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IF china has full southasia then what india has?

HAHAHA Kid dont try to be over smart here.

To reply all yr bold part i have simple line......I dont speak for myself individually but for my country and my Nation.
I use the word ''WE'', ''OURS'' not "I'', ''MINE'' etc.
Now i atleast trust u to know the difference b/w i, we, mine and ours etc.
I dont get personal with anyone as everybody has its individual thinking and that should be respected.
Thats the exact reason why i use the words for u people or yrs Country/Gov as ''THEY'', ''THEM''.
So i think this should clear that i dont talk in individual basis about my country and even about yr country as well.
I may be trying to debate u personal basis but see what i write,ie i talk collectively not individually and i aspect u to be the same and answer me on the same basis.
So yr reply in the bolded part in my quote is totally reject-able.
As u r trying to show there as i speak for myself only!!!!
I think now atleast i can assue that, after clearing the 'air and confusion' in yr mind i should aspect u a better reply.

PS. This is NOT a public/civilian forum. This is Pakistan Military Forum for Pak people!!!
I mean Indians, this is the same Military whom u consider as yr enemy and blame everything/evil in yr Country our this very Military and its Intelligence, but still love to join its Military Forums, WOW now that is! ''EXTRAORDINARY''

This is Pakistan Military Forum for Pak people!!!
I mean Indians, this is the same Military whom u consider as yr enemy and blame everything/evil in yr Country our this very Military and its Intelligence, but still love to join its Military Forums, WOW now that is! ''EXTRAORDINARY''

Cool down buddy, we have nothing against you per se. With both of us becoming Nuclear Powers, we're not gonna go to war anytime soon. Both Pakistanis and Indians need to understand that what is good for one is not automatically verboten for the other.

HAHAHA Kid dont try to be over smart here.

To reply all yr bold part i have simple line......I dont speak for myself individually but for my country and my Nation.
I use the word ''WE'', ''OURS'' not "I'', ''MINE'' etc.
Now i atleast trust u to know the difference b/w i, we, mine and ours etc.
I dont get personal with anyone as everybody has its individual thinking and that should be respected.
Thats the exact reason why i use these words for u people and yrs Country/Gov as ''THEY'', ''THEM''.
So i think this should clear that i dont talk in individual basis about my country and even about yr country as well.
I may be trying to debate u on personal basis but see what i write,ie i talk collectively not individually and i expect u to be same and answer me on the same basis.
So yr reply in the bolded part in my quote is totally reject-able, because u were trying to show that as if i speak for myself only!!!!
I think now atleast i can assume that, after clearing the 'air and confusion' in yr mind i should expect u a better reply.

PS. This is NOT a public/civilian forum. This is Pakistan Military Forum for Pak people!!!
I mean Indians, this is the same Military whom u consider as yr enemy and blame everything/evil in yr Country our this very Military and its Intelligence, but still love to join its Military Forums, WOW now that is! ''EXTRAORDINARY''

Now i can see a little more matured guy talking to me ( thanks for dropping that childish attitude)... and i really appriciate that.... But having said that..i only speak for myself as i am an individual in india and i am only one out of 1.2 billion... so i dont represent india or i dont speak on behalf of india.. but what i speak here is my individual views... thats how democracy in india works.. we have leaders to speak on behalf of ourselves... now if you try to represent pakistan and try to speak on behalf of pakistan.... you can keep trying that... but taking your views on it is upto me... (now again its my views)... so i will keep debating on a personal basis as long as im an individual and not a elected representative... Now you expect to discuss with somebody who speak on behalf of india all the best for your seach and please spare me.....

Now what you find ordinary and extra ordinary is on your own views... I have no problem with that...

Now let me stop this discussion with this following line..

I have no intention to involve in any kind of argument as i feel its waste of time... and i dont have that with me... Now you can take the last call... As you are the boss here... :P
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