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If Christians continue to grow, theywill outnumber us by 2100, saysMuslim group

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Much of my work is in solid-state physics.

Still have no idea what you were saying :P
i meant that religion told us that god caused rain but thanks to newton we could figure out that it was the energy from sun that caused the evaporation of water from the oceans and clouds formed and winds were caused by the energy from sun as well. so it was the energy from sun that caused rain not god. and if we ask where did sun come from then we know that matter in star dust came together because of gravitation and under pressure nuclear fusion started. if then we ask about star dust, it came from death of previous stars. So every things that happens has behind it a chain of cause and effect and it all leads back to the big bang. So church took the position that god created the universe and then distanced himself from it. the idea that god makes everything happen in this universe was proved wrong.
Again which book and which heart are we talking about ???? Show me statistics las ttme i checked the Number of followers of monolithic religions i increasing

God doesn't need to come to earth to cure the diseases he has give you tools and mind to find the solution. Science cannot answer many questions ... But i do believe in science ... As a muslim I will use science to solve the riddles Allah has put infront of us.
You need to use science and your son needs more of it and your grandson will need furthermore ..by that time he will have more faith in einstine then a religious mulla ..but the situation was not same in your grandfathers time ...As i said Allah will survive but religion wont..
This is all religious people care about, it's a shame. Spirituality and minding your own business is not as important as petty differences and petty issues.
We are not like some people who are wannabe Arabs and consider anything Arabic to be the epitome of human civilization!

But i thought Jesus was an Arab & the epitome of human civilization ?
You need to use science and your son needs more of it and your grandson will need furthermore ..by that time he will have more faith in einstine then a religious mulla ..but the situation was not same in your grandfathers time ...As i said Allah will survive but religion wont..

Or simply both things go hand in hand. religion never said that you stop exploring the earth or secrets of Allah or stop making progress. Its up to you what you do with your life. If you dont believe in after life you are most welcome to do what ever you want. Science never said for stop raping, killings but religion did.

I choose both science and religion. People say that their will be no religion what you guys dont know is whether you will be in this world in next second or will be just another dead meat.

Over and out.
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This is the century of education. Within 100 years education will become common. Everyone will be educated. Everyone will know what newton uncovered. He basically disproved the religious explanations of this world. People understood that things moved when an agent acted on them. and that agent was called god. but newton proved that things happened because of energy and energy stays constant. there is no god just energy. then as existence of god was disproved clergy came up with the idea of prime mover. they accepted that they was no one behind the happenings of this world but said that god was the one who started this all. he made the first chip fall and then all happened by itself. but anyhow the explanation of this world given by religions was proved wrong. By 2100 everyone will come to know that.
i meant that religion told us that god caused rain but thanks to newton we could figure out that it was the energy from sun that caused the evaporation of water from the oceans and clouds formed and winds were caused by the energy from sun as well. so it was the energy from sun that caused rain not god. and if we ask where did sun come from then we know that matter in star dust came together because of gravitation and under pressure nuclear fusion started. if then we ask about star dust, it came from death of previous stars. So every things that happens has behind it a chain of cause and effect and it all leads back to the big bang. So church took the position that god created the universe and then distanced himself from it. the idea that god makes everything happen in this universe was proved wrong.

Interesting points, except for the fact that Newton believed in God or a divine entity. He supposedly wrote this:

"Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done."

It's strange why you would use Newton to argue for your case. Perhaps Stephen Hawking would have been a better example?
Thats good for malaysia.
The 2 east malaysian provinces of sabah and sarawak on the borneo island has been Christian majority since long times. The penang province is chinese majority. If the malays had not kicked out singapore from the federation, Malaysia would have over 50% population who are nonmuslim.
But i thought Jesus was an Arab & the epitome of human civilization ?

Jesus was a Jew. He was for humanity. He did not say that Jew or Arabs are the only civilized people in the world. Neither Christians are wannabe Jews or Europeans.

A an Indian Christian, I am very proud of my country's rich culture. Our prayers methods and way of living are fully Indianized. You cant differentiate a Hindu from a Christian in India.
Christians always follow the tradition of their native country. You must be surprised, we sing bhajans, hymns and qawwalis in Churches. Any music which help us connect to God. Its not just carols.

Well I am of Arab Descent. You can't call me a wannabe Arab :D

I know 99.99% Pakistanis are "Arab Descent" :chilli:
Christianity had nothing to do with the white man in the begining. Now even the brown Jesus is being portayed as A Blonde white guy with green eyes.

FYI nowhere in the world non-white Christians are being treated equally as the white Christians. Not even in the West :D

Tell a lot, doesn't it? Sorry to burst your bubble sweety.
shut up.. stop making fun of jesus... @Horus @Oscar @WebMaster..
I read Anglican "pope" is skeptical about the existence of "God".
A an Indian Christian, I am very proud of my country's rich culture. Our prayers methods and way of living are fully Indianized. You cant differentiate a Hindu from a Christian in India.
Christians always follow the tradition of their native country. You must be surprised, we sing bhajans, hymns and qawwalis in Churches. Any music which help us connect to God. Its not just carols.
:rolleyes: Well, that IS the problem. however Christian groups appease, plead act as Hindu, You are not included by Sanghparivar as sons of the soil. only those who are born as Hindus, Boudh, Sikh, Jain owns Bharat. rest lost their rights, after converting to Videshi religions.
As per RSS, Incultarization is wrong. @wolfschanzze -- please shower your blessing(RSS gaali) to the adharmi's.
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says the indo european speaker...

I love your posting white man! :D
Sanskrit, from which most north Indian languages are derived from, is a actually an indo-European language.. so, in a way, when you say indian as indo-European speaker, you could actually be correct.
Or simply both things go hand in hand. religion never said that you stop exploring the earth or secrets of Allah or stop making progress. Its up to you what you do with your life. If you dont believe in after life you are most welcome to do what ever you want. Science never said for stop raping, killings but religion did.

I choose both science and religion. People say that their will be no religion what you guys dont know is whether you will be in this world in next second or will be just another dead meat.

Over and out.

If you need science to understand not to rape , that is stupid to say the least . Secondly Morality ka theka religion ke paas nae hai . You can be moral and an atheist or baby raping mullah/presit/pandit studying religion and preaching it rest of your life .
Christianity is a dead religion globally anyways, specially in West. Anyone with random believes and know how of Jesus is regarded as "Christian"....lol

Islam is the largest practiced faith of humanity, Mashallah...

On topic though: Malaysia was 49% Christian in 1990. Today, its 60% ...Mashallah..and the percentage will only increase in coming decades--Inshallah.

Thats good for malaysia.

Why is it good for Malaysia?
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