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If India becomes another Israel...

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Jan 10, 2011
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America has told India to dominate Asia. Actually, America wants to establish another Israel in the region. For decades, Israel has been killing the Palestinians. America has been pouring shipfuls of weapons and sackfuls of dollars into Israel to make it the supreme power of the region. Iraq was the only hurdle in Israel's way to gain regional supremacy. America destroyed Iraq.
America believes that India deserves to be another Israel. There is one important common factor between Israel and India. Israel has been crushing the Palestinians because they have been struggling to liberate themselves from the Israeli slavery. Likewise, India has been crushing the Kashmiris, who have been struggling to liberate themselves from the Indian slavery.
When America tells India to become a regional power, America actually means: “Look at Israel. If you become another Israel you will be weaponised and dollarised like Israel.” Israel is America’s powerful outpost in the Middle East. Obviously, America wants India to be its outpost in Asia. Actually, China is the major target. Surprisingly, China has so far been mum. But undoubtedly, she must be keeping something up her sleeve.
China is a clot in America’s bloodstream. America believes that India can melt the clot. But it can melt the clot only if it becomes another Israel. If America did succeed in transforming India into another Israel, America would go mad with jubilation. Encouraged by the success, America might plan to establish a third Israel in some other part of the world. The process might go on and on endlessly.
Currently, almost every American is terribly nervous. He can’t sleep peacefully. He is scared that any moment a Chinese or an Iranian or a North Korean missile might destroy his bedroom. :lol::lol: The nervousness of the common American is understandable. By interfering in the national affairs of China, Iran and North Korea, America is creating nervousness for its own citizens.
Pakistan has reacted sharply to America’s strategy of transforming India into a supreme regional power. Pakistan has vociferously declared that it won’t accept India’s hegemony over the region. America and India must be laughing. ;)
In the past, Pakistani politicians created a horrific political chaos in the country. The chaos offered a golden opportunity to India. India cut Pakistan into two parts with America’s secret blessings. :what: :what: Currently, another horrific political chaos is jolting the country. The politicians are again at loggerheads with each other. Another opportunity is knocking at India’s door. Maybe India is sharpening her scissors again.
The Indian government has proudly confessed that East Pakistan was transformed into Bangladesh by India. What a stupid pride! Actually, it was not India, but Pakistan’s horrific political turmoil, which created Bangladesh. Let’s pray that the current chaos does not end up in another Bangladesh like tragedy.
Under every democracy, the politicians have mutual differences. But there are two kinds of differences. There are differences which strengthen the country and there are differences which destabilise the country. Under the Western democracies, the differences amongst the politicians generally strengthen the country. But under the Eastern democracies, the differences generally damage the country. :tup::tup:
Unfortunately, Pakistan’s entire democratic history is a history of gruesome wars amongst the politicians. These wars have inflicted various sorts of tragedies on the country. There have been social tragedies. There have been economic tragedies. There have been judicial tragedies. There have been administrative tragedies etc.
If the current war amongst the politicians continued, it must have extremely disastrous effects on the country. Things would become damn easy for America to elevate India to the status of the region’s great power.
Unfortunately, in Pakistan most of the political fighters are fighting for their own personal interests. The country can be salvaged only if the politicians sacrifice their own interests for the interests of the nation.

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USA is not in this position to support India against 2 regional power
Israels are the only nuclear power
but in south Asia Pakistan is the big power and china is the next world power
USA economical crisis makes him poor
The difference is Israel does not have a strong enough opponent where as Pakistan will blow India (Literally) If it tries to be adventurous.In fact Pakistan is probably much more comparable to Israel then India to Israel as we tend to needle India now and then like Israelis do with Arabs,.
I think one Israel is enough for whole Arab.
I think one Israel is enough for whole Arab.

Yes,one nuclear-armed nation is enough for all other "non-nuclear" nations around it . . .
Yes,one nuclear-armed nation is enough for all other "non-nuclear" nations around it . . .

Yes,one nuclear-armed nation is enough for all other "non-nuclear" UNFRIENDLY nations around it . .
USA is not in this position to support India against 2 regional power
Israels are the only nuclear power
but in south Asia Pakistan is the big power and china is the next world power
USA economical crisis makes him poor

India doesn't need USA to be Powerful. Our Economy has very less relation with USA. We are mainly consumption story and manufacturing. Indeed, China has more relation with USA due to big export. We are 2nd Most powerful in Asia after China.....in Economy, Defence. In International diplomacy, We are 1st. USA economical crisis will have more impact on Europe and China/Japan/Sk etc.
USA is not in this position to support India against 2 regional power
Israels are the only nuclear power
but in south Asia Pakistan is the big power and china is the next world power
USA economical crisis makes him poor

India doesn't need USA to be Powerful. Our Economy has very less relation with USA. We are mainly consumption story. Indeed, China has more relation with USA due to big export. We are 2nd Most powerful in Asia after China.....in Economy, Defence. In International diplomacy, We are 1st.
USA only talk to India but not support
Israels just
Pakistan big power in south Asia and also other Muslim country is powerful like Egypt, Turkey etc
hmmm why will India mess up with things in Asia.. when two super powers China and Pakistan are dictating terms.... India is a piece loving nation.... why will India will try to shake the position of Pakistan which is already a super power in south asia ;)
I think many people have misconception that India needs US. India doesn't need US. India is powerful on it's own and it is going to improve only going forward (Both Defence as well as Economy).

India GDP depends on these Industries: Textiles, Chemicals, Food Processing, Steel, Transportation Equipment, Cement, Mining, Petroleum, Machinery, Software, Real-Estate, Agri (fertilizers) -- 90% are Indian companies, Dependent on India only and has no relation with US. Only Software Industry has relation with US and Europe. But our IT industry has only 3%(GDP) dependency on US that also high quality (80% are Fortune 500 Companies). Hence 90+% No impact. Even on Bilateral trade.

Defence( As per Current production/ Imports) -In Next 15 Years, We will spend 200 Billion $. Out of 200 Billion $ (50% are Indigenous). Rest 50% (Rafale/Mirage - France, PAK FA/ FGFA / MKI / MIG 29 / and 100 more small/big deals worth 50 Billion $ are with Russia, Then UAV/Barak-8, Radars etc with Israel. then few submarine/Ships from Europe/Brazil)........With US we hardly have 5% Deal that also more like formality.

In Short, India don't need USA......We have normal or good relation with US. But it doesn't make any difference to us. India is not Pakistan.
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