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If India is to make Jammu & Kashmir love India, referendum is the only way

no HUSSAIN PAKISTANIS don't hate Indians

they resent indian dominance of the continent by virtue of culture and economic power

its a inferiority complex

No we hate indians

We have built 200 nuclear war heads and a powerful military to show india how much we hate it, we will stop any indian attempt at so called dominance

Pakistan was ahead of india fir the majority of the past and is now growing fast to surpass you again
India is ready for UN referendum but first Pakistan army must vacate all of occupied Jammu and Kashmir including all those Himalayan peaks.:D
And sunni Muslims who are creating problems are minority in a majority who don't create problem ,they will loose anyway. its just a matter of when the majority saying enough is enough .

Majority ARE saying enough is enough but to indian occupation
No You Are Wrong It Is RSS Goons and Hindu Extremists Who Perpetrated A Holocaust In Jammu In 1947 Turning The Muslims Into A Minority

Okay! We perpetrated a holocaust.

Now go forth and get us sanctioned by UN. Go forth and complaint to USA. Cry river of tears to UK, France, and Germany. Try to convince your Gulfi friends to stop selling Oil to India. Convince Japan to break diplomatic relations with us.

Get off yours arses and do something about it rather than whining on interwebs.
India is ready for UN referendum but first Pakistan army must vacate all of occupied Jammu and Kashmir including all those Himalayan peaks.:D

Nope, azaad kashmir is fine, the people are with their own kin, faith, culture and language

Its in Indian occupied kashmir where they are under occupation from dark southern hindus

North Korea hass 500 NUCLEAR WARHEADS

But just like Pakistan they find they COUNT FOR NOTHING / ZILCH/ DENADA

You want to stop indian DOMINANCE




Then and ONLY THEN WILL the likes of USA Europe or Japan or Mideast ARABS truly respect and LISTEN TO YOU

""" grow your GDP who knows SOMEBODY may even listen to your whinning and shouting over KASHMIR""

today nobody listens TO A PAKISTANI re KASHMIR
Nope, azaad kashmir is fine, the people are with their own kin, faith, culture and language

Its in Indian occupied kashmir where they are under occupation from dark southern hindus

Dude it was written in UN referendum. If you do not want to follow it, why on earth India would follow that non binding resolutions?
The hindutva crowd wont allow indians to accept or state the truth

You know I never understood the hinduphobia in this site, why do feel the need to bring religion in every thread related to India.
No we hate Indians

We have built 200 nuclear war heads and a powerful military to show India how much we hate it, we will stop any Indian attempt at so called dominance

Pakistan was ahead of India fir the majority of the past and is now growing fast to surpass you again

Yes, you hate India, but that is not the whole story. You hate everyone. Your religion is in opposition to everything civil and noble in this world.

And No you do not have 200 weapons, but around 120 and neither do you have enough money or raw Uranium to construct 200+ nukes. And your military would be evaporated off the face of this earth within a week. It is only your nukes that are protecting you, for which India is anyway building a Ballistic missile defence shield (One of the few countries with working BMD), and BMD in conjugation with DEWs would anyway render nukes obsolete withing two decades. What would you do then?

North Korea hass 500 NUCLEAR WARHEADS

But just like Pakistan they find they COUNT FOR NOTHING / ZILCH/ DENADA

You want to stop indian DOMINANCE




Then and ONLY THEN WILL the likes of USA Europe or Japan or Mideast ARABS truly respect and LISTEN TO YOU

""" grow your GDP who knows SOMEBODY may even listen to your whinning and shouting over KASHMIR""

today nobody listens TO A PAKISTANI re KASHMIR

Thats what we are doing, Pakistan is on the cusp of atleast 2 decades of high digit growth, Pakistan is transforming and will grow economically and militarily

Dude it was written in UN referendum. If you do not want to follow it, why on earth India would follow that non binding resolutions?

There is no issue with azaad kashmir it is the people of occupied indian kashmir which is under curfew and chaos. A referendum should be held because it is the will of the people

You know I never understood the hinduphobia in this site, why do feel the need to bring religion in every thread related to India.

Its a hindu issue, Partition happened because we couldn't live with hindus and south asia could have recovered and moved on but india occupied a Muslim majority state

Yes, you hate India, but that is not the whole story. You hate everyone. Your religion is in opposition to everything civil and noble in this world.

And No you do not have 200 weapons, but around 120 and neither do you have enough money or raw Uranium to construct 200+ nukes. And your military would be evaporated off the face of this earth within a week. It is only your nukes that are protecting you, for which India is anyway building a Ballistic missile defence shield (One of the few countries with working BMD), and BMD in conjugation with DEWs would anyway render nukes obsolete withing two decades. What would you do then?

Your BMD is squat, we are right next door, the USA, Europe don't have foolproof BMDs so a poverty striken india definitely dosent

Pakistan will do the necessary to overcome any BMD, you can bet on it

Pakistan has the fastest growing arsenal in the world and if you are really aware than Pakistan may even have our own uranium reserves
There is no issue with azaad kashmir it is the people of occupied indian kashmir which is under curfew and chaos. A referendum should be held because it is the will of the people

If there is no issue then why fear referendum? let them decide that if they have issue or not.
They can sell them :D you remember Abdul Kadir Khan racket the man who give nukes to North Korea , gave centrifuges to Iran and even Libiya and stole secrets from Dutch

Its a nice way to generate forex
Yes, you hate India, but that is not the whole story. You hate everyone. Your religion is in opposition to everything civil and noble in this world.

And No you do not have 200 weapons, but around 120 and neither do you have enough money or raw Uranium to construct 200+ nukes. And your military would be evaporated off the face of this earth within a week. It is only your nukes that are protecting you, for which India is anyway building a Ballistic missile defence shield (One of the few countries with working BMD), and BMD in conjugation with DEWs would anyway render nukes obsolete withing two decades. What would you do then?
If there is no issue then why fear referendum? let them decide that if they have issue or not.

Sure, this is Pakistans position

Forget remove soldiers, do this, do that, pandits are gone blah blah blah

Just have a free and fair referendum across Kashmir, with numerous international observers

Give the people 3 choices


The result will be

Majority accession to Pakistan
Minority independence from both
Smaller minority to india

And india knows it hence the problem
Your BMD is squat, we are right next door, the USA, Europe don't have foolproof BMDs so a poverty striken india definitely dosent

Pakistan will do the necessary to overcome any BMD, you can bet on it

Pakistan has the fastest growing arsenal in the world and if you are really aware than Pakistan may even have our own uranium reserves

This happens when you get your science and technology education from a madrasa.

Being a next door neighbor makes your missiles more susceptible to be targeted by BMD, not less. First, a missile launched is detected easily, even by ground based radars, compared to US-Russia case in which you need satellites to detect a missile launch. Second, terminal velocity of missiles is lower in case or IRBM class, that would be used in subcontinent, compared to ICBM class that China and USA would be using. Third, Lack of strategic depth of a country like pakistan make pakistani missiles more susceptible to boost phase interdiction which Russia and USA does not have to worry about.

When India gets a fully operational BMD, your terroristy goose is cooked. That is the reason why your NSA is crying to anyone and everyone,who has patience to hear him, about Indian BMD.

And thanks for accepting that your nuclear program is a gift from China.
Still 3/4 Kashmir is with us even after you tried and failed 3 times militarily ...who gives damm about plebiscite ... you even lost siachin .
We were weak in 1991 and Kashmir was boiling even at that time you failed to do anything now time has passed and India is not same as before .

Keep dreaming

Sure, this is Pakistans position

Forget remove soldiers, do this, do that, pandits are gone blah blah blah

Just have a free and fair referendum across Kashmir, with numerous international observers

Give the people 3 choices


The result will be

Majority accession to Pakistan
Minority independence from both
Smaller minority to india

And india knows it hence the problem
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