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If Christians continue to grow, theywill outnumber us by 2100, saysMuslim group

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Still you didnt explain. I mean HOW, on what basis you said that. Did you checked using crystal ball or messenger of youtube told you.
This is the century of education. Within 100 years education will become common. Everyone will be educated. Everyone will know what newton uncovered. He basically disproved the religious explanations of this world. People understood that things moved when an agent acted on them. and that agent was called god. but newton proved that things happened because of energy and energy stays constant. there is no god just energy. then as existence of god was disproved clergy came up with the idea of prime mover. they accepted that they was no one behind the happenings of this world but said that god was the one who started this all. he made the first chip fall and then all happened by itself. but anyhow the explanation of this world given by religions was proved wrong. By 2100 everyone will come to know that.
Modern Christianity is nothing slavery of the white man. They will destroy your culture,country and religion, if they become too much powerful.

A great example South and North-east India.

What is wrong in South and North East India? ....How many christian people you interacted..Bad people does not have any religion...If you go by same logic you will find the same in Muslims too..That does not mean Muslim religion is issue..It is the issue with people itself...
Stop talking from you butt. I am a South Indian Christian and I can vouch for the fact that my religion has got nothing to do with White Man.
Christianity had nothing to do with the white man in the begining. Now even the brown Jesus is being portayed as A Blonde white guy with green eyes.

FYI nowhere in the world non-white Christians are being treated equally as the white Christians. Not even in the West :D

Tell a lot, doesn't it? Sorry to burst your bubble sweety.
This is the century of education. Within 100 years education will become common. Everyone will be educated. Everyone will know what newton uncovered. He basically disproved the religious explanations of this world. People understood that things moved when an agent acted on them. and that agent was called god. but newton proved that things happened because of energy and energy stays constant. there is no god just energy. then as existence of god was disproved clergy came up with the idea of prime mover. they accepted that they was no one behind the happenings of this world but said that god was the one who started this all. he made the first chip fall and then all happened by itself. but anyhow the explanation of this world given by religions was proved wrong. By 2100 everyone will come to know that.

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm going to like your post anyway.
It is a hidden fact that the fastest growing religion currently is a new religion called WOPW. Mainstream religions are hiding this fact due to their fear of losing numbers. In fact, many believe that ISIS is playing the Islamic card to recruit but Al Baghdadi is in fact a devout WOPW and that the current Pope is secretly a member of WOPW :undecided:. @seiko is one of the members of this forum who has contemplated abandoning Christianity for WOPW. We had a lengthy discussion about it. Members of this religion WOPW claim to have seen miracles after they joined
North East India was not in good terms with GOI. It was not because of religion but due to the fact that they were not considered important part of mainstream India. They were and are still called chinkis, chinese etc.

Hopefully situation will change for better soon.
Sponsored by Christian church.

Christianity is a world religion and people of all races throughout the world are Christians.
We are not like some people who are wannabe Arabs and consider anything Arabic to be the epitome of human civilization!
Well I am of Arab Descent. You can't call me a wannabe Arab :D
I will convert to any religion, if they sponsor me considerable amount :sarcastic:
It is a hidden fact that the fastest growing religion currently is a new religion called WOPW. Mainstream religions are hiding this fact due to their fear of losing numbers. In fact, many believe that ISIS is playing the Islamic card to recruit but Al Baghdadi is in fact a devout WOPW and that the current Pope is secretly a member of WOPW :undecided:. @seiko is one of the members of this forum who has contemplated abandoning Christianity for WOPW. We had a lengthy discussion about it. Members of this religion WOPW claim to have seen miracles after they joined


2014- We are outnumbered by Christianity- so?-

2014- We are outnumbered by Christianity- so?-

Worship of PlanetWarrior. (WOPW)

Let me know should you wish to join. I will email you the membership form together with banking details for annual subscription membership :dirol::welcome::omghaha::omghaha:
Care to explain, or you saying because you just want to increase post count .......
All religion based socities are dyeing a slow death just because they confine humans to set of beliefs and no hope for modification according to time ...truth always prevails ...and you cant confine it in a basket ..If God can cure a polio patient or AIDS patient people can believe in his power but no solution is somewhere in science ..Fire can drive wild animals away ...true but it doesnt mean you should always use fire to drive away animals ..As time changes your mind too need a change if not survival of fittest theory applies ..Developing mind always search for something devine inside and if given freedom and time will bloom in to a charecter which can sustain itself in its present environment but religions best factories to create identical human souls will create a charecter in its restriction who is very well suited to survive in mideval time ..religion will became a formality in future ..
He probably has a book that told him that, and he believes with all his heart.

Again which book and which heart are we talking about ???? Show me statistics las ttme i checked the Number of followers of monolithic religions i increasing

All religion based socities are dyeing a slow death just because they confine humans to set of beliefs and no hope for modification according to time ...truth always prevails ...and you cant confine it in a basket ..If God can cure a polio patient or AIDS patient people can believe in his power but no solution is somewhere in science ..Fire can drive wild animals away ...true but it doesnt mean you should always use fire to drive away animals ..As time changes your mind too need a change if not survival of fittest theory applies ..Developing mind always search for something devine inside and if given freedom and time will bloom in to a charecter which can sustain itself in its present environment but religions best factories to create identical human souls will create a charecter in its restriction who is very well suited to survive in mideval time ..religion will became a formality in future ..

God doesn't need to come to earth to cure the diseases he has give you tools and mind to find the solution. Science cannot answer many questions ... But i do believe in science ... As a muslim I will use science to solve the riddles Allah has put infront of us.
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