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If negative claims about CPEC are correct, why is Pakistan's adversary still maintaining a military?

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Nopes.... Thats bcoz we dont need jihadi scums to intermingle with rest of India and create civil war like situation. The very same reason why we didn't annex Bangladesh after 1971.
who want to join hindutva assholes? we rejected the idea of living with those scums in 1947 the hindus are worst creature to ever exist on this planet disgusting subumans
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.
@Mirza Jatt

By the above logic:

India will be destroyed soon since Khalistanis, Kerala, Tripura, Meghalaya, Darjeeling, Hyderabad, Naxalites are asking for separate nations and India will be broken down to pieces.

Add to it..

India's minority is dying under Modi and will be soon faced with revilt and there after the country will be doomed.


India's economy is in shackles (although the numbers say otherwise) and soon India will be left behind with a collapsed economy.


Hindus are the rapists and soon all the women will be raped and killed from the country and then only Pakistan will exist.

SO...since all these above things are what our Pakistani friends believe then what the use of them maintaining a military right ??
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.
Because the world does not like to see a state collapse - it causes all sorts of issues with civil war, refugees etc. Can you just imagine the number of refugees at India's own door if there was civil war in Pakistan. Last time 10 million poured in.

The problem is that it's economic failure would lead to China getting a military presence there. It would almost be a soft take over - China will keep some Viceroy type figure there. Obviously the name will be more palatable and less imperial like "Chinese Coordinator" or some such but he will perform like a Viceroy - with both - political parties as well as Military reporting to him. Pak judiciary might wage a lone battle but eventually they will have to come around as well. End result - there won't be a collapse - but Pak will end up being a quasi colony of China. The bonhomie will disappear.
yeah Mission akhand bharat achieved
i cannot understand your english.
please be specific when you ask questions without the lengthy dramatic Bollywood background.
Jhoot mat bol. There is no lengthy dramatic background. Except you, everybody who read the post has got the point.
Jhoot mat bol. There is no lengthy dramatic background. Except you, everybody who read the post has got the point.

sadhaaran bhashaa me poch le yr... hindi me poch lo agar hindi bolte ho..warna urdu punjabi me poch lo...
me jawaab donga fikar na karo
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.

If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.

@The Diplomat @Iqbal Ali @Imad.Khan

@Cookie Monster
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.
Whether or not CPEC will have negative effects on Pak depends a great deal on how it is carried out by the two gov(Chinese/Pak), the businesses/contractors involved, and the policies(like tariffs/taxes/ease of doing business/etc). I'm sure there will be corruption/kickbacks involved in many of these projects being built under CPEC but as long as there is a net benefit for Pak/China that's all I'm interested in. Of course China will benefit hands down bcuz one of the key goals will be accomplished for it, which is to have an alternate route to the middle east(for oil) if there's a blockade of its sea routes in case of war.

As for Pak, I have very little faith in the ppl running the show...but as long as it propels Pakistan at the center stage it should still be beneficial. It has the potential to attract FDI, businesses(foreign and local) would want to set up shop around CPEC bcuz of massive amounts of goods flowing in and out of China through CPEC...in general that would create jobs and stimulate the economy.

India isn't against CPEC out of the goodness of its heart and concern for Pak. India simply is against it bcuz it passes through Kashmir, which they claim...but most importantly, India doesn't want Pak/China interests being intertwined anymore than they already are. What India fears is that CPEC might make Pak crucial enough for China to the point where it will increase the chance of a two front war.

In the past China/India have fought without Pak's involvement and India/Pak have fought without China's direct involvement. After sinking billions into Pak and having a strategic supply route through Pak, an attack from India on Pak can easily get China to attack India as well. This severely diminishes the conventional military advantage India has over Pak. It also reduces the significance of India blockading sea routes from the Middle East to eastern China bcuz China would remain unaffected for the most part once CPEC/Gawadar are fully operational. In conclusion...that's what all the fuss is about.
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.
Well, I don't think the negative points are so bad that if they are true, Pakistan will fail as a state.
If negative claims about CPEC are correct, Pakistan should become bankrupt and the Pakistani state should collapse. Then there should be no need for it's adversary to maintain a military. But India is not only still maintaining a military but also making arms purchase and all. Why is it so?

Clarification: This thread is about the effects of CPEC and India's reaction to CPEC.
Would be really interested to get the answer from Indian members, has to be logical though.

As per the conventional wisdom, FDI injection to most countries have been seen to be working well. Hence the impact of China's 62 billion financial development input would remain the same way. Pakistan's infrastructure is improving. Pakistani economy is growing @ 5% plus and this is without CPEC completion. The day CPEC bears it's fruits, Pakistan would be experiencing 6% plus GDP.

On CPEC, who are those nay sayers and what is their agenda?
Modians >>>>>>> Pardonne moi sil vouz plait.
Well summarized.

CPEC is in fact a blessing for war torn country like Pakistan, who has lost over 100 billion dollars in the war on terror. Not to mention the distortion of country's image ( if any one cares) in the international arena.

I think China quickly realized that a bankrupt and failed Pakistan would be detrimental to China. CPEC has not been made with respect to India.
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