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:: If Imran Khan comes back in Power ::

be ruthless or go home!
be ruthless or go home!
Play the hand given to you & then opt to be ruthless.
2) No. IK is not a pacifist rather he is using it as an excuse to avoid fighting with India. He is on India's payroll

He is showing the same pacifism these days where his supporters are asking for a bloody confrontation but he again and again postpone the inevitable by sending them back to homes and instead work back channels for settlement on election date..

It he still afraid from fighting Pakistani (his own) armed forces or showing restrain so that Pakistan doesn't become another Libya or Syria ??

Fyi we all know who is on India's payroll, the one who stopped all trade and talk with India or the one who were having Indian nationals in their mills or the one who were forcing SMQ (IKs appointed foreign minister) to open trade with India.
Constitutional and peaceful means are grossly inadequate to control or reverse the current utter institutional (Army, Judiciary, Politicians, Bureaucracy) degradation and depravity.
His speeches sound way too populist to me. Also the educational policy he implemented is a straight up disaster. He definitely needs to reform the education curriculum above all.
Imran khan should not come in power now unless given 2/3 majority otherwise let this PDM run the country and let ppl suffer
IK isn’t the thing Pakistan needs - it is a middle class led transformative movement that is PTI.
Pak needed middle class movement, Middle class needed IK , so IK is very very important more important then swines of the establishment.
If we say Khan is the new establishment , it would be not wrong

Imran khan should not come in power now unless given 2/3 majority otherwise let this PDM run the country and let ppl suffer
He was saying exactly the same few days ago
I agree with most points.

However, I completely disagree with issue of corruption.

The NAB should be given a free hand and allowed to nab the corrupts. One of his election mantra was accountability.

The only thing Imran Khan sinned was to be swayed by the opposition corrupt and brought this topic when discussing with journalists. He should have just kept quiet and told the journalists that the NAB is given a free reign and they are doing their job.

Next time, arm the NAB to the teeth, let them do their job, opposition screams let them, journalists bring the topic up, tell them to ask the Information minister. If the COAS asks to go soft on corruption, tell him to know his place.

Learn to play the game. The optics of Imran Khan letting NAB do its job will go a long way and reduce pressure on himself.
on this point 2 : Stop talking/repeating the same old rhetoric whilst making speeches at public Jalsas, events and Media outlets

He addresses the people in the arena to give them the reason for his struggle, it's not for the people who regularly watch tv or are constantly in touch with media.
And he does like 50 jalsas so....
First, Benazir was no Saint.

Secondly, is there any proof/evidence against anyone in Pakistan (including Bushra Bibi). Quite frankly speaking, she is a nobody, however IF she has some control and/or say on appointments of certain individuals - that needs to go bye-bye.

Its best, she (just) play the roll of a house wife.
Agreed Benazir was no saint, BUT does that excuse or warrent the kind of farce she faced? No.

Again leagues + PDm + establishment haves used the same formula ro target khan's wife.

So what if he speaks to his wife? so what?

By simple observation, She has to be a trillion times better than maryam nawaz sharif!!! what qualification does maryam have to interfere in gormints business? can anyone explain why her nostrils pretrude into politics when she has no political positioning other than peo was pm!

Is he in Power (now)?

Has that not already been tried & tested?

"No one knows the West like me" - "I will turn Pakistan into Riasat-e-Madina" - "Corruption-Corruption-Corruption"...

The man hasn't even come back in Power, and here you're expecting him to repeat all his mistakes - all over again. Good Luck.

& man, we don't live in the stone ages. Everyone has the tools to go back & search for the "Tragic Periods". Its called Google & YouTube.
I have followed mian nawaz's retarded politics from the 80's to the present. for someone who climbed or laddered their way into politics graciously like a child is helped walking by holding the child's hand. vs someone who actually worked for it.

~3 years are comparable to the haramzadgi of 35+ years? how does that compute?

I agree I don't live in the stone age I have followed Mians politics since the 80's.

I'll tell you the first local corner meeting + election campaign I attended and observed in the early 90's for mian nawaz. What my eyes witnesses was Juggtan. bhand, merasi pona. Then some strange dancing and derogatory comedy targeting Benazir(if you swap out Benazir for IK's wife now its the same thing!) Ending with qeema naan and thandi bottle.

Thats enough in a jahil society to buy peoples votes. That is the stoneage like politics.

Bloody Hell..., why couldn't you keep Nawaz Shareef in Jail? Why did you allow for him to get on that Plane?


You can't beat the system. You just can't.

Think of it this way, by getting all these swine's from PDM out, you can actually run a Country without interference.
well fire and bleeding brimstone, why isn't mian getting the treatment for.... Plates and dongay that were yoyoing? can anyone tell me? Mian was going to expire BUT it used plates and dongay to exit and now we know bajwa played its part. at least we know know why bajwa was being targeted in mian's speeches while sitting comfortably in his preferred country. To hurry the deal along.

I think everyone here knows the answer to that. I've said stuff about The Sharif Clan & its supporters on a number of occasions - and had multiple posts 'Deleted' for excessive language used.

As I mentioned in my first post, I am NOT a IK/PTI supporter.

However, with the options that we have before us, he's certainly our last resort.
earlier in this year I was in Pakistan and I had a debate with a noon league who is my cousins brother in-law. Now that noonie along with my cousin were returning back from some religious classes they attended. so the noonie makes a snide remark 'oh gormint has passed bhang policy' I intervened and told him the difference between Hemp and cannabis.

but league brains are league brains. so an argument perused, the league would resort of telling me so many lies in the hope that I didn't know about the very many kartoot of noon leak but sadly for him I am not going to be made a chawal out of. the league yahvian and bongian fell short.

long story short this guy who was returning from attending religious classes lied so much for mian nawaz and noonie leak. thus a haad haram noon league. when you tell a league about the kartoot of their party they become benign. act dumb deaf blind.

Imran Khan say 'Absolutely Not' & where is the Dollar now?

Forget that..., where is Imran Khan now?

No one here thinks the Yanks are good, but... *sigh* . We are not KSA, UAE or China with deep pockets.

We have Members that call Middle Eastern countries slaves of the West too. Atleast, those countries are able to give their own citizens a good life. We can't even give our people running water in Karachi.

I'm sorry man, but every argument that you've made has been that of a IK/PTI fanboy, similar to the guys whom I met the other day. You're talking down the same lines as them, and are not willing to reason that you don't have much to bargain with.

My final thoughts..., IF Imran Khan comes back in Power & does everything (exactly) how he did the last time, well, ... the results will be the same. You can bank on my last statement.
what should have khan said that day? please use our land and bomb afghanistan with drones! I am pretty sure the general public is sick and tired or war and the continuation of it. I'll say it again. When do we stop being slaves and become something? At this rate what good is it being a nuclear power if we cannot stand up for ourselves!

Ahhh, hmmmn. Have you been observing the economic collapse under noonies happening Live. Right now. you want to talk about dollar rate right now, because its not Khan responsible for it!!

You do know that Khan's gormint in the center was only ~3 years? is he responsible for 75 years of garbage? you see and rightfully criticise and point figures at his tenure. Rightfully its open to criticism. But how and in what state did he inherit the gormiont from noon leak? I think Miftah Ismaeel has told us. What do you say about the current gormint now that has brought the nation to default.

That's very easy for you to say that I am a fanboy. Just by observing what's happening now. Khans 3 years were better, Not perfect but better. I was once pro noon leak as well. But once i realised what kind of khabees they were I no longer supported them.

So please lets not call me a fanboy, lastly I congratulate you for joining Noon league and the larger PDM( not forgetting establishment as well) :angel:
Imran khan should not come in power now unless given 2/3 majority otherwise let this PDM run the country and let ppl suffer
without power ruling this country is worst thing .
So please lets not call me a fanboy...
I said every argument you made was that of a fanboy - not calling you one directly, but you can take it as you deem fit.
...lastly I congratulate you for joining Noon league and the larger PDM( not forgetting establishment as well) :angel:
I rather take a bullet to the head, than be a N-Leaguer, however, I won't hide the fact that I have always been pro Marshal Law.
...lastly I congratulate you for joining Noon league...

My Posts from different Topics 👇
Phlay tou koi ees بھڑوے say pochay kay tum nay Punjab Assembly may ye harqat kaisay ke thee.

Someone should ask why @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE wasn't the first person to start this Topic. He's usually the first.

Oh yeah, its against his nani-jaan, Maryam Safdar.
...a subsidiary of T.G.I.Fridays.

By the way, how much does your N-League nani (Maryam Safdar) pay you for your loyal services - for each Topic you create pro N-League & anti-PTI/IK?

Is a 1 GBP per Topic or per post?
Was Scotland Backyard asleep when all this movement was taking place?

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE & @muhammadhafeezmalik
Haan bhai loog, aap kay Sher kay platelets (ab) theek hain? I thought the Doctors said he wasn't fit to travel. Uus بھڑوے ko Pakistan jatay waqt kyu maut ati hai?

Abay kya hogaya...?

You're replying back with FWD tweets, tik tok vids, articles from DAWN (now that's sad) - just to protect your leader.

I can just picture you literally breaking the keyboard out of sheer frustration.

Chill ho ja. Mian Sahab ki miyat abhe nahe uthi.
Bus beta tum Topic pay Topic banatay raho Noon-League kay behalf pay.

In the end, your kind are doomed to fail 'cause your loyalties lie with the crooks.
...and yet you still can't distinguish between Right & Wrong.

I will agree with you that, "...in the end truth always prevails." Lets see how that works out for you - In The End.

The Last Laugh usually belongs to the one Last Standing*.

*One can only hope that بھڑوا N.Sharif is in the grave by then.
Challo, another N-League View attachment 888508.

Ye hazrat tou aisay araz kar rahay hay jaisay kay Noon League kay qarqoon..., sab Haji Sanaulla kay batchay hain.

Now these are just a few from past couple of months.

Read 'em & then pass judgement.
1. Stop taking political advice from Peerni's (a la reintroducing Wasim Akram+ - for the sake of Punjab).

2. Stop talking/repeating the same old rhetoric whilst making speeches at public Jalsas, events and Media outlets.
Note: This also applies to Q&A's in Foreign Countries.

3. You've been ousted once & now have a fair understanding how politics work at the highest level. If you still haven't had an understanding/feel of whom to trust - than you're not the man for the job.

4. Its time to surround yourself with persons that have an understanding of specialized fields. You need not make them a Minister, but have them as consultants. Lord knows you need some serious advice how to deal with the Foreign Press. Before making tweets like Donald Trump, have someone do fact checks before becoming a target of memes for the opposition.

5. Do Not interfere in the matters of the Establishment - even if you're the PM. Didn't go all to well the last time around. I'd hate to do a Video Edit called 'Same Page'.

6. If you need to give NRO to X-number of persons, be done with it & move on. Shehzad Akbar couldn't get back a dime from the UK Government & its water under the bridge.

Finally..., my (late) Father always had a saying: "Uppar walley say panga nahe laina ch-ye"

His (my father's) reference was not Al' Mighty, but hinted towards the USofA. Its the Pandora's Box. A Death Trap. A highway to nowhere that can only lead to the suffering of your people. Those who used to say, "Don't be a slave of the US", ask those persons what do you have to say now when your Country is on the brink of default.

Its clear as day, that in the past couple of months IK's tone from 'Absolutely not' has shifted to, "We want to have good relations with the US".

I don't consider Imran Khan that great a politician. I think the best one i've seen in my lifetime was Tony Blair and his spin king Alistair Campbell. I think he is firmly our least worst option.

My opinion on your advice;

1. Idk about any peerni etc, but Punjab needs an astute, bold political leader, someone with the experience to do the job well.

2. when in power the focus should always be on what you are doing and what you want to do. Q&A's in foreign countries should be an exception. We need to build our narrative, that means repeating our mantra again and again.
3. 100% agree.

4. He could be more slick in interviews, but as far as social media is concerned, who cares. We live in a post truth world, say what you want to set a narrative, 24 hours later it's forgotten anyway.

5. I disagree. The establishment should stay in it's lane. When it goes outside of that, we need the leadership of this country to course correct. How long will be slaves to the elites and their chowkidars?

6. Disagree with this too. The money coming back doesn't matter - the damage it does to the political opponent is worth so much more.

7. His tone hasn't changed - he talked about wanting an equal partnership years before absolutely not. Besides once the genie is out of the bottle there is no going back. We have to learn to be independent as a nation and bear the cost that comes with it. If we have something to offer, investment and advantageous political opportunities will find us. In our current state, it's only rapeseed oil instead of F-16's. There is only one uppar wala, need to truly believe that and live by that. Sometimes that means going backwards before we can go forwards. As a nation, if we want to be free of slavery, we have to accept that.

Ultimately I think if we stand up to all the bullies, internal and external - we'll find we have a more professional relationship with them all, as long as we bring something of value to the table. Right now Pakistan NEVER brings anything of value to the table.
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So, last nite I was out with a group friends - most of whom are either die-hard IK/PTI supporters and/or people like myself, that aren't exactly his supporters, but, can't tolerate PDM (N-League in Power).

Dinner went straight to hell when politics made an entry - before the first course even got served.

Either way, we all went on what IK did wrong the last time he was in power and that if he was handed another shot, what he must do to direct Pakistan in the right direction & perhaps get us out of this hell-hole we all seem to be stuck in - as a Nation.

I know its asking too much, but try listing his flaws and/or areas for improvement in points.

And please-please avoid replying back to others comments if you disagree with an individual at the off-chance they're PDM/N-League supporters.

Here are a few points that I could think of...

1. Stop taking political advice from Peerni's (a la reintroducing Wasim Akram+ - for the sake of Punjab).

2. Stop talking/repeating the same old rhetoric whilst making speeches at public Jalsas, events and Media outlets.
Note: This also applies to Q&A's in Foreign Countries.

3. You've been ousted once & now have a fair understanding how politics work at the highest level. If you still haven't had an understanding/feel of whom to trust - than you're not the man for the job.

4. Its time to surround yourself with persons that have an understanding of specialized fields. You need not make them a Minister, but have them as consultants. Lord knows you need some serious advice how to deal with the Foreign Press. Before making tweets like Donald Trump, have someone do fact checks before becoming a target of memes for the opposition.

5. Do Not interfere in the matters of the Establishment - even if you're the PM. Didn't go all to well the last time around. I'd hate to do a Video Edit called 'Same Page'.

6. If you need to give NRO to X-number of persons, be done with it & move on. Shehzad Akbar couldn't get back a dime from the UK Government & its water under the bridge.

Finally..., my (late) Father always had a saying: "Uppar walley say panga nahe laina ch-ye"

His (my father's) reference was not Al' Mighty, but hinted towards the USofA. Its the Pandora's Box. A Death Trap. A highway to nowhere that can only lead to the suffering of your people. Those who used to say, "Don't be a slave of the US", ask those persons what do you have to say now when your Country is on the brink of default.

Its clear as day, that in the past couple of months IK's tone from 'Absolutely not' has shifted to, "We want to have good relations with the US".

Politics is certainly not my forte, however, I feel with all flaws IK has had as a PM, i'd be best suited if he remain Leader of Political Party like Sonia Gandhi & appoint someone as PM. People like Hammad Azhar would certainly be a good candidate if such an arrangement could be made. IK is already in his 70's and if PTI is to have a future, they need to groom the younger capable members in the Party.

Apologies to the PTI Supports, but we all need to contribute to what needs to be done in order to sail the Country we call Pakistan in the right direction.

Remember guys, just points will do..., and don't get into a P!ssing Contest with another Member.

@Ghazwa-e-Hind @ghazi52 @Areesh
@araz @Bilal. @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Jango @krash @LeGenD @SQ8 @waz @Windjammer @Clairvoyant @Cookie Monster @crankthatskunk @Dalit @DESERT FIGHTER @Dil Pakistan @FuturePAF @Ghessan @graphican @GriffinsRule @Gryphon @GumNaam @HRK @HAIDER @Khanivore @khansaheeb @Mrc @PAKISTANFOREVER @PakFactor @Path-Finder @PWFI @Rafi @Riz @SABRE @Signalian @Stealth @Thorough Pro @Verve @White and Green with M/S @Yasser76 @Zarvan @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar
@PakSword @Maarkhoor @Super Falcon @Sabretooth @PradoTLC @khail007 @War Thunder @ZedZeeshan
Loved the part about grooming a new generation. PTI needs to set a new standard for politics by being properly professional in everything it does; Domestic and International PR, nudging the elite and wealthy to contribute more and open up their industries to competition and thereby reassuring the domestic stability which in turn attract overseas Pakistanis and foreign investors.

For fear of getting ahead of events, IK could serve for one term as Prime Minister, and then then allow a transition to a new generation of leaders groom during that tenure.
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