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If India becomes another Israel...

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Why military man?

we ll just cut the water supply of indus from kashmir and starve u to death.

Your dams have a limit don't they ? We'll die from starvation, you die from flooding and starvation resulting from water-logging of your lands !
Lovely, here's my analysis of this situation:
1) Logic suggests that if India does become America's Israel in Asia(so to speak), it will ultimately lead to a strain in Russo-Indian relations.
2) Russia will obviously try and find a regional counterweight, China and Pakistan make ideal ones.
3) Russia still enjoys considerable influence with the CARs, which means that India's reach to the power corridor may be limited.
4) Losing Russia, India will be regionally isolated which does not make for an ideal setting even if you are "Dollarized".
5) As a result, either nothing happens but a tough stand-off followed by diplomacy, or a war occurs.
6) It will lead to another Cold War, this time the Warsaw Pact Countries will be replaced by the SCO !

My two cents.

You took that pathetic story written by a delusional in the nation!!!! These stories are written and should be taken as jokes as usual like APP stories.

The Nation! :lol:
Like comparing stone to water.

India has learnt to live with multi cultural and multi religious society where in the same street you have hindu muslim and sikhs living as one. Israel spend most of their time trying to steal a bit of land, create enemies and generally being shunned by the world.I suggest India is a powerful nation and can stand on its own 2 feet and doesnt need to be spoonfed by USA. What keeps India on their toes is having 2 powerful neighbours with extreme military power.
You took that pathetic story written by a delusional in the nation!!!! These stories are written and should be taken as jokes as usual like APP stories.

The Nation! :lol:

Not really, it's what any sane person would think. Why don't you tell us what you think ?
We will find way out as we have $$$ to do that..but how will you feed your starving people?? oh! China is there to 'Aid' you

Have you heard that money doesn't buy you happiness ? Well, it doesn't buy a lot of other things, a miracle is one of them.
Not really, it's what any sane person would think. Why don't you tell us what you think ?

I do not talk about what I should not. the guy wrote the article mixed conspiracies, terrorism and his wet dreams into one single article. If that story is to believe we should believe in Hitler's version of the world or everything else which are not true. Above all the story coming from the so called newspaper which is famous for such conspiracy and funny stories.
India and Israel are one two sides of the world with nothing in common and people can even say that if India becomes another Israel.

Like someone said, India is a country with age old tradition and cultures and has been always part of Asia, while Israel is a country of immigrants all forced to settle in that volatile neighborhood.

Absolutely zero in-common.

Their race may be different, for instance Israilis are White European race & Indians are Black Indian race(DO NOT TAKE IT AS OFFENCE ANY ONE, IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE AN OFFENSIVE,JUST FOR EXPLANATION), but they have quite a few things in common, like Israilis occupied Palestine illegally against the wishes of Palestinians who were the real habitants of that land, same like that India occupied Kashmir illegally & brutally against the wishes of Kashmiris. Both countries have refused & reject UN proposals. Both countries are hostile & trouble makers in their neighbouring countries.
☪☪☪☪;1983130 said:
The difference is Israel does not have a strong enough opponent where as Pakistan will blow India (Literally) If it tries to be adventurous.In fact Pakistan is probably much more comparable to Israel then India to Israel as we tend to needle India now and then like Israelis do with Arabs,.

The only difference is that unlike Israel, Pakistan's adversary also has nukes. But yeah, I agree Pakistan is more comparable to Israel than India is. In this case; China is the US and Pakistan is Israel.

...But even that's a long shot.
I do not talk about what I should not. the guy wrote the article mixed conspiracies, terrorism and his wet dreams into one single article. If that story is to believe we should believe in Hitler's version of the world or everything else which are not true. Above all the story coming from the so called newspaper which is famous for such conspiracy and funny stories.

And you just passed a Fatwa that I read it from that paper ? Well I don't read that paper and the above stated is the humble view of an analyst who also knows a thing or two about regional stability, but like I said, you are welcome to tell me what you think.
Their race may be different, for instance Israilis are White European race & Indians are Black Indian race(DO NOT TAKE IT AS OFFENCE ANY ONE, IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE AN OFFENSIVE,JUST FOR EXPLANATION), but they have quite a few things in common, like Israilis occupied Palestine illegally against the wishes of Palestinians who were the real habitants of that land, same like that India occupied Kashmir illegally & brutally against the wishes of Kashmiris. Both countries have refused & reject UN proposals. Both countries are hostile & trouble makers in their neighbouring countries.

Buddy really this what you think and believe, Pakistan lose all four wars with India but you don't want to accept it and you are the first one who always attacked on India.
Their race may be different, for instance Israilis are White European race & Indians are Black Indian race(DO NOT TAKE IT AS OFFENCE ANY ONE, IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE AN OFFENSIVE,JUST FOR EXPLANATION), but they have quite a few things in common, like Israilis occupied Palestine illegally against the wishes of Palestinians who were the real habitants of that land, same like that India occupied Kashmir illegally & brutally against the wishes of Kashmiris. Both countries have refused & reject UN proposals. Both countries are hostile & trouble makers in their neighbouring countries.

I know how Indians and Israeli look. Calling Israelis with a 20% Arab population "white european" and lumping a nation of 1.2 billion people into "black Indians" does come across as very shallow.

Anyway to an American, even Pakistan would be considered as trouble-making nation so it all depends on who's point of view we're seeing. Personally, i consider Israel an artificial nation, meaning to say that the people staying there have not always been from the region.. can't say the same for India.

Regarding the Palestinian and Kashmiri problem, there are many other countries in the world (Sri Lanka, Russia, etc) all with their own such separatist/violent problems so using that to say Israel and Indians have in common would not be valid enough.

I still stick to my point that Israel and India have nothing in common.
Your dams have a limit don't they ? We'll die from starvation, you die from flooding and starvation resulting from water-logging of your lands !

The dams are pointing towards your direction; why do you think they have not been targeted yet? :azn: So you're most welcome to sabotage them because a repeat of floods will happen again.

It's only on this forum that Indians and Israelis have something in common (no, I'm not being sarcastic). And it's only here that the India-Israeli relationship is exaggerated, many even go as far as to call it an anti-Islamic alliance. Personally I wouldn't even call India-Israel "allies". Partners? Yes, but "ally"? No.

We prefer to leave the "ally" and "brotherhood" stuff to the others.
My opinion about the article...........forget about opinion.....my sugestion to writer is reduce ur drinking habit......its affecting ur work
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