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If China wants to rule the waves

Abdi-Karim Elmi

Jul 15, 2012
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it sould have New sub with 100+ Cruise missile like the virgina class. It can devestate a South east asian nation like Vietnam and Phillipines. China should have 30 Type 52D with new K class ABM, 50 new 12,000 class Ships with Space warfare systems and 69 Nuclear subs and a DF-21 missile on board a Distroyer (Naval version). Plus 300 J-20 for naval Patrol under PLAAF command and Four Carriers in the future.

From other post:

1. China's Type 054A has a very powerful engine and modern long-range radar in comparison to a tiny Vietnamese corvette. It can detect and destroy a corvette beyond the range of a tiny corvette's short-range antiquated radar.

2. China's Type 054A has a 32-cell VLS (vertical launch system) that carries HQ-16 missiles, which are equivalent to American SM-2 missiles.

3. China's Type 054A has two Type 730 CIWS (close-in weapon system) for short-range defense.
this is too much```lol, probably will cost trillions to have that``not including maintainance
China's Naval capabilities should only limited to:

1) Protect our sovereignty from seaward incursions and invasions.

2) Protect our commercial sea lanes and assets.

3) Protect and evacuate our nationals in foreign countries after diplomacy failed.

All preparations of naval hardware and personnel should gear toward the above three aims, nothing more and nothing less.
China's Naval capabilities should only limited to:

1) Protect our sovereignty from seaward incursions and invasions.

2) Protect our commercial sea lanes and assets.

3) Protect and evacuate our nationals in foreign countries after diplomacy failed.

All preparations of naval hardware and personnel should gear toward the above three aims, nothing more and nothing less.

Same happened with America in the 1909s.. Isolationism despite being second largest eonomy after the UK. Whether you like it or not, China's GDP will supasse america and would increase per capita income. It is hard being stuck in the west pacific when the burden and responsibilty of the world economy falls onto Shanghi from Wall street.
it sould have New sub with 100+ Cruise missile like the virgina class. It can devestate a South east asian nation like Vietnam and Phillipines. China should have 30 Type 52D with new K class ABM, 50 new 12,000 class Ships with Space warfare systems and 69 Nuclear subs and a DF-21 missile on board a Distroyer (Naval version). Plus 300 J-20 for naval Patrol under PLAAF command and Four Carriers in the future.

From other post:

1. China's Type 054A has a very powerful engine and modern long-range radar in comparison to a tiny Vietnamese corvette. It can detect and destroy a corvette beyond the range of a tiny corvette's short-range antiquated radar.

2. China's Type 054A has a 32-cell VLS (vertical launch system) that carries HQ-16 missiles, which are equivalent to American SM-2 missiles.

3. China's Type 054A has two Type 730 CIWS (close-in weapon system) for short-range defense.

Lol you gave too much credit to China, Vietnamese will hate you to core for insulting Vetnamese powerfull corvette arming with brahmo, these people have defeated PLA in 1979, we ran with tail between the legs...even us the evil chinese dare not to speak out loud against our powefull southern state neighbor.
Same happened with America in the 1909s.. Isolationism despite being second largest eonomy after the UK. Whether you like it or not, China's GDP will supasse america and would increase per capita income. It is hard being stuck in the west pacific when the burden and responsibilty of the world economy falls onto Shanghi from Wall street.

There's nowhere I mentioned that China should isolated herself and in fact I think China should step up further into the international arena as her economy improved. With the potential to be the biggest consumer market in the world other nations will court her like a prom queen so the opposite will happened. Whether she can surpass the US in economic production or not is hard to predict because many intangibles can happen and they usually do happen.

My argument is China should not spend more than necessary in terms of offensive capabilities. Resources saved can be spend on other areas. Although many would disagree with me but China, historically, was not a country who extended her power beyond her own domain.
I want a global pax sinica.

That's a pretty hard thing to do. Unfortunately, the historical sea-faring powers with the greatest navies in the world: Britain, Spain, France, Japan and now the US all have things which China now lacks.

They have a combination of the following:
1) Friendly neighbours that don't oppose the country's naval supremacy.

2) A strong maritime tradition.

3) Has a large coastline bordering an open ocean.

4) Modernized Naval Technology.

The French got by with its historical alliance with Spain (minus the 30 year war) against the British. China doesn't have an alliance yet with a nearby power that can also support a strong navy. Instead, neighbouring countries will react and indeed already have, in response to the ongoing Chinese naval modernization.

Imperial Chinese fleets were historically the largest and most powerful but had fallen behind technologically by the Qing Dynasty.
it sould have New sub with 100+ Cruise missile like the virgina class. It can devestate a South east asian nation like Vietnam and Phillipines.
There is no submarine on Earth, nuclear or otherwise that can carry 100+ cruise missiles! One of the most powerful submarines, the Virginia class submarine has just 12×VLS (BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles) tubes & 4×533mm torpedo tubes (Mk-48 torpedo).

In other words it can carry a max of up to 38x torpedoes & missiles. Or 24 cruise missiles and 12 torpedoes. And 24 cruise missiles cannot destroy a country the size of Vietnam! Period!
China's Naval capabilities should only limited to:

1) Protect our sovereignty from seaward incursions and invasions.

2) Protect our commercial sea lanes and assets.

3) Protect and evacuate our nationals in foreign countries after diplomacy failed.

All preparations of naval hardware and personnel should gear toward the above three aims, nothing more and nothing less.

This kind of coward mentality would surely lead china to the death like what shameless song dynasty had faced.
There is no submarine on Earth, nuclear or otherwise that can carry 100+ cruise missiles! One of the most powerful submarines, the Virginia class submarine has just 12×VLS (BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles) tubes & 4×533mm torpedo tubes (Mk-48 torpedo).

In other words it can carry a max of up to 38x torpedoes & missiles. Or 24 cruise missiles and 12 torpedoes. And 24 cruise missiles cannot destroy a country the size of Vietnam! Period!

United States refit Ohio-class nuclear submarine, each nuclear submarines able to carry 154 cruise missiles
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