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If I was President / PM of Pakistan


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
I would:

A1. Take assertive steps in tackling radicalism, terrorism and religious extremism at its core with no mercy spared for miscreants.
1. Introduce land and farming reforms
2. Ban all political parties using religious or ethinic cards
3. Reform constitution to be more secular and minority friendly
4. End the role of religion in state affairs
5. Ban Moulvis from holding political power.
6. Move Pakistan closer to Central Asia, China, Russia, Turkey, Iran and reduce dependence on Arabis.
7. Forge solid but neutral ties with USA and EU.
8. Pass legislations to formally recognise Israel and denounce any cause of Jihad associated with Palestine or Arabs. This alone would solve 50% of homegrown jihad mania.
9. Take an assertive stance towards Indian ambitions.
10. Press for solid steps on Kashmir cause resolution.
11. Legislate for FDI and ToT as well training of Pakistani manpower.
12. Launch economic oppurtunity cities and invite forgien tech and industrial gaints to establish presence at favourable terms upto 40 years.
13. Upgrade the level of education and provide value to R/D over religious indoctrination.
14. Open more universities and colleges with forgien partnership.
15. Legislate a balanced developments programs for all proviences.
16. Invite Pakistani disporsa in forgien countries to make valuable contributions.
17. Make "compulsary" basic religious education about all major religions practiced in Pakistan at intermediate level. This would stop people turning bigots against each other in the name of religon.
18. Banish all forms of religious symbolism especially beard and black burqa. While many will want to fry me, this is strong political implications on nation mindset over long term
19. Licensing scheme for all religious institutions and places of worship. A moulvi / bishop / pandit should posses minimum bachelors degree and pass a five year course from state sanctioned institution before being licensed to address religious issues.
20. Anyone caught distribution no approved religious literature shall face the bars for 20 years.
21. A national student consulative body whose concerns will always be addressed before taking part in any major or international political event. This would make the students part of country transformation and its politics.
22. Restricting the Army to the barracks and introducing National guard forces to act in event of renegade millitary general itching for his share "mere aziz hum watano" speech.
23. Asserting Pakistan as a strong player in Central Asia as well Middle East which is respected for his achivements and not for being a hub of jehadis or protection to despotic royal families.
24. A powerful state police and judicary with the right to try renegade millitary generals, politicians and bearucracy.
25. And last but not least a state political science university for training of next generation politicians so they can serve the nation not loot its wealth.

Share your goals and thoughts and dont turn it into an election campaign!
If i get a chance to rule Pakistan, my first step would be to authorize the construction of dams/water reservoirs.
Nice list. Do you also have a road map to achieve any or all of these? Btw, what prevents you from becoming the PM of Pakistan? Anyone should be able to get to that position in a democracy right?
somebozo, I'd vote for but you seem to be taking a bit too extreme approach for some of the problems. Yes, there is a religious education problem but having the government approve of all religious literature is a bad idea; it goes against freedom of religion. Same thing with compulsory religious education, even if it's for all religion.

I really like how you want closer ties with Central Asia, but you seem to ignore the drone attack issue and another big one: Afhganistan.

Besides that, I say you'd have my vote.
Nice list. Do you also have a road map to achieve any or all of these? Btw, what prevents you from becoming the PM of Pakistan? Anyone should be able to get to that position in a democracy right?

because all the elections of pakistan with an exception of 1970 are jaali or rigged.

Do not flame me, I am only re-stating what Imran Khan had repeated a gazillion times.
because all the elections of pakistan with an exception of 1970 are jaali or rigged.

Do not flame me, I am only re-stating what Imran Khan had repeated a gazillion times.

1970 elections were the mother of all rigging elections hence cannot be detected :partay:

somebozo, I'd vote for but you seem to be taking a bit too extreme approach for some of the problems. Yes, there is a religious education problem but having the government approve of all religious literature is a bad idea; it goes against freedom of religion. Same thing with compulsory religious education, even if it's for all religion.

I really like how you want closer ties with Central Asia, but you seem to ignore the drone attack issue and another big one: Afhganistan.

Besides that, I say you'd have my vote.

You can please some people all the time, all the people some of the time but cannot please all people all the time. There are always tradeoff there is no "perfection" in politicians. Atleast my list doesnt look like that that of a salesman with financial target to achieve. :pakistan:

Its our own created mess in persuit of cornering india. Now the evil has back fired in class sence

Central Asia:
It was comfortably in our team until the horribly gone wrong experiment of Afghanistan. It actually scared the living daylights of otherwise peaceful nomadic people of Central Asia and since then they have been perusing close releations with India and Iran while totally blinded to Pakistan as an epicenter of all evil / destruction. The central asians do not suscribe to the though of being in US camp, brotherhood jihad and rubbish as such. We fail to capitalise on the fact that our campaign in Afghanistan is directly releated to liberation of Central Asian republics today from Soviet irongrip.

And lets not forget being party to Arabi bigotry of propogating sunni supermacist idealogies which does not sit well with majority Shia or liberal minded central asians.

Many countries in the world including our favourite Arabi brothers maintain iron grip over religions and nobody seems to have a problem with that. Why cant we implement the same in Pakistan but in a positive way of brining all religious groups together rather than the bigoted arabi way of "kill all so muslims can rise"?? Ever wonder they their frustated wahabi youth has to come to Pakistan for blowing themselves up or teaching others to blow themselves up which none would dare such acrobatics in their own homeland. Arabis have a silent unwritten rule. If you are a terrorist, then all your family members are and they should be with jail time. So as soon someone falls out of line for some mullah love the family members unite and report him to concern authorities.

it goes against freedom of religion. Same thing with compulsory religious education, even if it's for all religion.
This is to corner popular rumors spread by jahel moulvis in our society which form the basis of religious extremism, brotherhood jehad and rubbish like that. I will serve a small example below.

- jews feed on blood of muslims / arabs
- one cannot be muslims until he loves the arabs and hate the jews
- Shia's do black magic on sunni children
- Shia's spit in drinks before serving them to sunnis
- It is permissible for muslim to take an "infidel" woman as a slave or have forced s_x with her
- dehumanizing "infidels" is a duty.
- Its ok to blow bombs to force government into accecpting "islamist" demands.
- waging jihad is duty of every muslim. One who die without taking part in jihad will go to hell.

These kind of preceptions especially those against religious minorities can only be solved when people have balanced insights into others religions. We proudly stick a think islamiat book at every grade of schooling so why not make that book little thickers with matter which actually makes sense??

Stupid pakistani politicans do not understand the importance of a country located at such cross road and only busy in play ethinic / religious democracy sports.
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The day that you do decide to come to this humble country and present your list. You will be called Kafir and shot and lynched on the streets.. probably by your neighbors first. That is the big "IF" you decide to come. Talk is cheap and we get it all the time around here. All in all in a fantasy role setting your goals are to the point and are the things that are needed in the next 10 years for this country to join the world once again.
Pakistan's problem stem from its very origin, identity of Pakistan has never been clear no consensus been developed as to the purpose of Pakistan.

Oppose to the 'Islam as uniting factor' agenda, Yes to the 'Pakistani as uniting factor'.

Textbook reform is long overdue, present less paranoid state sponsered historical narrative to Pakistani children.

Rebuild brand Pakistan.
education .. education and education my priorities in a country where the demo-cratic government is spending billions on security of morally deprived 'leaders' but the already peanuts budget of HEC has been further cut.
Mostly crapy suggetion. You can not hold to power with this list for more than a week.

I can estimate your age and intelactual caliber hence you are excused.
Below I post picture of some ideals candidates you may like to vote for.

Appologies in advance for lack of identification.

Islam as a uniting factor can only stand temporary during times of crisis but on the long term its always an identity associated with pride which prevails.
Actually, its really confusing whom to blame....I will not be wrong if I say the population in pakistan is very religious, and the the sense of being a Muslim prevails before being a pakistani...but agains thats where the problem also lies....terrorist use the religious sentiments, corrupt political leaders use the same religious sentiments for their vote,and other examples..thus a cyccle is created.

the solution lies in education for example : education in few pakistanis have lead them to discuss matters over internet and think whats good and bad for their country...they know that,whats going on is a not correct, but many other less educated population fail to do so and selct the wrong leaders...so education to all means, evryone will be able to select whats good for the country.

Thep roblem in pakistan has escalated to such heights that no shortcuts can help or no quick fix solution is available except for lonng run solution of education. hope people dont take me wrong here.
And you also forget the modern so called Islam has more to do with politics, handouts, money and power than personal issue of religion.
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