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If Modi wins election, neighbours can expect a more muscular India

I believe approach may change however ...
Let us see ...

I think the Modi aides have given fairly good glimpse of possible strategy Modi might adopt ...

Agree that we will have to wait to see how much change in ground position happens if and when Modi becomes PM ....
nothing will change apart from improvement in defence budget ,stress on local production.

BJP traditionally was desperate to get a name in Indian history thus their was a stupid foreign policy in ABV era.

now things will change,NSA will be listened. bjp's focus should be economy as it is their agenda.
nothing will change apart from improvement in defence budget ,stress on local production.

BJP traditionally was desperate to get a name in Indian history thus their was a stupid foreign policy in ABV era.

now things will change,NSA will be listened. bjp's focus should be economy as it is their agenda.

I disagree !
NDA under AB Vajpayee conducted foreign policy quite well .

I do not condone dickwads like him . Its easy being an Armchair General .

and I do not condone bad mouthing by both of you .
can you both guys act like grown ups and discuss the issue rather than behave like teenagers busy in mudslinging and namecalling ...
I disagree !
NDA under AB Vajpayee conducted foreign policy quite well .
i can give numerous example's it was stupid ,one thing NDA should learn from UPA is foreign policy.

you dont need to be tough ,you needs to be smart.
i can give numerous example's it was stupid ,one thing NDA should learn from UPA is foreign policy.

you dont need to be tough ,you needs to be smart.

well I will be all ears to listen from you ... but it will derail the thread ...

There have been some 'foreign policy mishaps ' even under NDA rule but overall I will rate Foreign policy under NDA - AB Vajpayee much much better than UPA under MMS ...anytime !!!
And along with it he must also try to increase revenue generation and in turn help business thrive which are all related to each other!!
yep........the first thing he needs to do is increase revenue generation and the increase the job opportunities.....
MODI will become best PM for India. India needs MODI fication. we wants India to be prosperous,Powerful,and good relationships with our neighbors,and none of us would likes India to be failed state like our western neighbor. India needs better relations with China,both are strong economic neighbors in the region..
You call it muscular, we know it means barking

Last time india had a "more muscular" government, we became nuclear power

If Modi wins election, neighbours can expect a more muscular India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India will get tougher on territorial disputes with China and in its old rivalry with Pakistan if opposition leader Narendra Modi becomes the prime minister in May after a general election, two of his aides said.

Modi, a Hindu nationalist who is the front-runner to win the five-week election starting on April 7, has taken an aggressive tone against the two neighbouring nations. On the campaign trail, he has warned Beijing to shed its "mindset of expansionism" and in the past he has railed against Pakistan, an Islamic state, for attacks by Muslim militants in India.

"I swear in the name of the soil that I will protect this country," Modi said at a rally in Arunachal Pradesh last month, a region claimed by China.

India, China and Pakistan are all nuclear powers. They are also jockeying to take positions in Afghanistan as western troops start to withdraw from the war-torn nation after a 12-year insurgency.

India has fought three wars with Pakistan and had a 1962 border skirmish with China. It came close to a fourth war with Pakistan in 2001 but since then, its foreign policy has been mostly benign.

Modi has painted the Congress party, which has been in power for more than 50 of the 67 years since India became independent, as weak on national security. However, the country is one of the top buyers worldwide of military hardware, purchasing about $12.7 billion in arms during 2007-2011, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, everything from basic military goods to an aircraft carrier.

Modi's two advisers said that while his foreign policy would be muscular, it would also aim to keep a lid on regional tensions to allow a focus on reviving the economy.

"Ours will be an economy-driven foreign policy and the whole idea is to build India's economy so solidly that you can deal with other countries on our own terms," said a strategist involved in formulating the manifesto of Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

As leader of the economic-powerhouse state of Gujarat for more than a decade, Modi has courted investment from China. As prime minister, the advisers say, he would seek to steer a course between defending India's security interests and growing business links with the world's second-biggest economy.

Modi has never clearly spelled out his foreign policy vision, but he has praised former BJP prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee — who ordered a series of nuclear tests in 1998 — for adopting a strategy based on both 'Shakti' and 'Shanti', Sanskrit for power and peace.

"The Chinese will understand the new PM is not a wimp and they won't do anything adventurous," the BJP strategist said.


According to India, China has made hundreds of intrusions along their disputed border in recent years. China denies crossing into Indian territory. Adding to disquiet in India are China's forays into the Indian Ocean and its involvement in building a string of ports stretching from Pakistan's Gwadar to Chittagong in Bangladesh.

The BJP wants a rapid naval build-up and a firmer response to border violations. It also plans to speed up construction of roads and communication lines along the land border to narrow the gap with China's infrastructure on the Tibetan plateau.

The advisers, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the BJP's manifesto is still under wraps, said Modi would move quickly to lay out India's core security interests in its neighbourhood, replacing what they dismissed as a reactive policy under the Congress party.

Topping the list will be an early settlement of the border dispute with China, an assertion of India's primacy in the Indian Ocean, and a low tolerance of Muslim militancy that India believes is often backed by Pakistan.

"You will see a more nationalistic approach on issues relating to terrorism in our neighbourhood. It is a much more hard view of these things," said one of the advisers.

Outgoing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has pushed for peace with Pakistan, and had hoped to visit his birthplace in Pakistan's Punjab province in a final gesture of reconciliation before leaving office.

But his efforts were stymied by opposition at home over Islamabad's failure to act against those India holds responsible for masterminding a 2008 attack on the city of Mumbai in which 166 people were killed by 10 gunmen from Pakistan.

Rajiv Dogra, a former Indian ambassador to Pakistan, expects a more forceful policy under a BJP government, both because of domestic pressure and an uncertain regional environment as the United States pulls out troops from Afghanistan.

"So far there has been a consensus in India — irrespective of the complexion and change in government — on the broad foreign policy contours," he said. "But this time, if there is a change in government, I do expect a break from that tradition."
well I will be all ears to listen from you ... but it will derail the thread ...

There have been some 'foreign policy mishaps ' even under NDA rule but overall I will rate Foreign policy under NDA - AB Vajpayee much much better than UPA under MMS ...anytime !!!
In abv era can you explain why musharaf was invited to agra after he waged a war against India ? what was the need ?

if im not wrong why was one china policy adopted including tibet in china ?

escorting terrorist to kandahar ........doen't prove us tough does it ?

MMS era their was no major goof ups apart from sharm el sheikh .

I hope modi doesn't continue that stupidity in foreign policy their is a room for much better approach.
In abv era can you explain why was musharaf was invited to agra after he waged a war against India ? what was the need ?

if im not wrong why was one china policy adopted including tibet in china ?

escorting terrorist to kandahar ........doen't prove us tough does it ?

MMS era their was no major goof ups apart from sharm el sheikh .

I hope modi doesn't continue that stupidity in foreign policy their is a room for much better approach.

Getting Musharraf to Agra was prudent thing to do ..we know we were tantalizingly close on Kashmir deal ...it failed through for variety of reasons ....

Escorting terrorists to Kandahar was a major goof up ....but worse was to let plane refuel at Amritsar and fly out of indian terrain ...

MMS era was full of goof ups ...

We had ignomity of Chinese soldiers having pitched tents in Indian territory ...that too just before the visits of Chinese premier ...

Our flip flop on iran and Sri lanka ..
Our debacle in Maldives ...

and our shrinking influence in indian ocean are are the gifts of mismanaged foreign policy under UPA .

If India emerged as Resurgent Nuclear weapon state under NDA

under UPA we have become just another country which has failed to live upto its promise ...

First time in a decade there is talk of replacing Indonesia with India in BR "I" C group ...however untrue it may be ...the fact that such thoughts are doing rounds ...tells us we did not play our cards well ...

You call it muscular, we know it means barking

Last time india had a "more muscular" government, we became nuclear power

is that good or bad ?
You call it muscular, we know it means barking

Last time india had a "more muscular" government, we became nuclear power

So? Kya ukhaad liya aapke LAADLE BOMB ne? :D

Ya, one thing happaned. Pakistan became the breeding ground of terrorists. Congrats. :rofl:
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