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If I were Biden I give 1,000 Tomahawks to bomb Moscow from Kiev

Oct 15, 2017
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I didn't get the alert and I saw the thread title so came here. I want to ask, why do you want to bomb Moscow ? You want Moscow to flatten Kiev ?

That is your depraved fantasy, only godless people such as yourself would think like that.

Oh and if America ever did that sort of thing, expect Washington DC to be obliterated by Avanguard, Sarmat nuke tipped missiles.

Those who choose war, are demons, not humans. And before ignorant buffoons start pointing the finger at Russia for starting a war in Ukraine, let me remind such rat-heads that Russia sought a peaceful settlement for Ukraine-Donbass for 8 years. In those 8 years, it was Ukraine that indiscriminately bombed and shelled Donbass, killing thousands of innocent Russian Speaking Ukrainians.

Its brain dead people such as yourself that ought to be castrated and shipped to mars, one way trip.
Both have degenerative mental health.

If anyone here is a student of strategic management, he knows how to make a strategy. SWOT analysis is a very important component of strategy making. If you device a plan without considering your strength and make a strategy as if you are much stronger than what actually you are, it will back fire. The impulsive innocent guy like our dear @Tai Hai Chen can not understand this. There are some people who are emotion driven.
Thats is because though biden is a moron but u are an even bigger one, infact ive hardly seen anyone that can rival ur stupidity.
Western nations would have large numbers of Harpoons, Exocet, Otomat, RBS15 missiles in their inventory as reserves.

Provide those to Ukraine and provide intelligence about the presence of ships, submarines etc.

That would be easy and more effective.

We should have given your dad a thousand condoms pal

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