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If Arabs can be unified into one country, Where will their capital city?

Not only is the most intellectual of all Arab cities but is also geographically almost central.
So...will pakistan be a part of this "United Arab land" ??? :P

As most of the pakistani members here are more Arabs than Arabs..:cheesy:
Jerusalem? :what: It is Israeli city.

Spoke like a true Israeli friend!

Even in Israel there is now growing consensus that E. Jerusalem will be part of the future state of Palestine. They are now quibling over the size of Settlements, the land-swap scenarios, the refugees, the tunnel to Gaza from W. Bank.

Have some honor man! You hate Pakistan (and perhaps Muslims) so much that you just even just causes.

PS. As to those saying Pakistanis consider themselves Arab, well, there is a great natural affinity because of religion but when it comes down to it, Pakistan is a South Asian nation and that shows in culture quite clearly. That damned Zia ul Haq thought of making Arabic as the national language but that did not go very far.
There were already attempts to unite Arabs under one political system and loose federations but it didnt' work out too well. You can google United Arab Republic and check out its history. Pan-Arabism was at its peak under Gamal Abdel Nasser and had a leftist streak, but after his assasination it just fell apart.

The Arab League is still an interesting institution that ties Arab countries together. With the Arab League HQ is Cairo. So if you consider Arab League as a loosely unified coalition ofArab states, then the "capital" is already in Cairo.
Its impossible :( to many vested interests.....
well that depends which group will dominate and lead, if its from arabia, so Jadah maybe, if its from Egypt, Cairo, and so on.
Spoke like a true Israeli friend!

Even in Israel there is now growing consensus that E. Jerusalem will be part of the future state of Palestine. They are now quibling over the size of Settlements, the land-swap scenarios, the refugees, the tunnel to Gaza from W. Bank.

Have some honor man! You hate Pakistan (and perhaps Muslims) so much that you just even just causes.

PS. As to those saying Pakistanis consider themselves Arab, well, there is a great natural affinity because of religion but when it comes down to it, Pakistan is a South Asian nation and that shows in culture quite clearly. That damned Zia ul Haq thought of making Arabic as the national language but that did not go very far.

The need for this ?

What is honorable to you will be unhonorable to me and vice versa. There is no universal definition of honor.

Every nation looks towards its interests and if supporting Israel is one such thing, why not ? There is nothing unhonorable in that.
Baghdad or Damascus but Arabs getting unified lmaoooo thats jokes.
Baghdad or Damascus but Arabs getting unified lmaoooo thats jokes.

if france germany and england can be friends, why cant ArabS?

you seem to underestimate unifying forces. which is not a healthy exercise.
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