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If operation zarb-e-Azb was not conducted then?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
If operation zarb e azb wasn't carried out, Pakistan could have faced terrorism related death toll twelve times higher than Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombing combined.

Here are the calculations.

During the operation zarb e azb, 7,591 IEDs, 35,310 mortar bombs and rockets and 2,481 land mines and suicide jackets were recovered.

The troops seized about 253 tons of explosive which according to some calculations was enough for the terrorists to make ammunition and IEDs for 15 years.

If all these weapons and explosives could be used by terrorists the total loss of life could be higher than the loss of life caused by Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs combined.

An Improvised explosive device or IED is usually a roadside bomb used to blow up vehicles full of people.
Assuming that one such vehicle carried 20 people and 7591 IED were recovered, the total loss of life by IED could have been
7591 X 20 = 151,820 people.

A mortar or low intensity artillery shell and rocket can kill 2-5 people depending on where the rocket or shell falls.
35,310 such contraptions were recovered.
If terrorists could use them, then.,
35310X5 = 176,550 people could be killed.

A suicide jacket filled with ball bearings or a bomb planted in a busy market could kill 10 or more people each. 2481 such contraptions were recovered.
So by using these, the terrorists could kill 2481 X 10 = 24810 people.

On top of all that another 253,000 kilos of explosives were recovered. These explosives were locally made in Miran shah waziristan, to be used in terrorism equipments such as IED, Bombs and suicide vests.
A ball bearing filled bomb or suicide jacket exploded in busy market or an enclosed space such as a mosque, then 2kg explosive can kill 10-15 or more people.
If terrorists could use 253,000 kg of explosives they cooked to make 2kg devices, then
253,000÷2 x 15 = 1,897,500 people could be killed.

6,752 rifles with 0.99 million ammunition, 2,470 sub-machine guns including snipers rifles with 0.67 million ammunition, 293 machine guns and light machine guns with 0.24 million ammunition and 111 guns (12.7 mm and 14.5 mm) with 0.25 million ammunition were recovered from different areas.
That's 2.15 million bullets.
Let's assume the terrorists kill one person per 4 bullets, compensating for non lethal bullet wounds and missed targets.
That's 2.15 million ÷ 4 = 537,500 people killed if the terrorists could use those bullets.

The grand total is. 2,788, 180 or more Pakistanis.
That's 2.78 million Pakistanis could have been killed by these bombs, explosives and bullets.

The combined total of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs was 226,000 people killed.
Pakistan could have had more than 12 times higher casualties than that.

And these are calculations of operation zarb e azb only. Large quantities of explosivee were recovered in other military operations and in the thousands of intelligence based operations still being carried out.

Then there are Pakistanis who question the need and legitimacy of Pakistani army operations.
well done pakistan , no leniency with terrorism.
The chain of Operations have rooted out terrorisim from Pakistan ... Still some sleeper cells are working within country which are needed to be put down ...

The stage of low intensity warfare has ended and now the ball is in the civil government hand, they must reform the more so called religious sector of Pakistan by streamlining every part of it. Institutionalization of the religious aspects of Islam should be done with check and balance and more importantly pulling out the various communities out of poverty so that they may never join terrorist ranks
If operation zarb e azb wasn't carried out, Pakistan could have faced terrorism related death toll twelve times higher than Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombing combined.

Here are the calculations.

During the operation zarb e azb, 7,591 IEDs, 35,310 mortar bombs and rockets and 2,481 land mines and suicide jackets were recovered.

The troops seized about 253 tons of explosive which according to some calculations was enough for the terrorists to make ammunition and IEDs for 15 years.

If all these weapons and explosives could be used by terrorists the total loss of life could be higher than the loss of life caused by Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs combined.

An Improvised explosive device or IED is usually a roadside bomb used to blow up vehicles full of people.
Assuming that one such vehicle carried 20 people and 7591 IED were recovered, the total loss of life by IED could have been
7591 X 20 = 151,820 people.

A mortar or low intensity artillery shell and rocket can kill 2-5 people depending on where the rocket or shell falls.
35,310 such contraptions were recovered.
If terrorists could use them, then.,
35310X5 = 176,550 people could be killed.

A suicide jacket filled with ball bearings or a bomb planted in a busy market could kill 10 or more people each. 2481 such contraptions were recovered.
So by using these, the terrorists could kill 2481 X 10 = 24810 people.

On top of all that another 253,000 kilos of explosives were recovered. These explosives were locally made in Miran shah waziristan, to be used in terrorism equipments such as IED, Bombs and suicide vests.
A ball bearing filled bomb or suicide jacket exploded in busy market or an enclosed space such as a mosque, then 2kg explosive can kill 10-15 or more people.
If terrorists could use 253,000 kg of explosives they cooked to make 2kg devices, then
253,000÷2 x 15 = 1,897,500 people could be killed.

6,752 rifles with 0.99 million ammunition, 2,470 sub-machine guns including snipers rifles with 0.67 million ammunition, 293 machine guns and light machine guns with 0.24 million ammunition and 111 guns (12.7 mm and 14.5 mm) with 0.25 million ammunition were recovered from different areas.
That's 2.15 million bullets.
Let's assume the terrorists kill one person per 4 bullets, compensating for non lethal bullet wounds and missed targets.
That's 2.15 million ÷ 4 = 537,500 people killed if the terrorists could use those bullets.

The grand total is. 2,788, 180 or more Pakistanis.
That's 2.78 million Pakistanis could have been killed by these bombs, explosives and bullets.

The combined total of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs was 226,000 people killed.
Pakistan could have had more than 12 times higher casualties than that.

And these are calculations of operation zarb e azb only. Large quantities of explosivee were recovered in other military operations and in the thousands of intelligence based operations still being carried out.

Then there are Pakistanis who question the need and legitimacy of Pakistani army operations.
this is the kind of stuff which we like from members.
please tell if you wrote it yourself or did you borrow it from somewhere. if later then give credit to the original writer. in any case thanks for sharing
this is the kind of stuff which we like from members.
please tell if you wrote it yourself or did you borrow it from somewhere. if later then give credit to the original writer. in any case thanks for sharing
No All the research and compilation is my own. Originally posted for a certain page of my own.
.Posted here as more relevant to and more understandable to the crowd over here.
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Still we are asked to do more, what have they done till now?
this is the kind of stuff which we like from members.
please tell if you wrote it yourself or did you borrow it from somewhere. if later then give credit to the original writer. in any case thanks for sharing

This kind of stuff is mere arithmetic: it is like saying the DEA captured 100,000 tons of drugs that would have killed X people and made Y number of people addicts. However, without the total amount of drugs coming in being known, the market remaining saturated is an indication about the effectiveness of the measures.

Granted, the security situation has indeed improved, but such "analyses" can be misleading.
This kind of stuff is mere arithmetic: it is like saying the DEA captured 100,000 tons of drugs that would have killed X people and made Y number of people addicts. However, without the total amount of drugs coming in being known, the market remaining saturated is an indication about the effectiveness of the measures.

Granted, the security situation has indeed improved, but such "analyses" can be misleading.
Apples and oranges mate..
Drugs market is very different from Terrorism.
Apples and oranges mate..
Drugs market is very different from Terrorism.

The logic is the same: change it to 100,000 tons of explosives captured that would have killed X and injured Y people. Just as meaningless.
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