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If I were incharge of Pakistan today...


Mar 24, 2006
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What would you do different then?

Some of us are big time experts. Let's see what we all can come up with that we'd do different.
I would try to remove corruption and provide more funds to education sector (Close all Marrasshas and open proper Government Schools..)
If I were incharge of Pakistan today... I would've banned all Indian flights over our air space citing the recent violation.
If I were incharge of Pakistan today... I would've banned all Indian flights over our air space citing the recent violation.

Exactly my point. Parnab was threatening Pakistan in the start of attacks saying if Pakistan wants normalization with India it should do free trade with India and give India free trade routes to Afghanistan. This clown did not think even for a minute if Pakistan ban Indian flights over our air space how much India will be losing.
If I were incharge of Pakistan today... I would've banned all Indian flights over our air space citing the recent violation.

er? Is that it? wat bout d rest of d reform and other useful stuff? :cheers: promote frenship..
I would withdraw all troops from the Indian border and move them into FATA to bring the writ of Islamabad to FATA. I would also launch a major and sustained push in the UNSC to get a UN-sponsored plebiscite held for self-determination in Kashmir.
okay now serious!i will resolve the Kasmir issue within 24 hours and give it anything it takes.And ofcourse Kashimiris will have a subsequent Independent state of their own:enjoy:
I would withdraw all troops from the Indian border and move them into FATA to bring the writ of Islamabad to FATA. I would also launch a major and sustained push in the UNSC to get a UN-sponsored plebiscite held for self-determination in Kashmir.

Dude for withdrawing troops from LoC (Mind you its LoC Not indian border it is not International Border) you need to resolve Kashmir issue.

We are talking about being incharge of Pakistan not US so there is no use of going to UNSC where US will veto any such move which is aimed at liberating Kashmiris from Indian occupation.
i would replace Sherry Rehman with Jonty Rhodes:enjoy:

:rofl: I would replace Sherry Rehman with Chacha khajoor khan!:rofl:
Hmm..I i were incharge of Pakistan...I'd get rid of all the corruption, do whatever it takes to deal with it and eliminate it.
I'd improve healthcare and education, and try and improve ties with India.
I'd also try and curb the militancy and the cowardly attacks inside Pakistan.

There are so many things I'd do if I were incharge......sometimes I even dream of being president of Pakistan..:enjoy:...ahh..now those were some wet dreams..:smitten:
thats my frist order sir asim no more indian flights. secend all afghani deport third i never stay in presedent house or office i never use gov money or cars. i will make 2 rooms in front of presedent house for me.until i will presedent i never meet my faimly or friends.i will eat as i eat today.i visit only in pia passenger plane .i take 10000 per month salary.no need any other bonus or money for me.i will remove 80% of police and bring new police.i make partnership with russia chaina iran.order paf to hit any thing inter pakistan from any were.no more drone.i willl warn india usa israil if they react over smart we will hit them very bad.alll terarrsts must leave pakistan within 36 hours.we never involve any more in afghan war.i will declear pakistan not involve any big game of world.we want peace and don't wana join any advanture.i will make new department for finish balack sheaps.i will fix a wall between india pak and afghan pak same like israil and gaza.

part 2

all of my reservis from today in EURO or gold.i will pass a bil for parlemnt members will take salary like me if they want stay if don;t go every parlement member have 10000rs per month.i will make state own 4 english tv channels they defend our point 24\7 same like CCTV chaina.no more breaking news without confirm from ministory of information.i will try to give more jobs and try to investment in pakistan become more i am shore if no basts in pakistan may be we become a good tourist state also.i bring back all behari from BD and make them a 4 cityes for them in four provences.frist of all i make a program for unity of pakistan we make four rellyes in lahore karachi peshawer quaeta for unty milloins of pakistani collect there for 3 days of unity to show world we are united.drugs smmuglers will face capital panushment in pakistan.

part 3

no more fudel lord in pakistan every one in equal.i defend my pakistani out of country and give them full sport via our consletes.no more abuse of oversese pakistani in any were in world.i will give PIA and PAF all of our VIP transport planes.gov will give food if any one don't have food gov will give resedent if some one don't have home.i make millions of rooms city near every major city for poors.medecine free for every pakistani.may god not but incase i take loan i will never take from IMF but any muslims bank or friend but i am shore god help us if we help ourself.no more heavy duty items for personal use allowed to import.no more import of 1200cc or high then this cars from out of pakistan .all pakistani must use pak made things if not they can go out of pak.i answer every day in parlement.no more big deal without approve from parlement.

part 4

pakistan will make an real islamic libral state with limited freedom.every one have rights to stay under they low even pm presedent.may be i bring CJ back if he will able to be a real good judge.i bring all of my country loot money from these guys wich eat and think they never return it back.loan for poor pablic not for big bisnessmans.no more student partyes like jamiat ATI or any other i remove all students from all univarstyes of pakistan and new admition for real students not crimnals or party makers .no more politations in our univarstyes .every day rangers patrol in univarsty in any case they arrest and interogate student if they involve any political activity or fighting each other .they just student only if they wana inter in our univarstyes.

i will meat personaly people and read applications mails or letters of nation every week i surprise vist every day.if we stay in pakistan its better then forgen tours.frist pakistani people and then trips.imake forgen offece team a realy active people not sleepy like now.every one have to done his best job in my gov othervise go home.

i reqest people for pray five time allah will help us if we remember allah i am shore allah will never forget us.no more indian tv or films allowed in pakistan in any case some one have film ho go jail 10 days frist time if secend time ne month if third he go jail 6 months and 50000 fine.you can see whole world film drama without india.its because i don't want you think like bollywood.

for india i plan

i will go first and last time india for talk indian nation not politations drama

i will dirct talk indian nation on tv .pakistan is not your enemy from today pakistan is no intrest in any matter of india or indian muslims its you own problim . we will help kashmires in UN or any other forums but we don't have any invovement from today in kashmir.india whats she do whats wana do its not our metter just leave us alone.i don't wana see my country name on your media just forget us i close all our doors wich open with india without SARC.from today we are unknown nighbers just forget us.and we forget you.we wana see pakistan a develped country not a roge state.in india whats happens its you metter we will never inter your metters at all.

all world is our friend but we never ever invole in any metter of any country just leave us alone

free education for every chaild girls must go school.every pakistani has must to educate until high school.drinking not allowed.all of our menortyes have rights for there religus matters.no more shia sunni games here if any one do that he go jail for long time.if you sunny if you shia go your own mosqes and pray to god its your personal matter don't fight on this .quran english since hadees computer and others will parts of our subjects in schools.every one shuld be a good muslim pakistani in case minorty good hindu cariestin and good pakistani.army never inter in politations we will make civil agencyes for help police ISI will help just army in ther metters.if we close all borders and make our FATA and DARRA as any other place of pakistan make 3 big modren citeys in FATA there will no blasts in pakistan and close all borders send afghani there homes with power.100% no more blasts.
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:rofl: I would replace Sherry Rehman with Chacha khajoor khan!:rofl:
Hmm..I i were incharge of Pakistan...I'd get rid of all the corruption, do whatever it takes to deal with it and eliminate it.
I'd improve healthcare and education, and try and improve ties with India.
I'd also try and curb the militancy and the cowardly attacks inside Pakistan.

There are so many things I'd do if I were incharge......sometimes I even dream of being president of Pakistan..:enjoy:...ahh..now those were some wet dreams..:smitten:

Chacha Khajoor Khan ???who is that? is it some pseudo name of Neo?:lol:
Chacha Khajoor Khan ???who is that? is it some pseudo name of Neo?:lol:
I have no idea..I got it from U-517 in another forum part, the name sounds so funny..:rofl:
By the way imran, I love your post, it totally resembles the average Pakistani person (on some parts). :tup:
However, i'm not sure if you can close your eyes from some luxuries that come along with presidency..;)
:rofl: I would replace Sherry Rehman with Chacha khajoor khan!:rofl:
Hmm..I i were incharge of Pakistan...I'd get rid of all the corruption, do whatever it takes to deal with it and eliminate it.
I'd improve healthcare and education, and try and improve ties with India.
I'd also try and curb the militancy and the cowardly attacks inside Pakistan.

There are so many things I'd do if I were incharge......sometimes I even dream of being president of Pakistan..:enjoy:...ahh..now those were some wet dreams..:smitten:

I would ask that scandinavian beauty to marry me...and I hope she would agree..once we are married..I will leave the post and organise free and fair elections...:rofl::rofl::rofl
I would ask that scandinavian beauty to marry me...and I hope she would agree..once we are married..I will leave the post and organise free and fair elections...:rofl::rofl::rofl
C'mon guys something specific... Everyone would like to make the world a better place, but lets jott down things they'd do different today. Right now.
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