. Money is not the issue here. It is deep-seated grudge. Nukes have already been mentioned.

Pakistan is doing marvelously well. Continue to invest in domestic industry. The West can sod off.
You must understand that I do not speak in thin air.

I am aware of certain "realities." Even Obama administration was willing to sell stuff to Pakistan but PAYMENT PLAN was the point of contention. Indian hue and cry was inconsequential.

US is looking forward to MILK India for sure but India is also buying S-400 systems. Things are not so cut-and-dry. Understand this.
If we had the money we would've been sitting on those shiny Eurofighters by now. PAF even tested them some 15 years ago and found it a mind-blowing machine, but far too expensive.
Deep-seated grudge for what?

For Pakistan becoming a nuclear power. What else? Are we even arguing on this? Damn, we got a long way to go in realising who our friend and enemies are.
If we had the money we would've been sitting on those shiny Eurofighters by now. PAF even tested them some 15 years ago and found it a mind-blowing machine, but far too expensive.
This is TRUE actually.

UK was/is willing to sell these birds to PAF if a PLAN PAYMENT can be negotiated.

Pakistani economic situation on the other hand...
You must understand that I do not speak in thin air.

I am aware of certain "realities." Even Obama administration was willing to sell stuff to Pakistan but PAYMENT PLAN was the point of contention. Indian hue and cry was inconsequential.

US is looking forward to MILK India for sure but India is also buying S-400 systems. Things are not so cut-and-dry. Understand this.

India is trying to benefit from all sides. They can do it for the time being. The Americans and Europeans know this. They remain mum because right now they need India. India will get S-400 and the so-called principled Westerners will look the other way. As if nothing happened. These are the same Westerners that were throwing fits at Turkey acquiring S-400.
Although I am not a big fan of importing defense-related products as you can never become self-reliant and will always be at the mercy of the seller. However, not everyone can produce a state of the art equipment for example 5th Generation Fighter jets.

As you may know, India has received its 5 Rafales, and that is because they have deep pockets. Yes, their poverty rate is also extremely high but as a big country, they do have big pockets. What if we had money, would France sell us their Rafales or Itlay would sell us their Astras?

We all know Lockheed Martin is looking for customers to keep their F-16 line going what if we had money would they be able to sell us they "F-21" with the same terms they were offering to India?

What do you guys think? One thing is for certain, in international relations, it is all about interest and money dictates those interests.

Absolutely! LM would have been offering to set up an assembly line in Pakistan.
If we had the money we would've been sitting on those shiny Eurofighters by now. PAF even tested them some 15 years ago and found it a mind-blowing machine, but far too expensive.

That is back in the day. Not today.

We fail to understand one thing. India is right now the honey of the West. It won't do anything to anger Hindustan.
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